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Szico VII

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Everything posted by Szico VII

  1. I like JKG but theres so many things about it gameplay wise that annoy me no end
  2. Patches are often better because they LOD, have nicer enviro effects, light better and look smoother. That being said, brush curves have their uses - but be careful, designs like the one that MoonDog posted do add a lot more verts/edges to the compile, particularly if not caulked or vis detailed properly. Those 4 edge squares for example should be mitred. Better ways: Bottom left - moondogs way bottom right - moondogs way with mitered corners (better, but can be improved) top right - best way top left - also acceptable, depending on surrounding brushwork. And of course, the more 'detailed' the brush (i.e the smoother you want the curve to appear) the greater the relative difference in verts between designs.
  3. Honestly we have a tutorial section for a bloody reason.... http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/91-creating-curved-corner-cylinders/page___st__2
  4. http://jkhub.org/links/category/4-mods/
  5. Perhaps try older drivers then - ones that came out nearer the ja period, so circa 2004-5?
  6. If you wanted nightfall with amendments just let me know what changes and I can see what I could do. Or without amendments. If you dont...hm, well I dont really have time to make a new xmas map what with finals coming up
  7. Well Ive ported all my stuff from there because I found the wiki/forum layout and interface bloody difficult to use and not very intuitive. If they improve the user-end I'd say keep it, otherwise there's little chance I'd use it above JKHub.
  8. CAULK. CAULLLLLK. AND CAUULLLLLK. Goddamit Omega use the darn caulk.
  9. I cant help but think if they were more reliable everything would have been scripted. However from many coder posts here it does appear Raven are somewhat lax in their work ethic Ive never had any problems with entity setups but scripts (performing the same actions) occasionally throw up silly problems for no good reason. Just my two cents.
  10. Scripts never make a map less breakable. I find entity layouts MUCH more reliable. (Although they are limited, which is when I would use scriptin')
  11. I think the easiest way is 2 triggers pointing to separate music changers and then have the activates and deactivates alternate the active trigger each time it is used.
  12. I be on MSN + Xfire. @@CrimsonStrife
  13. Maybe try vanilla ja like suggested in description if you're using 1.01.
  14. timesplitters 2 can cover that as well
  15. Jo Beth Casey from Timesplitters Future Perfect. Thats totally star wars.
  16. Doh. fixed. Missed an 'e' off the end.
  17. Does the second link not give it away?
  18. Video: http://www.moddb.com/members/szico-vii/videos/moonbase-labs-alpha http://beta.xfire.com/videos/5c014e
  19. Doom 3 BFG - No co-op. Forget it In other news. ITS THE END And updates:
  20. I use reference images for this one, mostly just google-ing Doom 3 pictures and running around the MP maps. I can draw but rarely do, usually see what I want in my head and just try make it work in reality. As for layout...I just work at it as I go along, trying to keep to basic ffa/ctf principles (roughly even, multiple routes, circular, vertical variation) Then I just move my mouse a bit and a map appears. Seriously. It just appears quite slowly.....
  21. Yeah, but now he doesn't have to take any responsibility for fan backlash, if it turns out to be shit.
  22. Looking swish. Any progress on the pc? ;D
  23. Dear god. Much as I love Disney..... :/
  24. Why oh why use that picture...
  25. One might say you have an 'affinity' for this map. Hehehe. ............ I'll be leaving now.
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