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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. I remember OJP, was working with them in the past
  2. im not 100% sure but it looks like a very early build of the SSV Normandy SR-2
  3. hmm cat passed away, age 18

    1. CaptainChar


      well they're only supposed to live 12-14 years for a male housecat, id say 18 is a long run,l since it made him 89 in cat years

    2. KDR_3XILE


      Good long life. Must've bin' a happy one. Sorry for ya' loss.

  4. ok i didn't realize that line was literally used before
  5. too much caffeine makes you not sleep

  6. Is it nap time yet?

  7. personally I find this more annoying then anything, since I didnt learn on 1.4, or a modern 1.5, once you've learned it a way your comfortable with, you dont tend to change things to much, i'll need to figure out what things are visually again, lol
  8. turn down system restore, turn down browser cache (should only be 50mb) turn down recycling bin usage... system restore tried to use if i recall 10% of the drive
  9. another possibility is some of those have shaders already, if you using the base folder, sometimes shaders will let the void in, so to speak, and cause the hall of mirror (hom) effect
  10. Why must I be a video game addict?

  11. Dammit jim, im a doctor not an engineer, get scotty up here
  12. TGIF

    1. KDR_3XILE


      Saturday here, you're living in the past :P


    2. CaptainChar


      no your living in the future

    3. Nihilus


      So we future people automatically win. Your argument is highly invalid.

  13. wait I thought the limit was 30k dam man, thats double what ive been told in the past
  14. ok im tired, like I really should be asleep tired

  15. "its over 9000!" no seriously its knowing Szico, its probuly close to the limit
  16. wait, is that painting of yoda, being a pimp? I found myself more distracted by the clever artwork you snuck into the map
  17. its pure caulk, cept visible surfaces atm I regret real life has also kept me distracted from doing more work, but you know how that works...id rather be getting paid for real life, but *shrugs*
  18. I blame my ADHD on why so many maps i have, have piled up

    1. MUG
    2. CaptainChar


      the lack of caffeine in my blood isnt helping much

    3. KDR_3XILE


      Two things are required in JKA. A lightsaber and a shit load of coffee!


  19. Oh, dam, I didnt even see the last posted date, Maybe should make that show up in a bold colour like navy blue or red....umm yea....*backs away slowly*
  20. And over here a happy little turian I mean tree... Spash of stock colour for now, what you cant see is that ive designed the helm controls/computers, etc, and stock is ugly, but better then solid caulk, I really need to spend less time playing mass effect and more time mapping >.>
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