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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. SSV Normandy construction started, Its commander Inyri's fault for needing a ship

  2. Started construction on the SSV Normandy

  3. Ive started construction on the SSV Normandy From Mass Effect 1, thanks alot Inyri, lol anyways this is the first and earliest build im currently working on, its getting late though, and I have a hell of alot of textures to make up, and still a hell of alot of work ahead, but the project is started, and no caffeiene to do this on either, you'll get new images as i feel progress enough as been made its supposed to look like: ( like I said, I got alot of work ahead)
  4. i never understood the process of UV and while you've been doing that ive been building a replica map to compiment your recent mods
  5. and here I thought I was the only one who paid attention to rafter details
  6. and this one time, at Jedi camp...

    1. Nihilus


      You got someone pregnant... bad, you know it's against the CODE!

    2. CaptainChar


      but, master kenobi....

  7. Building the Normandy isnt hard, texturing it is

  8. its sad I just beat said game, and forgot what the weapons are....and thats a pretty sexy gun model
  9. A good example is my Goldeneye maps, the singple player had a "security tape" it was the original Goldeneye casset movie, I carried the ingame easter egg over by hiding that very same casset in every goldeneye map ive made/published, the idea also came from the hidden skulls in Halo
  10. Alright caffeine is wearing off....

  11. the audio files i have planed are roughly just clips, more or less intereactive parts of the map, the map is 5 decks, well 5 different levels, 2 are accessable only via teleporters
  12. Me thinks Inyri is going to snap and hunt Caelum and me down for sport

    1. CaptainChar


      shes only a year older then me, but i also have hyperactive disorder, ADHD, etc, you know the drill needed pills as a kid, lol

  13. 102 hours left for regneration process

  14. I must be insane then, my rendoring of earth in my map uses a 18mb texture at 4096 x 8192 And, is there any expected release window for this map Szico?
  15. I did mention most games only have roughly a 10 year license where they can be protected, but since that basicly green lights a few mods, im for it, doesnt help I have permission from sega and capcom to do some mods >.> konami asked me to change the name of my former mod, Vampire blood Chronicles, cause the original was just Castlevania, but ive gotten alot of green lights and permissions, politics were never my thing, never were legal politics
  16. I can do it, but not metal like that, im more suited to cell shaded maps
  17. its a dark map, and proved a challange for myself, as ive never done terrian before, especially underground cavern type, ive tried to faithfully recreate the map from the originally game as best as possible with my skills
  18. The Death Egg should be released sometime this week

  19. ive used the model the only issue I have it seems more fit for an unrealistic world but its a wonderful model thats seen use in several of my maps
  20. "we are the Caelum, you will be assimilulated, resistance is futile"

  21. ok am I the only one who doesnt know what JKG is? lol from the screens i saw, it looked looked like JA and CoD had a baby together
  22. I've played half life, and that image above, confuses me, personally I always loved a good survival map, against waves of npc's hmm I smell zombies in my future
  23. this map is space station sized, the hanger is big enough for two AT-ST's to duel with enough room, im also considering a sealed door, that all triggers will have to be found, before gaining access to the stations super weapon control room, which would give you the option to remote fire the eclipse cannon
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