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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. I remember this problem, though I'm not entirely sure what causes it. May be off-grid vertices. Can you set EasyGen to snap to 8 unit increments? I don't have it installed so I can't check. (Why don't I have it installed?)
  2. A negative scale mirrors it, but you need to re-align it. Or you can rotate it 180° with rotation lock turned on, then another 180° without it.
  3. I don't know about that... I'm going to create a nice index on my website, at which point everybody can just search it for any files they may need. No need for me to manually supply each link.
  4. You probably shouldn't, patches require more calculations for collision detection than brushes, so stick to brushes when possible. I once had massive slowdowns in a patch-heavy room...
  5. Incorrect, there are per-level cutscene animations, BOTH_CIN_N, in _humanoid_levelname. Oh, too slow.
  6. Uhm... Try reading the thread? *wink wink nudge nudge*
  7. Guess who's done uploading the files to his server? (Answer: me!) It's currently checking the files for integrity, but the upload's done, so the torrent is now available here. Go ahead and put my supposed unlimited traffic to the test. It'll be a while until I have time to create a nice http mirror, but this should suffice for now. Keep in mind that this is 40'000 files totaling over 60GB; some torrent clients may not take too kindly to that. I've had success with rtorrent on Linux and Tixati on Windows, your mileage may vary?
  8. If you want it sent to you, specify how. As it stands I can only offer you to download it yourself.
  9. I'd just put any additional animations for a given gla in a subfolder, e.g. models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla/backhandstance.gla and models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg/backhandstance.cfg, but that gets awfully close to the 64 character limit.
  10. mrwonko

    JK3Files Shuts Down

    Well, for the time being the files are still there: KOTOR/KOTOR 2. It's just the network page with the reviews and links to them that's offline.
  11. You don't paste the whole path, you use the base-relative path. Mind that you can't load a different skeleton that way; it's just for importing different animations.
  12. Quake 3 is supposed to run, so I don't see why JKA wouldn't. If you have Windows 8, the upgrade's a no-brainer since it's an all around improvement; if you're using Windows 7, I can see why you may hesitate. But you can't/shouldn't cling to Windows 7 forever, and supposedly Windows 10 will be the final Windows, so eventually an upgrade is inevitable. There's an argument to be made for waiting a month or two though.
  13. That Hologram Room you linked doesn't seem to be the right one, the one I'm looking is by cloudflint and seems to be something quite different: "This map is meant to be a hologram room, it basically functions as a map selector. You use the "select program" button to select any of the base ffa maps or the question mark for a random map then hit the "initialise program" button and it will begin counting down from zero. When the timer hits zero the map which is currently selected will be loaded." Thanks for the other links though.
  14. I know, 1.06 was on Filefront as well and is included in the backup. It's just 1.05 that I couldn't download. Edit: I need GoldenEye Bunker 1.1, not 1.2.
  15. The links from the filefront page were broken in various ways; I do not have them, they will not be included in the backup.
  16. Nina 1.5/Undiscovered Secret/Nova Unit/Genesis/Privateer? I have those, but Nina 1.5 and Undiscovered Secret are not yet done uploading. I don't know in what order they'll be uploaded, so I can't give you an exact ETA, but they should be online by the end of the week.
  17. I checked it out, the box archive files (bespintower.zip in particular) seem to have 1300 extra 0-bytes at the beginning for no apparent reason. That is not the case with the original files on filefront and confuses the Windows Zip handling. My torrent is working, but I feel like it'd be best to upload it to my server first, since that actually has decent upload speed. I'm limited by my 1.1MBit/s upload rate, so at best this will take around a week; dividing the bandwidth between multiple clients would most likely slow it down. I'll share the torrent once I'm done uploading the files to my server.
  18. Should be this one: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/files/26787_jedihfexpansion.zip
  19. I do have all the reviews, I probably just can't legally share them.
  20. I plan to host them on my website and blacklist on request; it's not super ethical, but I don't think I'll get in trouble as long as I don't include the reviews. The torrent won't be up for another couple of hours, turns out most clients don't seem to handle 40'000 files very well and I have some business to attend before I can look into it more.
  21. I plan to upload it to my website, but at 63GB that in itself will take a week or so. I then need to put a more user friendly frontend to it than a 40MB file with 10'000 json lines. I've been thinking about how to upload it, and a torrent seems like a robust way of doing it. I suppose I might as well share that in case someone wants the whole package... I don't plan on seeding it for very long though.
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