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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. Consult the exporter's manual for information on the ASE export setup. The issue with the scene is not just its dimensions (they are probably still within limits), but also how it's fairly far away from the origin. You can't have any coordinates exceeding 512, but some parts are at Y=-520 and beyond.
  2. You call that not big? That's pretty huge, might be too big. Try exporting as .ase instead, there's no size limit on those.
  3. Any .blend file would be much appreciated. I'd guess your model is too large, it can't exceed [-512, 512).
  4. Yes, as I already said, it's a problem with the plugin. If you keep pestering I may look into fixing it and upgrading to a more recent Blender version in September.
  5. Well, that depends entirely on the plugin. Importing weights was one of my goals with the importer, but I'm sure it would be possible with 3DS as well.
  6. In that case the actual geometry is a box. I did not say "don't have boxes", I said "don't fix leaks in your geometry by putting a giant box around it".
  7. If you have a couple grand to spare for 3DS Max, sure.
  8. More like Map Leaked hidden. Don't ever "solve" this by making a box, go and plug the holes or your vis will turn out shit.
  9. Looks pretty set in stone to me. You only get to have torsoa, l_armb etc. variations for customizable models, but other than that it appears to be fixed.
  10. A couple of years ago the game's source code has been released, since then the community has started maintaining the game, fixing bugs and making improvements (without changing the gameplay). This project is OpenJK, and it's compatible with most (all?) mods. The first official release will apparently be in the coming months, although preview builds are already available.
  11. The cap surface is hidden until dismemberment occurs, at which point it's made visible. I don't see why it couldn't contain modeled bones etc., I've had that idea myself at some point. Just keep in mind that since it's a single surface you can only use a single texture, so some nice UV mapping is in order.
  12. It's important to note that there's a difference between entity leaked and map leaked.
  13. Well, this is a very inconvenient way to go about it, but I suppose so.
  14. So you lost your data? Since you'll have to release the source code anyway (as per the license) you should just upload it to github as you go, that way you'll have a backup.
  15. Simply upload the map, everybody's just guessing at this point.
  16. I wasn't quite sure since it's been years since I worked on the exporter, but you've confirmed it.
  17. Please upload your map so we can take a look and find the problem.
  18. As I said, the exporter mostly ignores modifiers. I certainly have no intention of looking into this before September, if at all.
  19. Because I didn't feel like writing much; I just wanted to tell you that there is no solution as long as the exporter has the issues it currently has. The problem is that Blender usually calculates normals automatically and JA models are split into multiple meshes, mostly because of UV seams and varying textures, but also due to dismemberment. Especially the latter is a difficult problem; seams at least could be automatically created while keeping normals intact, textures are somewhat more tricky... but for dismemberment you must split meshes, and that screws with your normals. In short: in order to fully fix this problem you need to manually adjust the normals of your model; I believe there's a plugin/modifier for that? Though if it's a modifier then my exporter might currently ignore it.
  20. I'd suggest you just make those changes in Blender - brushes are best created by hand, converting a triangle-based model automatically usually yields bad results. (Which is the same reason why automatic model clipping is a bad idea.)
  21. This. Hence "effectively". You don't want to use spawnflags 2, with the possible exception of terrain models.
  22. Look into your exporter's documentation, it should explain how to assign textures.
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