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Untold Prophecy

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Everything posted by Untold Prophecy

  1. Would you be willing to make this model available to download? I've been debating on asking for this port from Kotor 2 for a while, but I didn't realize anyone had done it already.
    Please add Bot Support!
  2. There appears to be a large gap/seam in his left arm in both the character creator and in game when used in medium geometric detail.
  3. Just grabbed it, thank you! You should consider posting it outside of your WIP thread, its a gorgeous model! Do you happen to have TLJ Maskless Kylo as well? I didn't see it on any of the pages. The current maskless version I have is not as detailed around the face.
  4. Would anyone be willing to make a standalone download for the TLJ Crait Duel Luke model from Movie Duels remastered? It's a great model that I would love to see in the base game as a SP and MP option. https://www.moddb.com/mods/movie-duels
    Really good version of TFA Luke! Just wish that the voice was actually Luke from either the films of the game, and not the generic male VA.
    Really happy to see some of my favorite EU characters show up with Bot Support!
    Tied with Bespin Streets from JK2 as my favorite multiplayer map in the series! Would love to see some more sequel trilogy maps of similar size for FFA in the future!
    Great model! Though the flatness of the cape bothers me a bit.
    Best hilt pack out there currently. Looking forward to seeing TROS sabers added in with a future update. Perhaps some of the saber specific sound effects from Movie Duels remastered could also be attached to hilts as well (Luke's EP6 Saber or the Graflex for example).
    I have been looking for a mod like this for a very long time, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. *Edit* The mod crashes the game during the opening cutscene, after the model for the Rebel gets violently contorted while sitting down.
    Bot doesn't use a Saber, only set to blaster in game.
    For some reason my game crashes when I try to select him from the playermodel menu in Multiplayer. The lack of bot support is also a little unfortunate, but my main gripe is the crashing.
  5. Love the model, but for some reason when you spawn it in Singleplayer it uses friendly AI. Any chance of a patch to make it hostile when spawned?
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