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Szico VII

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Posts posted by Szico VII

  1. Well, I meant that I would need to tie the entity to only 1 brush of the elevator and not all of them. 


    No it doesn't - the connector line will go to a specific brush but you'll notice that actually its targeting the entity, not the actual brush. (the "targetname") of the entity is targeted by the "target" of the trigger_multiple.


    As for realistic elevators with opening doors, can be done with scripting - examples below:




  2. Yes, You can also do right click>ungroup entity to return something to worldspawn or right click>add to entity to add new brushes to a pre-existing entity. You just select the entity first, then the new brushes if you're doing that...I think. (might be the other way around)

  3. In which case all you need is a trigger multiple at each end which targets the func_door. Easy peasy! Give the triggers a wait time of approximately how long it takes the lift to move from top to bottom (as determined by the speed you give it) so people arent able to make it spaz out.

  4. The best way of managing this (in my opinion) is to make a func_door instead of a func_plat.


    You can then have this door be triggered by a trigger at the top and bottom of the shaft. You can use direction Up and a lip value (of positive or negative, depending on whether it starts in up or down position) to determine the amount it moves. You can also specify a soundset for making noises if you like.

  5. Fit is working as it should - you just need to rotate it 90 degrees by pressing the rotate left or right button twice (when its set at 45 step) to make it go around the curve of the patch. Set will allow you to do things like 2x3, 2x4, 1x2 e.t.c as fit is auto 1x1


    If you want them going straight (in relation to the walls) then cap, as you already saw, works for that.


    As for save and compile issues, id be tempted to swap to radiant 1.6.4 (see downloads) or use a q3map2 frontend like q3map2tools (also on the download section)


    NB: The horizontal and vertical stretch arrows will increase/decrease the texture size from whatever you have set it to using fit/set/cap e.t.c

    Boothand likes this
  6. I think its addflagged f (for function)

    Bots will auto press useable things when they go near them.




    j - The bot will jump while trying to get to this waypoint.
    d - The bot will crouch while trying to get to this waypoint.
    c - A camping/sniping point, the bot will often stand here if it has camping properties.
    x - Same as 'c', except the bot will crouch while camping.
    f - Wait for a func brush underneath this point before moving onto it. This is useful for elevators, moving platforms, and other such items so that the bot will wait until the object is under the point before advancing.
    x - This creates a one-way forward point. The bot will travel past this point, but when reversing on the trail, once he reaches it he will turn back and go forward again. This is a good last resort if you want the bot to jump off a tall ledge he can't get back up. However, use these points sparingly, as they make the bot much less efficient in getting places.
    y - This creates a one-way backward point. Same principle as the above, except the bot will only pass this point when following a trail in reverse order (5, 4, 3, etc).
    n - The bot will not perform visibility checks when moving to this point. Should also be used sparingly, as the bot can easily get stuck when moving to these if something prevents it from getting there.
    m - Sort of reversed from 'f'. The bot will only move here if there is NOT a func brush underneath this point.

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