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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. As long as it's brushes we're talking about, there's q3map_backShader.
  2. Kudos to Circa and SiLink for their services. I've already been thinking about joining the JKHub team for a while now; I'll just be busy with uni for the rest of the month and was going to apply in September. I basically realized what an important role JKA played in my life, and that I should give back more to its community. And besides filling the wiki with my knowledge (which does not require me being a member of the team) that could also include helping with moderation. I was a moderator on darth-arth.de, a German Jedi Knight modding community, back when it still existed, so I have some experience. I first joined in 2004-02-06, although I can't quite tell when I became a moderator any more. And I should be pretty good at keeping the peace since I'm usually pretty chill. I could also help on the coding side, although web is not my specialty and I'm slightly averse to PHP. My time is limited though; I can invest a couple of hours a week, but I want to do other things as well. I certainly care about JKHub though and will make extra time in times of need, but an additional moderator may be required at some point.
  3. Assist? I was thinking about doing it single-handedly, if need be. Though not until I've finished some other projects, like the JK3Files mirror. And it will take time.
  4. I don't know what there is to elaborate. In the last dozen years numerous great mods have been released, especially if you also count high quality models and maps. Allow new players to easily find those and they'll probably run out of interest before they run out of mods.
  5. Gee, so many projects on my mind! I'll probably be busy for a couple of years.

    1. Cerez


      Sounds just like what's in my head... :P Years? Decades!

