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Szico VII

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Posts posted by Szico VII

  1. You could do it with a trigger_hurt with an appropriate floor shader, or an fx_runner. Both will work!


    I think the electric death effect is spawnflags 64. I think thats SP only though as it doesnt show up in the MP entity description.

  2. So what are the advantages of say breaking the map into different sections separated by structural brushes, versus one big structural box surrounding everything?


    "If you were to put a huge structural box around the map and make everything else detail, the -vis stage would conclude that everything is always visible"




    It means that everything in the map will be drawn all the time, resulting in very poor framerates and lag.

  3. VIS is almost universally always the fastest stage when detail and structural brushes are used correctly - you just need to make all brushes detail except your major void-touching geomoetry and select other brushes you require to split your map up appropriately for fps purposes.

  4. Theyre both pretty easy to manipulate really. Sometimes I actually prefer TGA as you can manipulate the transparency entirely separately from the main image very easily.

    As for calling it GTK - if anyone on a jedi knight editing board manages to mistake GTK (radiant) for something else I can only say.... dayum.

    CaptainChar likes this
  5. Make the real floor a func_useable that toggles off when your event occurs, and make your "fake" floor a func_useable that appears (with your nosteps/forcefield) shader (so give it "start off")


    See if that works.! Unless making it a func_useable stops footsteps on both...

  6. "Entity 1 (func_group) has shader index map "scripts/geo2.pcx"


    Looks like you used easygen and left all the junk it creates in the worldspawn entity. Ditch it and it should work. Also, shouldnt entity 1 be worldspawn? You need to load your easygen created map as a prefab into a new .map file and then save that over the original easygen produced map. At move terrain_base to the end of your shader, if you didnt follow the tutorial all the way!


    Also, it has nothing to do with vis - it always spits out thousands of vis messages if you compile vis in verbose (-v) mode.



  7. I'm just not sure the best way to compile the map in GTK...

    Oh crap i think i remember... the models will all be detail right? And non_solid? Then you have to no_clip it in gtk huh? Something hell I'm lost. I'll just keep building  =)


    Correct, and Correct. But its clip it, not noclip it. :D

    ChalklYne likes this
  8. There are keys to use in radiant on target_speakers but they were all (for some reason) removed in JKA.


    I believe you can do it using .efx files though with sounds attached to them. Certainly can add camera shakes to those.

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