"G:\Utilities\GTK Radiant 1.4.0\q3map2\q3map2.exe" -game ja -meta -patchmeta -subdivisions 4 -v -fs_basepath "G:/Games/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/gamedata" %1
"G:\Utilities\GTK Radiant 1.4.0\q3map2\q3map2.exe" -game ja -convert -format ase -fs_basepath "G:/Games/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/gamedata" %1
pause Copy paste this into notepad, change the paths to suit your installations, save as ASE Compile.BAT (not txt) then simply drag and drop your map files into it to convert to ase. Important points: - Lower the subdivisions value if you want smoother curves with more tris. 4 is JKA default. - Your ase geometry must be detail surrounded in a structural caulk box. You can use patches. P.S On an unrelated note, I don't see any light fittings. NEED SOURCES.