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Szico VII

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Posts posted by Szico VII

  1. We should all use one single unified shader file and texture directory and agree on a unified pk3 substructure with appropriate names for folders.

    Basically not folders and shaders individual to each mapper :P Unless someone wants to go through at the end and do that.


    Also can whoever starts please start mapping at 0,0,0? :D


    Edit: Yup, here it is:

    Also, I'm loving that as a police vehicle :D

  2. If you want to be sure - As long as you don't open old maps and then save them using different definitions you can swap to improved ones for the contest and then back again to your own before loading a personal map. Of course when starting new maps I'd recommend you just used the updated files.

  3. It's back on the list? Well that's at least a good sign, but none of my 1.01 servers are showing up. I'd say maybe its the master server conflicting from a 1.00 and 1.01 on the same IP, but my other server only has 3 1.01 servers on it.


    I would happilly use JKHub and my own master servers but the issue isn't them not working, its that not enough people have those masterlists added to their clients, and thus I don't think I'd get much traffic from it. I might try it just for the sake of it anyway, for some reason the default masterlist selection has.


    You might want to use/encourage others to download this mod...



  4. @@Szico VII really can't help but advise people, he is a doctor now after all.

    I'm actually legally obliged, dammit. Admittedly not online though... :D

    Ive just met quite a few families with parents who use and its tragically sad how the children turn out, all the therapy and intervention in the world can't erase a childhood of neglect. So my feelings are not exactly positive about these people. /topicderail.


    I would hardly say one cigarette a week puts anyone into that category though. Hell, that's barely enough to put you into a lung cancer risk category unless its been going on for years.


    So its all gooood. :D

  5. I think he was pointing out that, assuming you need around 8 hours sleep per day, that gives you 98 hours per week left to play with. He spends 65 in jobs, and that leaves 33 hours, which is ~5 hours spare per day. And he goes to school, which presumably takes several hours. Leaving him with apparently 0 time remaining to eat, sleep, be on JKHub e.t.c


    And hes engaged with a kid. Who, presumably, will never see his dad :o In the negative time remaining in existence, he has freelance jobs as a professional web designer. HOW??? :D

    And on top of that he has a mega-high IQ and whatever a GPA is. And with all that he still lives with parents and doesn't know how to punctuate "parents' house" properly.


    Hence, LIFEHACK. That's some mental shit right there. ^_^


    P.S. And as before...stoned?

    Carbon likes this
  6. From my personal experience with the gameplay, I would find a favorite weapon feature to be largely useless due to how the gameplay is designed. In fact it would be a little irritating to me, because I'd have to reassign the ACI slot for a weapon to remove the gaps (in my OCD mindset). But eh. That's just me though. I can't speak for everyone.

    Ive used the same guns every time Ive played. There's absolutely no harm in having it remember what you've already put in. If none of your guns are there then the worst that can happen is what you currently have to do anyway....reassign guns every game :|
    Carbon likes this
  7. Delete the aci slot for your "default favorite weapon", so there's room to equip the non-favorite weapon?

    Well what does it do now if you have over 10 weapons? Presumably you still have to overwrite one, that's just the way things go. Who'd be using 10 guns anyway?


    Its the players choice if they want to try new weapons and make them a favourite. But I imagine most will find weapons they prefer and use those mostly. Otherwise youre assigning 10 weapons to aci every game regardless of whether you usually use them or not.

  8. Just to reiterate, as @@eezstreet doesn't quite seem to see what I'm getting at...


    I don't mind if i cant actually own the guns or buy a specific set....because they're randomised... what I do mind is having to assign ANY gun to a specific number key EVERY match.


    Every time I buy say....a stormtrooper assault rifle, I have to buy it, then assign it to number key 1. And then the same for every weapon I buy. And repeat this every game!

