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Everything posted by Gnost

    Nice map to be your first one. WoW models included, I like it Keep doing this!
    Nice, just 5 years later but good functional map.
  1. This gametype is amazing, thanks for sharing!
  2. Thanks for reuploading this epic old map!
  3. Thanks for your fast reply @NAB622 I've decided to make a video so you can see the strange problem, if that could help. There you can see the parameters of the trigger, I'm not using anything but a very simple trigger linked to a target print, but this happens everytime I want to add a new trigger to my map. https://youtu.be/HtPUCxylUQs
  4. Good morning, I have a very strange problem in a map I'm working into. I'm at a point where it seems like when I create a new entitie like a trigger, it doesnt' work, and if I create it again it, this second trigger does work but all the NPCs of my map become intangible, and also the clients can't touch each other! The problem started when I duplicated a trigger_once that spawns a NPC. I discovered the problem and deleted both triggers, but now each time I want to create a new trigger I have this problem. Any clue of how to fix this? I already tried to copy-paste the entire map to another .map and it's still happening. In case you think it's an entity-limit-reached case, you can check my entities below:
  5. 211 downloads

    Map made by Gnost NPC scripting made by Nieris This is an immersive Star Wars challenge where you have to face 20 hordes to defend the academy. Supports FFA mode. Play it in cooperative mode with your friends for an epic experience. It starts automaticly after 30 seconds. Original event made for JoF. EternalJK client is recommended. Known bugs: if your server doesn't have a good NPC support, it may crash.
  6. Version 1


    Map made by Gnost Basically this is a huge spaceship racing map that allow max 6 players to spawn a jedi starfighter and race with it. It has 2 different circuits, a short (1min) and a long one (2min) that can be changed through a button. Supports FFA/TFFA modes. Known bugs: Sometimes after using a spaceship, player movement seems bugged. It can be fixed by using a spaceship again or just do /reconnect. Event example below: INTRODUCTION: We are going to have a funny afternoon racing with some Jedi Starfighters across a huge and tricky map. OBJECTIVE: Survive 3 laps and try to be the first one reaching the end!! RULES: -No shooting allowed -Don't crash into another ship on purpose -Boost is allowed (press the spacebar when boost is loaded) We are going to train a bit before start to familiarize yourself with the circuit. Then we are going to make rounds of 5/6 players per round. First 1 or 2* finishing 3 laps will pass to the final round. *It depends on the number of players attending. MAP: "jofracing" For advanced and beginner pilots! Enjoy.
  7. Version 2


    Map made by Gnost (all the games + teleports + functional parts of the map + lights) and Perso (main hall + trims + more lights) This is a map based on Squid Game TV series but some games have a twist and it works perfectly to host a multiplayer event. Original idea by JoF community. You can use it to host an event like below. Please contact me if you have any doubt. Welcome chosen ones. In this event you will have to put yourself to the test in order to survive each game. Completing a game will let you proceed towards the next game(s). Death means elimination from the game(s). Surviving is the key. (When you die you will be put into spectator mode) When the players arrived on the map they will gather up on the main hall as the host will give an explanation about the event. After the explanation they will continue and head towards the games. MAIN HALL You can find the order of the games below. GAME NUMBER ONE On the start of the first game each player should start by preparing themselves by making a horizontal line as everyone is standing next to each other. The objective is to get to the other side of the map without dying. The player can move if the doll says "Green Light" and stop when it says "Red Light". If a player moves when the doll is watching you will be eliminated or if the player does not cross the finish line within time limit, they will automatically get shot and eliminated from the game. - No jumping *For this game there is an admin room at the top of the main hall where the host should deactivate damage (green/yellow/red buttons) and activate it again (danger button) while playing* GAME NUMBER TWO The second game involves players attempting to cross two parallel bridges by jumping across tempered glass panels while avoiding weaker panes of regular glass. Those who land on a regular glass panel break through the pane and fall to their deaths from a high place, resulting in their elimination from the game. - Not any kind of attack is allowed. - No platform skipping. - Form a line and wait for your turn as you will be called out. GAME NUMBER