  6. The game probably has to be restarted anyway to load them, so it might as well be a separate application. Makes it a lot easier to develop, too - I wouldn't want to try to do this with JA's menu system; besides, this could probably only be available ingame when running the OpenJK "mod," which is kind of lame. But it could still be developed as a library to ease a potential ingame port. I don't agree entirely - there are tons of great mods already, people just need to be made aware of them, with useful ways to filter through them.
  7. The JKA SDK includes ModView which can display player models in specific animations. They don't look 100% like in the game if there are special texture effects involved, but it's usually fairly close.
  8. If we are to create a huge mod together, I suggest we open another thread for discussion and collect the results in the wiki. Getting such a project done is difficult and requires good organization. Where would this thread go? In the WIPs forum? If it's serious, it might get its own Mod Project Forum... Personally, I wouldn't be on board though - I'm more into the idea of improving our tools, and if I were to do some modding it'd be on the aforementioned unfinished SP project. The tools project should also get its own discussion thread and wiki entry(s), I want to plan it through thoroughly rather than write something mediocre.
  9. You can pretty much put it anywhere, you just need to adjust the paths in the Radiant project file(s); one way of doing it is described in this tutorial: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:96]
  10. Isn't devmapall supposed to reload all resources? I'm not entirely sure...
  11. Raise your standards! You don't have to accept mediocre tools. Just because all Jedi Academy modding can be done using a Hexeditor doesn't mean you should limit yourself to one. I don't disagree with what you're saying regarding community though.
  12. For your consideration, @@UniqueOne: Level Editing In UE4 Kinda Needs To Catch Up To Quake 1, Hypothesising Negative Effects of Ubiquitous Modular Mesh Based Level Design. I'm not convinced that existing editors will do us any good, I still think a custom editor could be easier to use and more powerful. I do agree that support for heightmap based terrain might be worth adding to JKA, brushes are not the right way of creating them. And having distance-based LODs and possibly occlusion volumes as an alternative/in addition to BSP would be cool. (I have CryEngine's Sandbox in mind writing this.) It borders on a total conversion though; outside of the roleplay community and possibly some vehicle based maps I don't see how current game modes could reasonably work on maps that large. There's only so much space you can fill with 32 players. You seem to be suggesting Jedi Knight: The MMORPG, or possibly Jedi Knight: The Open World SP RPG. A project of that size is practically impossible. Or what exactly is it you want? --edit-- Agreed. You mean getting into competitive multiplayer? Good point. A mod manager/browser should aid in finding good mods. Like what?
  13. A well made game-specific editor will always be better than some general one. Would your hypothetical good editor with an open source map format know how JKA's file system works and read its textures accordingly? Would it support Jedi Academy's entities? I believe you're underestimating how much work it would be to support a new map format and customize its editor. I'm curious, what existing good editors did you have in mind? Tell that to the tons of indie developers that make great games nobody buys. There are tons of articles out there on why and how you should start advertising early, and since we're essentially (re-)launching a game here they apply to us as well.
  14. That's what I said. Spirits of the Sith, made by 3D-GET, mostly before I joined them in 2007 or so.
  15. The problem is twofold: Make the game attractive again and let people know about it. So one part is doing a huge relaunch, the other part is making the news with it. I've already mentioned that a relaunch should include better tools and a mod manager. To be interesting to players it should also contain some great, big mods. A new singleplayer campaign*, Jedi Knight Galaxies, what have you. Making joining into mod game modes a smoother experience would help, too. Display information on the mod being played in the server browser, along with an option to download it, or allow the user to filter by mods they have or serverside mods. * I used to be (and technically still am) part of a mod team that used to work on one... Development slowly ceased when it was ca. 80% done, but I'd still love to finish it some day. Maybe I will. I probably should. --edit-- As for MP vs SP: People stick around longer for MP, but more people care for SP, in my experience.
  16. The natural representation would be an Empty Object, which just has a location and a rotation, and that's how it's done in the MD3 exporter. But those can't be weighed to the skeleton, and that's why we have the workaround of using a triangle. (Which is also why how they are saved in the GLM, so it's somewhat obvious.)
  17. One more thing - there's no rush. We may only get one shot at this, if we don't do it right, people might quickly lose interest. I think it's better to do it properly than do it soon. A huge relaunch, if you will. So before we go ahead and start writing new tools, I want them to be thoroughly planned out. I'm thinking waterfall - we have a fixed game we're targeting, so we don't need to be very agile, we want something cohesive. So first lay down the precise requirements (i.e. a big wish list of cool features), then design the interface & features in detail, and only then start working on it. If it were for me we'd be busy planning until Qt 5.7 is out (currently aiming for April 28th, Beta in March, Alpha in February), which will introduce thorough C++11 support. If we're done planning before then, we can start with implementing the packet manager infrastructure, whose backend probably won't use Qt, and continue improving OpenJK. The whole SP/MP dichotomy is so annoying... I feel like an effort should be made to merge as much of the code base as possible while keeping compatibility. It's probably a lot of work and quite error-prone, but I think it would be worth it, if it's possible. (I'm not familiar enough with the differences to really tell, but I feel like it should be to some degree.) But I think this might be going off-topic, unless we're talking about making modding the engine code more attractive.
  18. Q3Map2 is running out of memory. This may be due to map complexity and/or using memory intensive compile options. You're probably using a 32 bit build of Q3Map2 - that will run out of memory at 2GB. Since you have 8x that, I suggest you start by finding a 64 bit build - there's at least one out there, but I'm not going to go looking for it.
  19. How to revive JKA's modding community? I propose this: Have players (you got that right )Have those players discover you can mod the gameHave great, easy to learn modding tools and tutorials to enable those players to make mods themselvesAnd how do we achieve that? Like so:No idea, you think of something.An integrated mod manager, akin to the Nexus Mod Manager, would help; as would Steam Workshop integration, but I don't think that's possible due to the GPL.Our existing tools aren't horrible (or are they?), but...An editor specifically made for JKA could be way cooler than the Radiant. I've been thinking about creating one for quite some time, I have a couple of ideas for improvements... And I'm not just talking about displaying misc_model_static and visaulizing target2/opentarget/... connections.We have plenty of useful modelling tools, but the process of getting a model into JKA is way too complex. My Blender exporter has many shortcomings, and only some can be solved while keeping it a Blender exporter - ideally there should be a separate tool that can import common model formats (FBX et al), load a GLA skeleton and let you do the skinning and dismemberment preparations; it would know about the required hierarchy, names, have native support for tags (nigh impossible in Blender), shader preview, anim-event preview etc. Again, this is something I've been thinking about creating for a while, given infinite time I'd definitely work on this.Just about any file you need to manually edit/create could be made more user-friendly using guided forms - files like .arena, .npc, .sab etc. In a monolithic suite, these could also be linked where appropriate - for example have an "add new NPC" button when placing an npc_spawner in your map, which by the way should have a dropdown/autocompletion for npc names.Well, forms are probably not appropriate for .shader files - those also need a realtime preview, and thorough explanation as well as templates.Packaging the final mod could also be automated. Why should I have to manually find all the files that go in the pk3? Oops, I forgot the texture from Jedi Home! (Which is also why assets from other mods should only be loaded on demand, and/or explicitly marked as such.)In short, I believe I may be proposing UnrealEd for Jedi Academy. With lots of integrated help and builtin publishing to mod repos. Ah, there's another idea - don't have a single mod database, but allow for multiple ones, akin to packet managers, so there's no single point of failure.In short: build a whole lot of tools and infrastructure to allow just about anyone to create mods, and make sure everybody who boots up Jedi Academy knows about it. Point in case. --edit-- The compiler could also be improved, starting with more useful errors.
  20. Yes. Though cvars are presumably just a means to an end here, you may want to just add whatever you're trying to achieve using cvars to ICARUS. What exactly do you mean by active player settings? You can query the difficulty level, for example, is that a player setting? Are we talking MP or SP? But I suspect the answer to your question is no.
  21. mrwonko

    Cached Compiling?

    The game is only ever placing stuff into one location.
  22. mrwonko

    Cached Compiling?

    As always, if you don't want to run base you need to specify the fs_game on startup.
  23. They have not removed it, it was never there, as far as 1.6 is concerned. It's based on 1.4, so it uses the old "drag" method to move stuff.
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