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Szico VII

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Posts posted by Szico VII

  1. That is an MP map, if you have it in base when running SP it wont work. Would have been an easy fix had I realised when making the map but not now, sorry. Perhaps if someone skilled in hexediting renamed the scripts and then changed the corresponding info in the .BSP?

    You could just delete that script file from the pk3 if you werent planning on playing the fiendish VR level.

    Basically that script name is too long for SP (but not MP, which is just strange)

    Also, make sure youre installed to JKA version 1.01

  2. ahem...back on topic :D New shots - started to detail in the sides. The idea is this area is basically an excavation type structure for the purpose of hollowing out new space to build labs from inside the moons crust. Alas, there's underwater rivers flowing through the area which have been pierced by the drilling ;D


    And yes, I plan to make the crane operable. And will add an actual hook and stuff to it.








  3. It's not the level of detail I was objecting to, but rather the design. Would you want to put your foot on those? Uneven surfaces do not make much sense on stairs. :D

    It does if its a magnetised stair in a low-grav environment,

  4. I will have nothing said against making any texture using 3D brushes. :D I actually had a flat texture and thought...hmmm, would be better if it wasn't flat ^_^.

    I guess I could argue that as a delivery room, the steps need grip for health and safety reasons, hence the emboss ;D


    Also, theres no Qeffects in the latest shots by the way!


    And yes, the only thing in radiant that's really almost impossible to do (build wise)is things like sculptures (say looking like a player model) using patch meshes. Not impossible but bloody difficult and I've never seen it.There's loads of other things you cant do but many have workarounds!


    Fixed the afformentioned issues and added the trams (fully functional)






  5. I cant find any reference in the 15+pages i looked through for widescreen fixes :|

    Why aren't those builds organised by date? :|


    Finally, and most importantly....how do I use the files Ive downloaded? Extracted to JKA/cant run the executables... something about not having openAL.dll


    Edit: Nevermind, it goes into gamedata not install. Cheers!

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