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Szico VII

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Posts posted by Szico VII

  1. I have somewhere the old copy of map-craft (the first version, without the php models from nuke) somewhere stored on a cd here somewhere. If you are lucky, i got the screenshots from all models and FX_runners from the base game of Jedi Academy. I ll dig arround

    No worries man I've remade all the model screenshots and they're higher es now anyway.... and the version I made for map-craft never had pictures of the efx files?



    I'm in the process of adding all the Kejim pics to the wiki page now. Quick question though, does the fifth picture in every row run off the screen for anyone else? They do on my end, but I didn't want to "fix" it if it's just a problem on my end(I do have a smallish screen, so that could possibly it).

    Probably a screen resolution thing. Dno how to make the wiki autoscale them to fit....

  2. Too many for that unfortunately :o


    Well, eventually got it to work. Fx_runner does the damage, deathanim does the effect.


    Issues - The NPC corpse doesnt get removed, if you animate it to move under the floor the effect also goes under the floor. Currently using a "make invisible" script when it dies and then making it visible again on respawn to get around it. Seems to work alright.


    Wont work OFC with spawns via the console, only with the ones placed in radiant..Unelss you use lugormod to give spawned npcs deathscripts and spawnscripts.

  3. You need to give it:


    count: -1

    targetname: npc1

    npc_target: npc1

    delay: 60


    And then you need a trigger_once or a spawn script (targeting npc1) to spawn the vehicles at the start of the match. Once it is spawned once, it will respawn itself via its npc_target (which targets itself, npc1)


    The delay is how long before it'll respawn.

  4. Thats what we're looking into, We're also looking into using a trigger_hurt with animevents.cfg atm. Problem with that is that it requires a new GLA and animevens for every model, atm we're just using different skins on same model but want different death effects.

  5. Man, that might work but thats a lot of fx_runners and trigger entities and rooms to go through :o Because, really, you need 2 triggers on each side of every door, as npcs would be continuously activating the same script if it was covering an entire room.

  6. Bet you wish you'd asked earlier now :D


    Oh my gosh. You are my hero.


    P.S. Could something similar be used to move something like...a trigger?


    Well you can definitely move trigger_hurt (did it in Atlantica) so I'd assume so, yes. That was a bit simpler.



    affect ( "trigger_scriptname", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ INSERT )
                    move ( $tag( "ref_tag_name", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 1000.000 );


    @@mrwonko - EDIT: There appears to be a massive flaw with the method you suggested - the FX_runner wont move through walls or solid objects to get to its destination. Which means that if the NPC moves out other room it starts in the effect breaks down.

    therfiles likes this
  7. Edit: It seems from some trial and error, models not having a pelvis bone in the GLM/GLA makes it impossible to reference an origin of a model using icarus, so the fx_runner cant move there. Interesting.


    @@mrwonko - thanks for all the help, I think we're finally at the bottom of getting it all working!

  8. Yeah....I was like WTF.... the deathscript kept running like 4-5 times and the damage worked, but the effect didnt... Weird. Ill try the method above..One sec.


    P.S I also had the vector variable declared in a global initial spawnscript. Ah, right....I'll do it your way, works just as well.

    P.P.S Whats the relevance of the NPC_targetname?

    P.P.P.S What effect will the "set_deathscript NULL" have if the npc respawns? Apparently still respawns and works fine, whats it for then?

    P.P.P.PS - Would this break if multiple NPC's had same deathscript and died together? WOuld I need a newvariable/fx combo for each NPC?

  9. Does anyone know of a way to make an NPC deal splashdamage upon death? I'd like to have to run an effect (say an explosion) which also does damage.


    You can set splashdamage on fx_runners but this isnt run from a fx_runner, its from animevents.cfg

    I also thought about spawning an fx_runner at the npc origin on death using a deathscript but the origin tag doesnt seem to work in MP for moving entities.


    Any thoughts?

  10. In the upload form, what should I put in the "Destination filename" box? I don't want to put a bunch of stuff where it doesn't belong.


    @@Garyn Dakari - It depends on which folder the image is in (i.e what level it equates to).


    So for example, I'm uploading the images from the /factory folder in the .zip file. The first one is called "barrel.jpg"

    Now, there's models called "barrel" in other folders as well, but as the wiki doesn't allow you to upload images into folders you have to add a prefix using the destination filename box.


    So in there, you would add the prefix "factory_"

    So the destination filename would read "factory_barrel.jpg" (Make sure you uncapitalise the first letter of barrel, which it does automatically when the image is first selected (so not "factory_Barrel.jpg)

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