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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. To try to remake JKA on UE4. Would be kind of awesome if they succeeded, I doubt they will, and if they do Disney will probably shut them down.
  2. When was that? It's still in development, so the bugs may have been fixed and if not you should report them. No it couldn't.
  3. 1. Well there's Ja++, which as I understand it is basically an enhanced Ja+ remake, that may have increased limits, but you'd have to ask @@Raz0r. 2. Skyboxes still work as they did in Quake 3; but what you have there is not a skybox shader, it's basically just a wall. But I still don't know what your issue is. And you're right, there's a slight difference in quality after all. 9. Length alone is not enough, you also need location, as evident in backhand sabers.
  4. 1. Probably not; sadly one does not simply combine (code) mods. 2. I don't understand the problem. How are you creating your skybox? That shader doesn't look like a typical sky box shader. And I don't see a different between your pictures 200 and 206. 9. Another thing to keep in mind is that the model includes information on the location of the blade(s). That would also have to be overwritten with that of the default model. But I agree, it's in theory possible to allow for this on client side for sabers with one or two blades, it just requires additional code that nobody has written yet, and wouldn't work properly for backhand sabers.
  5. I'm not saying it breaks save games (yet), it just won't work correctly on base.
  6. Maybe #706 is not exactly a requirement for a release, but it's high priority; users need to be able to tell when a mod requires OpenJK in an idiot-proof fashion. By then it's too late; now the user has to go through the hassle of reinstalling/moving it.
  7. In my opinion: Crash reporting (#141)Custom archive format with metadata like required version (#706)Possibly some form of auto updating; e.g. a launcher (mentioned in #710)A launcher could also include a bug reporting toolInstaller which verifies the chosen directory contains Jedi Academy (related to #627, but kind of its own issue)
  8. Job search sucks.

    1. Ping


      It wouldn't if we all had enough resources to get by on our own. We should be looking to automate as many jobs as possible and thereby provide everyone with their maximum amount of free time.

    2. AshuraDX
    3. mrwonko


      I'm half-inclined to suggest automated job assignment, too; I'm pretty sure Google or Facebook have enough data to accurately find people jobs. Yay surveillance!

  9. Might be something OpenJK could add though... I'll take a note of it. You're talking about SP?
  10. Use a single fog brush. It's play of it's partially outside the map. I think there's also a global worldspawn setting for this; "fog" or "_fog" I believe.
  11. You know what's better than saying no comment? Not commenting. There's a Fluttershy model, it's pony though, not human.
  12. Efficient grass rendering would be a renderer thing (rd-*.dll), while camera code is gamecode (jampgamex86.dll) so they can be combined.
  13. Make sure it's set to SP Mapping Mode, I think that's in the Project Settings.
  14. Megatextures is id Tech 5, not 4 (well, I think Quake Wars had them, but that never got open sourced). FWIW I don't think switching engines is the solution.
  15. No offence but that does not contribute to the topic in any meaningful way.
  16. A modern OpenJK renderer could greatly speed up grass rendering. Just saying.
  17. No, you must not move the bones unless you want to create a custom skeleton for just that model - but if you want a player model, you must use _humanoid, which means you can't change the skeleton.
  18. Look up how many people worked on Far Cry 2 for how long. Given that much time, we may be able to copy it.
  19. Nah, I had the same issue on my 2GB HD6950 on the latest drivers.
  20. It could just be a problem with the plugin/blender. Could you upload the ASE so others can see how long it takes them to import?
  21. The textures are imported in some way, I think as material names. You could probably load them as materials using the python console.
  22. I did not have people loading whole maps in mind when I wrote the importer, it was meant to be used for smaller map objects... I'm not sure what's taking so long though, I don't see any obvious bottlenecks.
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