THREE In this third game of the event you will be seperated into two teams. Each team will enter a room that is mirrored as you can see the other team as well. their objective is to climb this map as a team with some hard obstacles to overcome. The first team that reaches the top wins and can press a button which will fill the other team's room with lava and kills everyone. - Not any kind of attack is allowed even on teammates. - Be a teamplayer and give the ones who aren't good a helping hand. GAME NUMBER FOUR The objective in the fourth game is to throw your saber towards the board three times. The ones with the minimum score that is required will pass on to the grand finale (60 points for example). The ones who fall below the minimum score will be elimintated. In order to know where the person's saber is going you can check it on the live screen as it will show you where it will land. ''Be sure to turn off the saber when you think it's near your target on the board'' - Not any kind of attack is allowed on the other participants. - Saber Throw is allowed towards the board GAME NUMBER FIVE In the finale game of the Event the remaining players only have one task left. TaunTaun Ice LMS Last man Standing while riding a TaunTaun Each player will have to mount a TaunTaun and wait for the start signal. Once the game starts their objective is to kill the other ones with their saber and be the last remaining participant. !!BEWARE OF A SLIPPERY FLOOR!! - No A-D saber attack spam while engaging combat The last participant who remains alive will be the winner of the, JoF Squid Games Our event was a little bit different due to rules changing at last hour:
  8. Wait Force rage lvl 4 and 5? I thought there is only Mindtrick lvl5 which allows you to control a NPC, and the rest of the Force powers max lvl was 3. Nice topic!
  9. There is a problem with the crosshair when I try to aim another starfighter. It looks like there is a missing texture. I can show pics if needed.
  10. Version 2.0 of the map OVERVIEW: And how to make the jungle tasks:
  11. Yesterday we made some matches in old v1.0 and new v2.0 version. It was amazing!! Check it: v1.0 v2.0
  12. Star Wars Battle Arena Patch Notes v1.01: General notes: -New classes: Jedi and Sith (as "minions") with blue stance + jump level 2 + saber attack level 1. Role name: "Adept" Class updates: -Carry update: saber defense level 2 + blue and yellow stance allowed (the carry is an experienced saberist, he should know how to use each stance and also he has the high saber damage) -Ranged DPS update: lightning level 3 (level 2 deals about 5-6hp to 1 enemy, level 3 deals about 18-20hp to some enemies) -Ranged CC update: absorb level 3 + speed level 2 ("Force rage" deleted) Map updates: -Jungle entrances tasks are now blocked by triggers for the "minion" class (they should play only in through lanes) -Deleted 1 tauntaun for each jungle part (2 tauntaun left per jungle) + adding tauntaun rooms at both sides of the map (near the spawn points) which will be opened when jungle tasks are finished so people can take a tauntaun and take less time to reach the enemy tower/inhibitor (mid-late game). -More detailed map: WIP
  13. Let me add some information and tips before playing this MOBA, just to clarify some things or to hype yourself more about this event: -A MOBA is a strategic teamplay game so you want to ask for your partners by teamchat to help you defending/attacking towers, don't try to yolo it just act as a team. -You must respect your main lane but you can go to other lanes to help your teammates or even get into the jungle to heal yourself, take tauntauns, shield, etc... -[OPTIONAL FOR EVENT HOSTERS] There will be 1 captain per team who will pick the players from spectator and assign them a role/class. If you have any preferred role, ask for it! We will try to make some rounds so each player could play at least 2 complete games and try different roles if you want. Roles shouldn't be repeated as this is not a siege or tffa at all, each role has an important part in the game so we need you to pick different ones. It's fun to play different roles, I promise! -Strafe is not available as this is siege mode so best way to move faster is to move forward just using "W", and also taking tauntauns in the jungle. -Highly recommended using the command "/cg_drawteamoverlay 1" so you can see where are your teammates. Nieris has placed location points all over the map and they work excellent, also using the teamchat. Which lane should I play in? If you are CARRY or SUPPORT you will play in the LEFT LANE. The CARRY is the fastest class in speed terms, he also has the strongest lightsaber damage to deal with enemies and destroy towers very faster, but it's also the weakest class so the SUPPORT must protect him (by spamming team heal for example). Tomorrow I will upload a video about this so you can see how it works here You must face the enemy TANK (2vs1) I recommend you both to stay