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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. mrwonko


    That would be a simple solution. I don't exactly like relying on some 3rd party service, but since I don't want to set up a forum either... that might happen?
  2. mrwonko


    Should this just be https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/wiki ?
  3. Blender has a manual. Only looking at the titles I'd suggest you look into the "General Principles and Tools" section and into Rigging, in particular Armatures (to get an understanding for what they are; you don't need to create them, you'd import them from a .gla/.glm file) and Posing. These may not be the best resources; feel free to search for "Blender posing tutorial" or similar.
  4. I'd use Blender over Dragon; it's more powerful, but harder to learn.
  5. No, that is a customizable color shader, DT85. In this case the alpha channel is used to mark the parts that change color, but the resulting shader is non-transparent.
  6. Feel free to upload a tga/png for us to take a look at.
  7. mrwonko

    Lack of coders

    https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/ Issues can be reported at https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues
  8. Have an alpha channel, save as png or tga. Not sure where the problem is? Sorry, but this does sound like an excellent thing to google for. "How do I add an alpha channel in photoshop?" or whatever.
  9. The only reasonable way to do transparency is with (effectively) a 1 bit alpha channel, i.e. either on or off. To this end you'd use an alphaFunc in your shader to define the cutoff point (e.g. GT0 to make alpha 1-255 visible, LT128 for 0-127, GE128 for 128-255 or GE192 for 192-255). You'd still use an ordinary blendFunc as with normal solid shaders, I believe, since the alphaFunc takes care of transparency, so I don't think an explicit depthWrite is required. This will only be visible ingame; ModView completely ignores shaders, but you can enable alpha blending in the menu (which is more akin to blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, with the same problems: there's no depth sorting, so you get visual glitches.)
  10. safe_malloc just means it has run out of memory. In a 32 bit build this happens at 2GB. There's the -lomem switch for making it use less memory (at the expense of higher compile times) but the real solution (besides keeping the map simpler/using less memory consuming compile options) is switching to a 64 bit Q3Map2 (assuming you're running a 64 bit operating system).
  11. Rescale? Is there a limit on the glm dimensions or why would you want that? If I remember the format correctly, they can probably be scaled in their base pose, but animations definitely can't change the scale.
  12. You mean like creating an appropriately sized brush/patch? You can already do that, you know?
  13. Brushes are simply not well suited for this kind of collision geometry, I feel like an engine change would probably solve this in a better way.
  14. The solid flag sucks. Bad idea. But generally it would be useful to be able to define a collision mesh with your models; but that's a new feature that would need to be added to the game.
  15. Searching for author "broli" on my jk3files mirror yields a single file: a cloud model. So yes, I suppose.
  16. Not sure how much difference a few hundred MB would make for a 60GB torrent... Anybody looking for a specific mod has the web mirror, and if you want it all 60GB is quite manageable. I'm in favor of a nice packet manager-ish mod solution, but targeting new mods, not the jk3files archive.
  17. ModView appears to have trouble with upper case letters in mesh names. Renaming the surfaces did the trick. I did not know that.
  18. sv_, yes. That's where the server sends its heartbeat. But clientside there was only support for a single hardcoded masterserver before OpenJK.
  19. Are you using shaders whose names differ from the texture names? ModView will only look for loose textures, it doesn't load shaders. It also needs to be able to figure out the base path from the model's location.
  20. It has been mentioned before... Besides the sheer size you'd likely run into performance problems due to detail; with such an open map you want varying levels of detail and possibly realtime occlusion; BSP isn't going to cut it. I generally love the idea though. I'd also love vehicle handling with proper 6DOF; I think that too has been mentioned here. In short; give me Star Citizen: Star Wars edition.
  21. The subdivision mismatch could very well still be present in the .ase; in that case it would need to be edited by hand.
  22. The plugin is for 2.64-2.69; I wouldn't use it with 2.63.
  23. Huh. Then Radiant version does matter... It is however an issue you can also get in 1.4, and thus presumably 1.6; I assume in that case it also happens ingame? Man, it's been forever since I did real mapping... I need to get back to it and learn more about the details like this.
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