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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. No, since you need to define the inside/outside zones you'd have to add brushes, which is outside the scope of ent-modding. And thunder/lightning are not supported out of the box; you could create an effect and add that via ent-modding, but it probably wouldn't look all that pretty. If I were trying to create lightning I'd go for a sun-style white light that can be toggled on briefly, but that certainly requires a light compile. (In general you'd probably want to change the overall lighting if you want a nice dark thunderstorm.)
  2. Is your radiant actually in "C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant-1.4/"? On an unrelated note, you may want to consider upgrading to 1.6.
  3. I assume you're talking about blending between different textures as usually used in terrains. You either use vertex colors as alpha values for blending and set the vertex color using brushes as described here or you use an alphamapped terrain, which is typically created using EasyGen as described in this tutorial. (The easygen download link there is broken, try this one.)
  4. Ah, I didn't know about this one. Thanks, I guess.
  5. I can download every other file on jk3files (and I did), it's just these that for varying reasons fail. Thanks for the hint, I found 5 of the files. I'm adjusting the list.
  6. You effectively get one detail brush per triangle of the model. Terrain models are just about the only thing that can reasonably use spawnflags 2.
  7. No. Then you might as well not make it Detail, but that would create an absurd amount of portals. You need to understand how Vis/BSP works in order to be able to properly understand what they do and how to use them.
  8. anti-portal is for anti portals. caulk_acid/water/lava are for acid/water/lava. rainsurf is for rain surfaces. weatherzone is for weather zones. lightjunior is a junior light. Helpful so far? Anti portals are for blocking vis, it's basically the same as putting a caulk brush somewhere except it's not solid. Useful for Vis when working with detail brushes, e.g. inside terrains. The caulk variants are for the invisible sides of liquids, they have the proper volume properties set, but since they may differ in fog color I would recommend you write your own versions with correct fog color when using liquidsd. I'm just guessing with regards to rain surfaces, but I'd say it's for splash effects with weather effects in nonsolid places, e.g. on tree leaves that the player can fall through but that should still have nice splashes on them. Weather zones are also related to the weather system, they're used for the weather zone entities to mark areas of the map that use weather. Junior lights are not used for lightmap calculations, they just affect the light grid which is used for "dynamic" lighting. I don't know about terrain and the lightgrid shader.
  9. Users have to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for the version you're using.
  10. Rerun cmake.
  11. Hi there, I'm having trouble downloading these files from jediknight3.filefront.com: Commando Academy (1) by Dominus_Scotus (commando_academy.zip)Grand Jedi Palace (1.0) by Shadowff61337 (grandjedipalace.zip)JKB Selkath (1.0) by AshuratheHedgehogDX (jkb_selkath_fixed.zip)Mandalorian Neo Crusader (1.0) by AshuratheHedgehogDX (neocrusaderashuradx.zip)Minecraft Playermodel v2 (2.0) by AshuratheHedgehogDX (minecraft_playermodelv2_fixed.zip)duel_fcaarena (RELOADED v.1.1) by Xtremezeero (duel_fcaarena1.zip)jk2maps for multiplayer (1.0) by DarthAnakin (single_player_maps_for_jk2_multiplayer.zip)Kejim Audio Piece by LucasArts Entertainment (kejim.mp3)Jedi Master Tunic Luke Skywalker by MegaKyle (jedi_tunic_luke.zip)Lurtz (1.0) by AshuratheHedgehogDX (lurtzv1_ashuradx.zip)Tatooine SithStalker (1.0) by Lizfizz (sith_stalker_sp.zip)Ultimate Outcast (1.0) by GreentechB (ultimate_outcast_gtb.zip)University of Mysteries by Namezzis (24university.zip)The Unknown Room FINAL (1.1) by Lord Revian (unknown_room_final.zip)-%5BCF%5D-Daskane by TPKVrok (cfdaskane.zip)Galak Fayar to Admiral Thrawn conversion mod 1.0 + Galak mech reskin 1.0 (1.0) by Battle111 (galakthrawn_and_galak_mech_reskin.zip)Expedition (1.05) by Acrobatc101 (expedition_1.05_jk2.zip)GoldenEye