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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. well ive been busy finishing up my death egg map, the haunted graveyard only needs to be adjusted so the moon is the main light source and some spawn points added, ahem anyways, how many easter eggs do you guys feel it is, then its too many? The death egg will pay homage to not just sonic, Dr eggman was a mad scientist, and inside is orbitiing station, there is several other things to be found, the moniters most will be interactable with either an audio clip, and possible some a video clip
  2. mapping away at 3 am....

  3. Going to be putting in alot of hours on the hub tonight

    1. CaptainChar


      umm I havent dont websites in 5 years, so im a tad rusty, its just a backup of richdiesels site, the best mapping tutorial there ever was, I had to preserve what i could

    2. CaptainChar


      and I ment I have 2 maps to release :P

  4. mods got me to "buy" this game... ugh, C-Sec is gunna have my ass for this
  5. super glue and duct tape fix everything

  6. i'll have to give it a whirl, theres going to be alot of upcoming stuff in my maps, so as long im learning new tricks my mapping skills will improve as result
  7. which rifle was causing the issue, the ME3 rifle hasnt had any issues for me, and this is with the geth present, and my goldeneye stuff, so what is the max GLM that JA can handle before going awol?
  8. ive considered cosplaying from Castelvania's dracula, to transformers generation 1, i can do the voicing for most of them
  9. Jkhub.org, the JA community that doesnt sleep

  10. I'll take a look, i have a dvd of JA stuff and several cd's (this was before dvd burners came into play really) I have stuff from all around the ages
  11. thing is most the fable 1 models are under 3k polys >.> I have most of them, dont ask, dont tell
  12. never enough people to keep the community alive and well
  13. hes not tired, just looking at the camera wondering "I wonder if i could calibrate that thing..."
  14. Uploaded the biggest mapping tutorial to the site

  15. Entities 220: Lesson 4 Rain and Snow (fx_rain, fx_snow) Outdoor maps are often complimented by a rain or snow effect. To create it, draw a brush that encompasses your entire outdoor area - you can use multiple brushes if you want. Then texture those brushes completely in system/outside. Then place an fx_rain or fx_snow within each system/outside brush. That's all there is to it! Rain! Snow! You can also edit the intensity of the rain or snow by adding the key count and a value. This could be useful if you want a specific area of your map to have extremely heavy rains... It is also important to note that weather effects do not work in MP. You will notice when you play that the rain seems very strange without any rain sounds. I guess that means you need to find an ambient rain mp3 somewhere, now doesn't it? (:
  16. glad im not the only one to use grandfather clocks in my maps
  17. im looking how to display text on screen for somethings in my maps, eg "Play audiolog?" when a player's crosshairs look at the object in question, how would I do this?
  18. with every form of online, there will be cases like this... god I wish it was a simplier time, 4 player split screen on N64 again Another thing is, I rarely play the game, I more less beta test things online with others, but not much else
  19. 2 more maps to release...

  20. if it wasnt for Szico and SJC, I would never have gotten into mapping, I still enjoy every map Szico released, Midgar V3, is a nice large map, with plenty of exploration attributes to it, it does take some time to load, even with 4 gigs of ram, but its well worth the treat, I dont know how Szico does it, but it can work miracles in GTK
  21. Finally beat Mass Effect 3

    1. Inyri
    2. CaptainChar


      my Femshep lived, so err yay?

  22. I would say USS Enterprice 1701-a vs SSV Normandy, but they're captains would just join forces agains the borg or reapers

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