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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. Autoclip creates one brush for each triangle on the model, extending a little towards its back. This can only legitimately be used on models that consist solely of large triangles, like terrains, in my opinion.
  2. Right, .surf files. I didn't think of that since base models don't use them and I never used them either.
  3. What exactly do you mean? Shiny like on textures/factory/env_siding? Specular-ish like on models/map_objects/kejim/ravenbody? Something else?
  4. Ugh, this is somewhat tricky. The model has caps for those holes, but they default to off. It's a flag in the model.glm file that controls this; I guess you'd have to disable it, i.e. change the .glm file (work with a copy). If you import the model with my Blender plugin, you can change the flag (should suffice to do it in LOD0 since it's shared across LODs) and re-export the model; it should still work. I never tried this, but it ought to work.
  5. Or it might simply give you a small nerdgasm. Lovely.
  6. Could somebody write a script for Blender that splits the selected mesh(es) at the UV seams? I'd do it myself but I'm probably busy until mid-July. You can take a look at the 3ds exporter, which does this. (Alternatively, add this functionality to the GLM exporter in addition to applying all modifiers besides armatures and triangulating it.)
  7. Short answer: Bascially no. Long answer: You can import premade geometry ("prefabs") in Radiant, but there isn't much available. You can place the models that come with the game using misc_model, but you'll still have to manually add clip brushes to prevent players from moving through them. Either way you'll still end up having to put a lot of work in.
  8. There's EasyGen for creating terrains, and geometry can also be modeled (e.g. in Blender, which isn't really any easier if you're new to it), but in the end you'll always have to use the Radiant to make it playable.
  9. " error is a known bug/issue with Blender, and there's an easy fix for it. I wouldn't call it a bug, it's just a missing feature. Ghoul 2 models are split at the seams, and since the exporter can't do that automatically, you have to do it manually.
  10. Not really, you just need to fix the weights if you move stuff around. Unless having to put in some work means being screwed to you.
  11. It's probably a matter of weighting, actually. Without reweigthing, a moved mesh will transform weirdly when bones are moved.
  12. Ideally put it in the JK2 folder; or at least replace JKA's _humanoid.gla with that of JK2 while importing.
  13. Yeah, the UV stuff is quite annoying... I should write a script to do all the necessary preparation (or better yet adjust the exporter to do it) but I really don't have the time or motivation. In GLM, every vertex can have only 1 UV coordinate. Blender does not have this limitation, but a model that doesn't meet it will not export. One way to find seams is to use a gradient (like this one) as the texture. Wherever there's a seam in the texture, the model has to be cut, too. (Too late, eez, I was already here.)
  14. Take a look at the source code, I bet some of the non-existent paths are defined there. You can just do a text search for the paths in question. Chances are the layout is defined there as well, if there's no .menu file for it.
  15. Are you talking about GLM for player models? In that case something like 32 bones and 1000 vertices and one texture per mesh (though you can have multiple meshes per model), 4 or so bones per vertex (though my exporter will drop the least influential bones if there are too many), 3 sides to a face, very importantly 1 UV coordinate to a vertex (meaning you have to split the mesh at the seams (which to be honest the exporter should be capable of doing)) and normals are exported on a per-vertex level, so enabling smooth shading gives an accurate representation of the ingame look. Or is this about animated md3 models? In that case I'm not entirely sure, size limitations (range [-512, 512)) aside. Or do you want non-animated (misc_model) map models? Those are baked into the BSP by Q3Map2 and thus have very few limitations.
  16. The tutorial mentions a rgoer template that's supposedly required... Download on there is broken though.
  17. Do non-terrain textures show up fine? Which shader templates are you using when exporting from easygen?
  18. Instead of `multiple lines` `of code`you should write ``` multiple lines of code ```in the wiki. That way you don't get a separate code box for each line.
  19. In the case of my exporter, 1 Blender Unit = <export scale setting> * 1 Game Unit. There's probably an md3 exporter around somewhere, or you could try converting it to glm with MD3View and import that.
  20. Well you can always do it using shaders... I don't know about entity flags.
  21. No. They're fixed movies, like an .avi, so they can't be adjusted to contain the current playermodel. Use cutscenes for that.
  22. what about //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORCE_INVINCIBLE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );
  23. In Blender? I don't think it matters there.
  24. Plugins > bkgrnd2d
  25. Tags. Looks like they need to be adjusted/added. Take a look at the mark1 model - what's the name of its muzzle tag? You need to change the Droideka model, adding the missing tag.
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