Bunker (1.1) by OmegaSigma (25goldeneye_bunker.zip)Hologram Rroom by cloudflint (hologram_room.zip)JAWA (Jedi) NPC (FINAL) by Lord Revian (jawa_jedi_npc.zip)Movie Battles II: Dark Duel Prefabs (1.0) by Lord Revian (mb2_duel_tfu_incomplete.zip)Maulkiller and Savage Opress by Illidan Kazama (mk_so_v1.rar)Quinlan-Vos Pack (1.0) by Savatron (quinlanvos_pack_1.0.rar)Reactor Room 2 (2.0) by The Dark Wii Player (reactor_room_2.zip)Republic Commando by Rebas14 (republic_commando.zip)Sion NPC by Lord Revian (sion_sith_npc.zip)Stormtroopers with Stronghold Character Sounds by Ty294 (stronghold.zip)Last Knights of the Force - Academy (1.0) by Sheik95 (lkfacademy.zip)worldwarOverhaul (1.4) by Ben Aerens (47worldwaroverhaul.zip)Skippin_Desann by Skippin (skippin_skin_official.rar)The Bridge At Khazad-Dûm by Apophis (bridge_of_khazad-d�m_.zip)Yep, another Reborn Skin (2.0) by Guaseth (guaseth.zip)ÐescendingÆngel by ÐescendingÆngel (�escending�ngel.zip)Do any of you have any of these?
  12. You selected the Jedi Academy folder during installation, not the GameData folder, so it's looking for stuff in Jedi Academy/base (when using the base mod). You can either manually edit the configuration files to fix the broken paths or reinstall the radiants.
  13. Which version are you using?
  14. It's just a matter of scaling, yes. Just adhere to the grid you want to place them in - at least whole units for the dimensions, or possibly multiples of 8 or 16 or whatever suits you.
  15. the whole file is loaded and kept in memoryeach file is only loaded onceIt may be marginally faster, but it probably makes no difference practically.Probably nothing to worry about, unless you use dozens of textures at 2k+ resolution.
  16. There's nothing you can do. Ideally the exporter would split seams automatically and keep the proper normals so it looks smooth, but since it requires a cut the only way it will ever look smooth is if it is flat.
  17. You need depthWrite, but I don't think that works quite properly without an alphaFunc? It's been a while, consult the shader manual.
  18. cull none, twosided and disable are exactly the same. Which model is this?
  19. With some coding an x-ray effect is far from impossible - you'd just need a skeleton model that would be placed inside the zapped person. Then you give the original model a transparent glowing shader and you're basically done, I think. Not sure how good it'd look, transparency and overlapping surfaces might look weird and an actual Fragment Shader might achieve a better result but that would be way more work. But cool. There's an illegal port of Quake 3's skeleton player model which you shouldn't use, except possibly as a placeholder until you have a proper one.
  20. Yes, importing is usually a great guideline. There's no MD3 importer included in my suite though, but you can convert to GLM using MD3View as mentioned before and import that, or find a separate MD3 importer.
  21. There's a manual included with the suite which contains most plugin-specific information, the rest is a matter of learning to use Blender. As for scale, you can open existing models in MD3View and enable the Bounding Box (Ctrl+ B) to display their dimensions. Unless you scale them up during export it's a 1:1 scale, i.e. 1 Blender unit = 1 Jedi Academy unit.
  22. It can't be added with entity modding, you'd have to either compile the map again or convert it to md3, which is the only model format you can add with entity modding.
  23. As you noticed, you can actually just read the file since it's in plain text. Hence the name - Ascii Scene Export. It's a simple file format for static models. The format is supported by the map editor and Q3Map2, the compiler; Jedi Academy however does not support it. This is not a problem when using misc_model to place them since Q3Map2 will handle them, but they don't work as misc_model_static, misc_model_health_power_converter et al. and thus can't be used for BSP editing. Since they get embedded in the .bsp file by Q3Map2 you don't actually have to include them in your .pk3 file; they're like the .map in this regard.
  24. You'll have to upload your map to get anything but guesses. My best guess would be that there is probably a brush, but it's hidden or filtered.
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