    Now, why cant it just remember that if I own this gun, i want it mapped to number 1? In the next game its not there then i can go for a different main weapon, but I can just assign that to 2. As long as it remembers it :P

  9. It's ACI, which is Active Combat Inventory :)


    The reason that people need to rebuy weapons is because the gameplay is simply designed like that at the moment. Sorta similar to how in Counter Strike you're supposed to buy new weapons for each map, but this is more stretched out and you can purchase weapons within your base. Won't be a problem obviously with the RPG element, since all that stuff will be saved on the database.


    As far as remembering the numbers, that's something that I would be interested to look into, but at the same time, it's another one of those things that would probably get trashed later on.

    I dont understand your argument against this at all. Number = weapon choice as it does in every game. Why make it different in JKG? I just want to have it remember which weapon Ive assigned to which number, regardless of whether its currently purchased or not.


    And speaking of counter strike, Im pretty sure that had a 'favourite class' option which remembered what you liked as a favourite loadout, provided you had the cash,

  10. ?

    Not sure I follow.

    When you buy a weapon/armour e.t.c you have to assign it to an 'AC1' (whatever that stands for) slot so you can quickswap to it using your number keys. EVERY GAME it resets your previous selections. So every time I have to rebuy weapons, then re-add them to my quick select numbers. It really needs to remember which numbers I'd assigned to which guns permanently.


    Also, I think people run around far far too quickly, they can actually dodge lasers, because many laser projectiles seem to move slow and the people seem to move too fast.


    Id also like to add that its good that you're replying to these crits - but also kinda seems like there's a lot of 'we know about it but its not fixed yet/cant fix it at the moment' or the even worse - you go out of your way to get a different program (READ: Ultra utility) just to use a basic function responses above... which is worrying :(


    Once the main things are sorted Id love to come and try it again though, but probably wont be playing it again until they are.

  11. Here were my main gripes when I played last. (I'm sure there's some forgotten)


    1) Weapons underpowered. Seriously, we did a test and it took like 2-3 sniper shots to the head (with the most powerful sniper) to kill a person. I like using one shot rifles as they require more skill and are satisfying. But if the person with a spammy mega-rate laser doesn't die or come very close in one hit whats the point? There didnt appear to be any damage variation either.

    2) Pressing use to pick up items on the floor. Either make the bounding box for them MUCH bigger so we can click on them easily or just remove it.

    3) Bespin CTF. Just ugh.

    4) The installer (and still is) sort of annoying for 2 reasons. 1) It never completes the entire installation in one go, it failed THREE times when i reinstalled yesterday. And then it confuses people by saying 'you can simply continue the installation' but when you try and restart it it RE-ASKS you everything again and then warns you that you are overwriting an existing installation. (Which, presumably, it isnt if its just continuing). Also it keeps RE-ADDING a shortcut to my start menu every time it gets updated. ANNOYING. It did seem remarkably faster download speed than previously however.

    5) Screen fades to black when dead making i unable to type. Considering this is the only time id want to type during a firefight this is incredibly frustrating.


    7) Leaves 2x jamp.exe files open when I exit, meaning if i restart the game it claims that error and wont let me join as there's still an inactive jamp.exe in the background.

    8) HP markers come out of destructable objects :|

    9) No buttons bound by default or any documentation to explain all the functions so you can manually bind them.

    10) AC weapon selection. MAKE THE GAME REMEMBER MY CHOICES. I hate having to RE-add all my weapon ac selections every time i start a new game.

    11) Various bugs with weapons not showing up in inventory, credits spent but not getting the item e.t.c.

    12) PS3 controller support?

  12. Kengo's tutorial was shut down due to Yahoo geocities being shut down. But the basic premise is this:

    - Set up two ref_tags

    - In ICARUS:

      - Enable camera

      - Do a camera pan and move which points to the first ref_tag, both with 0 ms/time

      - Do a camera pan and/or move pointing to the second ref_tag, with something in the ms/time field which specifies how fast it goes

    - Compile script

    - Have game point to script via target_scriptrunner

    - Trigger script ingame.

    - Have fun



    I feel the 'IN ICARUS' section here is a bit short on description and 'how to'

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