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Horatio Culver

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Status Updates posted by Horatio Culver

  1. AshuraDX is working on my model request! Wow!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AshuraDX


      dude it's just some frankensteining to do ;) so it's not really a lot of work

    3. Horatio Culver

      Horatio Culver

      It's just that my model request was taken by, in my opinion, one the best modelers I could get. I doubted someone would actually accept the request, let alone someone as talented as you! I can't wait to see the result!


      By the way, we're free to use Shiftee's Trandoshan now. He just gave permission.

    4. AshuraDX


      yup seen it , I might start with the rodians later today and slowly finish the pack during the week

  2. I've been listening to the Ewoks Theme song (

    ) for at least an hour now on loop. I think I'm going inasne.
    1. AshuraDX


      yep... I'd have gone insane after listening to that stuff for an hour

    2. Horatio Culver

      Horatio Culver

      I was trying to see how long I could last.

  3. Empire at War modding is so easy compared to JKA modding. You don't have to work around all the code problems like in Jedi Academy.

    1. minilogoguy18


      RTS games get really old really fast though. JA modding is super easy btw compared to other games I've tried.

  4. The Whovian half of my brain has temporarily taken over.

  5. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars has temporarily taken over my life.

  6. No fro blo flo schno fro blo flo no fro blo flo schno fro blo flo

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