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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. Probably vertices belonging to no face, which lose their UV coordinates upon import into Blender. Someone built a shitty model. Find and delete the stray vertices.
  2. Or you could just use the npc_target property, which is fired when the NPC dies.
  3. I see. It's mostly for completeness' sake; I want as complete a backup of jk3files as possible. But it's really quite silly to want the inferior version.
  4. There are lots of tags in that model, but r_hand/l_hand are not among them. Did you even look at it in ModView? Fwiw, they're also blatantly missing in Blender.
  5. Besides the hierarchy the important thing about those surfaces are their Ghoul2 properties - what are their names and are they marked as tags?
  6. mrwonko

    Lack of coders

    And a new browser and a mod manager (including the web infrastructure for it) and converting an old German JKA tutorial archive to my new website, yes. And maybe improving my Blender exporter a little, although the new editor would make it obsolete (by including Ghoul2 tools) so I don't really feel like doing that. As I said, I'll need to consider it a bit more next week.
  7. mrwonko

    Lack of coders

    That too is just a matter of experience. Code reviews would help - you need to understand that you did something wrong and what, in order to be able to learn from it. But that's even more work. Thorough documentation would certainly be useful, but that too is yet more work. Maybe I should try helping part-time. I'm not very familiar with the JKA code, yet quite familiar with C/C++, so I'd be in a great position to explore the code and write about it. It's just that I'm quite busy with multiple other projects in the pipeline; I'd need to switch back and forth between those and OpenJK. (And all but one of those projects are actually JKA related, too.) I'll think about it some more next week; I'm still super busy with Uni this week.
  8. I have the screenshots from jk3files, so as long as the file had screenshots then they'll be kept.
  9. No, I'm pretty sure it is a tag issue - that lightning comes from the origin, which is what tags default to when they're missing.
  10. I have no right to be this lazy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cerez


      Oh yes you do!!! Quit being so busy!


      I find watching sloths move inspiring.

    3. Onysfx


      I like sloths.

    4. Cerez
  11. And mono, except for music.
  12. Yeah, you! Just take the ID from the URL - 92631 in your case - and add an underscore and the filename as given in the infobox on the page - that's wwstance.rar here. This yields 92631_wwstance.rar, which is what the file is called at http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/files/: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/files/92631_wwstance.rar I'll create a website that lists those downloads next month.
  13. You're the one who has to fix his model, it's not an issue with the game.
  14. Yeah, rotating the model is one way of getting a backhand saber, though it will probably look stupid and be useless with the normal stances. What you really want are custom animations where the saber is held backwards (which would work with unrotated models), but that's a lot of work...
  15. Sock? Surely you mean Soc, i.e. SimonOC, over at http://simonoc.com/ Does he go by "sock"?
  16. I have no right to be this tired.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. afi


      Hey at least he tried

    3. Ramikad


      Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly?

    4. Onysfx


      He's too tired to fight for his right to be tired, that's why he's tired.

  17. Ah, I see you found your way here. Welcome! (This was initially on /r/jediknight, I directed Ein here.) I suppose if you want to do this yourself, you should start with the OpenJK compiling guide. OpenJK is basically a backwards compatible community patch for Jedi Academy (SP & MP) and JK2 SP; JK2 support isn't well tested/supported though...
  18. Oh I'd have such an inappropriate response to that. But rules & common decency etc... ... stop derailing the thread!
  19. No, please don't! Writing the exporter was enough work, now I need to support it as well? Why did nobody tell me?!?
  20. In that case, a wild card application may be more suitable for me. While I can provide the occasional moderation and will contribute to the wiki, being a software engineer I'd primarily want to help make new features possible.
  21. I don't think this is a bug as much as a feature request. I don't want emails every time a new reply is posted to a thread, so I don't use "instant" notifications. I want to be mailed once if something changed since I last visited the thread. "Offline" subscriptions mostly work for this, but not quite - occasionally I won't get a mail, presumably because I'm still "online" reading some other thread or whatnot. If eventually another reply is made (once I'm offline), I do get a mail, but that's unreliable and too late. So please add a "sane" subscription mode. Alternatively or additionally: Modern browsers can display notifications (the whatsapp webchat does, for example) - so if jkhub could use that in addition to the notification box, it would be possible to notify online users of thread replies using notifications while they're online and using mail when they're not. That's assuming the server is capable of running more than (the equivalent of) cgi scripts, since this would require a continuous connection, e.g. using websocket. No idea if your host supports that.
  22. You'll just have to duplicate the surface, flip the normals and assign the different shader.
  23. Did you edit your post? I don't remember it initially saying anything about a "run out of transform space" error...
  24. Just look at existing models for guidance, they usually have a couple thousand vertices and triangles enabled at once (i.e. not counting different skins). Or use enough that the silhouette of curves is smooth enough for your liking. Just keep in mind that there's a 1'000 vertex limit per-surface, so you may have to split more complex surfaces.
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