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Posts posted by Archangel35757

  1. I discovered I had created 3dsMax NoteTracks on the modified object (i.e., Modifier stack)... but my exporter code is expecting the NoteTracks to be on the base node... once I moved them to the base node, my NoteTracks exported and played correctly in the ROF file.


    So now, @@AshuraDX and I need to figure out two issues that I believe are game-code related bugs.


    (1) "sound" type notetracks do not get played correctly. Only footstep sound is briefly heard.

    (2) The ROF format supports multiple efx/sfx notetracks on a given frame. The game code loops thru and parses all notes specified to be played at a given frame-- however only the first note gets played the subsequent notes for that frame do not.

  2. It was my understanding that his importer script imported the bone files and played the animations correctly in 3dsMax. Is this not correct?


    If so then maybe he needs to reset transforms or something like that (@@Psyk0Sith). He then exports to XSI using the original Raven Max5 XSI exporter (as I understand). Maybe @@Asgarath83 should try exporting one animation and the root.max file using the Max2010 he has and my Max2010 dotXSI exporter. It is important to know how the transform matrices are oriented for the skeleton_root, etc. Because my exporter does a coordinate transformation from 3dsMax to Softimage. Such that if you look at the axis tripods in each program they would appear to match (albeit Max is +Z up and Softimage is +Y up). I suggest him to open his .XSI exported files in the XSIViewer I uploaded. Now back to mixing mortar for a shower pan...

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