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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Possibly yes. I hope to have every SP map almost entirely functional.
  2. If it doesn't load, there will certainly be an error in the server console.
  3. Going to need more info. Are you trying the absolute latest versions of JA++ and OpenJK? Are there any errors or warnings in the console when trying to load the mod? Are you running the JA++ server on openjkded or (linux)jampded? What mod + engine are you/your friend using? How are you trying to launch the server?
  4. ^ That sort of thing, and other bad decisions is why I don't use Ubuntu. Every fork of Ubuntu doesn't suffer from things like that.
  5. The difference with the steam client doesn't come into play with OpenJK
  6. I'm not sure what to say then. I've confirmed it working on Windows and Linux using latest JA++ and OpenJK, that error only occurs when the public API does not match between uix86.dll and openjk.x86.exe (i.e. one has been updated and not the other) If I assume the error is coming from the engine, the engine has API version 2, but uix86.dll has version 1 which sounds like there is an old version of JA++ being loaded from somewhere. Unfortunately it doesn't tell us where it loaded the file from, I'll have to add that to the issue tracker. Make absolute sure there is no uix86.dll in your fs_homepath (Documents/My Games/OpenJK/japlus/) or fs_basepath (GameData/japlus/)
  7. Then it's a bug in basejka code. Mods like JA++ exist to fix those. I fixed it, can't do much else.
  8. Usually the system/settings dialog. Also check out http://xfce-look.org/
  9. This should have been fixed with 2a3893f 7 days ago Will look into this now. Can't reproduce this. I tried using the menu to kick for all connected clients, then tried /callvote kick <name or num> then tried /callvote clientkick <num> What are the exact steps to reproduce? FWIW I'm using JA++ client and server.
  10. Debian typically has severely outdated packages, but that's also what makes it more stable...if you don't mind doing nothing. The reason XFCE (and other DEs) look so different in every screenshot is because it's all incredibly customisable. Latest Xubuntu even has preset panel configurations to mimic Windows. There are also identical window manager (xfwm) themes.
  11. I've fixed that issue now (in this commit) Is there anything else in particular you'd like fixed?
  12. I would highly recommend Xubuntu / something with XFCE. It's basically Ubuntu (which is basically Debian with bloat) but performs and looks better. I personally switched to full-time Linux on my desktop after using Xubuntu for the past few years on laptops.
  13. What needs fixing? I work better with bug reports than I do with demands or pleas.
  14. Update your OpenJK and JA++ binaries. Make sure there are no residual DLL files in "GameData/japlus" or "Documents/My Games/OpenJK/japlus" If you update one without the other lately, you'll get a version mismatch because the public API changed.
  15. Apparently this was just fixed by EpicLoyd Interesting, I'll investigate Yeah, this is related to my g_forceRegenTime framerate fix. I think Loda has a fix for the event/sound.
  16. Been a while since I updated the Windows build and changelog, some very juicy stuff in there now =] See the main site for details (download + instructions + changelog) I haven't updated the cvar list yet, but new ones added are in the changelog Let me know if you have any issues, I just switched to a new compiler/build system. It may have better XP support, it may not work at all.
  17. Raz0r

    Help for JA++ PLS ^^

    amentspawn fx_runner fxfile effects/env/flame_jet.efx delay 3000 will spawn an EFX emitter that triggers every 3 seconds.
  18. 1. japp_fixRoll 2. japp_flipKick (enable/disable), japp_flipKickDamage (amount), japp_flipKickKnockdown (enable/disable) I guess I never got around to adding knockdown chance, and I made the damage consistent because there was no need for that to be random.
  19. Raz0r

    Help for JA++ PLS ^^

    Need more info. What do you need help with? Syntax: amentspawn <classname> key value key value Classnames are defined in g_spawn.cpp/spawn_t spawns[] {} Keys are defined in g_spawn.cpp/BG_field_t fields[] = {} Values with multiple arguments (e.g. origin) are specified like x,y,z
  20. That build of JA++ is ridiculously old. Upgrade and it will be fixed.
  21. Best solution to 1 and 2 is to use OpenJK (engine) and JA++ (code mod, replaces JA+) mrwonko hosts a jk3files mirror with a torrent, search around the forums for it Also, welcome.
  22. JA++ also allows a lot of customisation for the chatbox position, size, font, number of lines, scrolling up/down with mousewheel, history, name tab-completion, etc. Soon might have advanced text-editing features like copy/paste, highlight + select all, delete word.
  23. Yep, see japp/#334 and japp-assets/#1 for related cvar processing
  24. I use xcvar annotations in code and manually update the list of cvars in javascript which produces the HTML documentation.
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