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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian

  1. I like the spooky ghost. They are my friend.

  2. Honored to have two of my files featured!

  3. Thinking of doing a tutorial on texture baking and high poly to low poly in blender.combining these techniques will allow some great and optimised alternatives to porting as well as a gateway drug to modelling your own unique stuff :)

    1. AshuraDX


      It's not like tutorials on this didn't exist, they're not difficult to find either. Very few active posters here seem to be itnerested in taking any time to learn a new skill. More tutorials are always a good thing though, so go for it!

    2. Mandalorian


      Yeah I totally agree with your point. as I am learning more I think what took me so long to learn is the wealth of information without specifics until I've learned the terminology for what I am trying to do.These two techniques are a great way to go from someone who ports to someone who creates.I hope to encourage that for at least the goal of getting models released that have less ported content (just the texture) and optimised for jka.I am not the best but learning these two techniques...

    3. Mandalorian


      Has helped a lot as well as shader set up and making sure the seams are not to visible.

  4. May the 4th be with you.

  5. RIP Stephen Hawking.

  6. the other day watching ESB I noticed in the junk disposal room with the ugnaughts (where chewie recovers C-3PO) that there was droid identical to 4-LOM. If Boba fett took out Ig-88b maybe he got 4-LOM aswell.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Onysfx
    3. Mandalorian


      read that through and didn't find him being on bespin at that time.he was destroyed on gall, or did i miss it?


    4. Onysfx


      Ah I was mistaken, for some reason I thought he was on bespin. I think it was because when I first heard of it, it had a fan art picture of 4-lom being destroyed on what looked like cloud city.

  7. I hope for many more years for jkhub and the modding community and a big thanks to all the staff for keeping this site going for us! Happy new year :)

  8. Off to see The Last Jedi.Wish me luck lads and ladettes

    1. Fuse294


      Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

    2. Mandalorian


      Obi Wan... WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mandalorian


      no but i may make one. It does look funny around the eyes. I am not sure if it is the texture or the model.Probably both. Thanks guys for the feedback, I will work on it some more and maybe make a thread.

      It will just be an improved version of the existing model

    3. Seven


      Looks like Alden Ehrenreich tbh (the new Han actor)

    4. Mandalorian
  9. just figured out behaved and got a script running.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mandalorian


      hey man thanks a lot!

    3. IrocJeff


      no problem. if you need me to explain them send me a pm


    4. Mandalorian


      I think the most useful will be the moving models script when I start doing that I will probably pry you for info. Thanks again your jko mission was the best btw. Better than all the jka missions combined. I hope you make another one day.

  10. Finally have gotten the hang of rigging. took waaaay to long

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mandalorian


      Hey all good man, you did help :) I will definitely,thanks. XSI is not my strong suite.

    3. swegmaster


      That Boba model looks epic, nice work Manda!

    4. Mandalorian


      It is from Force Arena, not my work, I just rigged and made some new textures and shaders.the ee3 is mine tho.

  11. I have to say I really think this is one of the best and most well put together forums I have been too. Thanks to the staff. i can see why It's growing, with great modders contributing. thanks guys and gals.

    1. Onysfx


      For the most part we all get along, unlike some forums I've seen lol.

    2. Cerez


      I pity the people on those forums. I would have to agree with you, Mandalorian. It's not only extremely functional, modern, and beautiful, but it also has a meaningful community of quality people, and a strong sense of belonging.

  12. Rest in peace Carrie Fisher. You will remembered fondly by millions, farewell

  13. Anyone familiar with SWBF2 rigging? softimage is giving me a headache.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      I wish the BFII engine source code was released. The Zero Engine is so limited.

    3. Mandalorian


      Yeah I am just getting into it.Tried years ago but could not figure it out for the life of me.

    4. minilogoguy18


      It's a much more complicated engine to mod. Mapping is easier but everything else is more difficult.

  14. Shout out to @Kualan for all of his help lately. Check out his amazing thread! https://jkhub.org/topic/4930-kualans-kitbash-workshop/

  15. Mixamo any good as a rigging tool for jka?

  16. Star wars live stream @ E3

    1. Onysfx


      Very nice. Lighting isn't the greatest, but I'm sure you know that. Coming along nicely (don't take my advice, I've never mapped before)

    2. Mandalorian


      thanks its my first youtube video so the quality is sucky. THe lighting is way better now and I have learnt a few more bits and peices.

  17. Doing some mapping, got to love skyportals.

  18. Hey the jkhub logo changed. Halloween?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CzarHellios


      I thought the sacrifice was a feature.


    3. Ping


      I really like the logo. Well done!

    4. Omicron
  19. Wow Star Wars rebels was actually pretty good. It felt more like Star Wars than the prequels.

    1. Onysfx


      Ima check it out later.

    2. Onysfx


      It was great, thanks xD.

  20. Back online and moved in to my new house.

    1. Bek
    2. therfiles


      Nice! Is it nice to be in a new space?

    3. Mandalorian


      Yeah it's good to have net again!


  21. Moving next few days so I'll be offline for a bit.

    1. therfiles


      Have fun! Hope it goes well.

    2. Mandalorian


      Thanks :) Will be good to be closer to civilisation.It's a five hour trip so I hope I sleep through it!

  22. Just made my first animation in blender! works way better than dragon

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mandalorian


      For blender that is.


    3. Dusty


      Is it really difficult to set up Blender for JA/JK2?

    4. Mandalorian


      not at all. you need mr.wonko's blender plugin suite. Blender 2.68a is the version you likely will need.

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