together. The SUPPORT can also restore force points for other teamates as he is the only class with fast force regeneration time, and it's the only class that can heal towers and inhibitors (very interesting). If you are RANGED CC or RANGED DPS you will play in the MID LANE. Fun to play for those who like Force powers, these classes are basically casters that may use the Force to destroy the enemy before attack their towers. They are also fast so they can move to other lane to help a teammate. You will face the enemy RANGED DPS and RANGED CC (2vs2) I recommend you to make a good teamplay to overcome the enemy and destroy the tower as soon as the defenses are deactivated by the jungler (you can try to destroy the tower before, it is possible but I wish you good luck). If your are the TANK you will play in the RIGHT LANE. The TANK is the slowest class but they could have 200hp and also protect and absorb. This class is using dual lightsaber. You must defend your towers from the enemy CARRY and SUPPORT (1vs2), hoping that the jungler could help you sometimes to destroy the enemy tower. I recommend to stay under tower to defend it and wait until the jungler deactivates the enemy Tower 1 defenses. If you are the JUNGLER you will play in the JUNGLE. There are 2 different jungles with some puzzles to solve. 50% of the game strategy is yours because the faster you complete the jungle tasks, the fast your team will have advantage as the enemy defenses will be deactivated so they can destroy the towers easily. I have to tell you that the jungle is not easy!! You must find 2 crystals in each jungle by completing some acrobatic trials or just pressing buttons (see the overview video for more information about the jungle). I recommend you to take care about your force points as you will have a slow force regeneration time so sometimes you will have to wait for them to be restored. Also try to jump always fom the edge just with "W" (not strafing) and roll if you fall (dmflags are on). Remember to help your teammates when you complete the jungle tasks!!
  14. INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the first MOBA Star Wars related ever. This is an ambitious project that Nieris and I have been working on since April 2020, and now it's finally done and playable. Those who have ever played a MOBA will know how it works more or less, but let me explain the objectives and show you the different classes and roles: OBJECTIVE: Both teams must destroy all the enemy towers and inhibitors to reach the Core, take its crystal, and place it in the middle of the map. MAP: The map is just like a mirror so both teams have the same pros and cons. It has 3 lanes, 4 jungles (2 for each team) and the "river path" that connects the middle of the map with all lanes and jungles. In each lane there are 2 towers and 1 inhibitor. The towers are being defended by invincible turrets and turbolasers. Take a look at the map: GAMEPLAY: This is a 6vs6 strategic game so we will make a few rounds of 15-20min/round so everybody can play at least twice. There are different classes and roles in this game and you must play as a team to reach the victory. Each class has different abilities and Force powers, your team must choose different classes, don't repeat them. Each role must play in a different lane so read the description and choose yours! Important: for those who are choosing the jungler role, they must know that it's a very important role because the jungler can deactivate the enemy defenses by finishing the jungle tasks. Take a look at the overview video if you want to play this role. It's important to know that strafe is banned here as the gametype is based on siege, so you need to jump close to the edge just using "W" + jump. Don't try to strafe nor using "WA" or "WD" because you will fail all the acrobatic tasks. Try to complete both jungles in order to help your team destroying the towers before the enemy does. CLASSES/ROLES: CARRY SUPPORT RANGED CC RANGED DPS TANK JUNGLER MOBA TWISTS (for those who has player another MOBA before): -There are no minions -You have to destroy all the towers and inhibitors -You don't have to destroy the Core as common MOBAs, you will just take its crystal and place it in the middle of the map to win. VIDEO OVERVIEW: Here your are an overview of the map explaining the game and also the jungle tasks. I think it's recommendable to watch it to understand the game before playing: MAP IMAGES: FAQs: If you have any question, please ask for it and I'll answer including all your questions here.
  15. It's the ".srf" of the map, generated after the last compilation. Anyway, everything seemed fine on the file so I just resarted Radiant and saved the map again, tried to compile and eveything worked now. So topic resolved ?
  16. Hello, We're having this compiling error in Radiant and couldn't solve it, any idea please?
  17. Up!
  18. Can anybody upload JA++ files?
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