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Posts posted by Pickles256

  1.  boy are you wrong, kiddo... :facepalm:

    no u


    actually tho the reason why rebels didn't have many stormtroopers deaths and stuff was cause it was on Disney XD. Disney isn't going to come in and change everything about the 12 episodes, they have better business sense  than that


    Also why would they? Why would they change around a bunch of pre written scripts to censor the last season of a show

  2. Check models text file in penekepack that tells you what it replaces. So for example Rose Tico replaces Jedi_ZF (zabrak female) so skin and models files are in that folder.

    I actually have a similar problem, I  checked that for the ventress model but it just says " none" but there are no image files for the model in the file, do you know where those would be located?


    RELEASE: Maul's saber (from the Rebels TV show) v1.0




    Hello guys! This is my first edit attempt of a lightsaber hilt. It is exciting hilt that was owned by Maul in the Rebels TV show. I've realised that he is using edited Inquisitor's saber so I've asked maestro Rooxon to give me permission to use his model. Then I've edited it to the accurate shape and re-textured so it looks scruffy. Maul's saberhum and opening sounds were also added. The hilt is fully compatible with SP/MP character customization menu. 






    Sounds: Yes
    Menu Support: Yes
    MP Support: Yes
    Extract maulsaber_tompa.zip and put zz_zw_MaulRebsT.PK3 into your base folder in Gamedata. Enjoy!
    saber maul_rebels
    Rooxon (original model)
    jedinoob124 (saber hum sound)
    Swegmaster (fix)


    Looks great!

    Tompa9 likes this
  4. why? not works in game?

    The textures weren't working right


    Open the pk3 in packscape

    go to modles\players\kylo_ren

    copy model_default_tlj.skin file to your hardrive and open it

    change the line




    Save it as model_default_tlj2.skin


    move it to the modles\players\kylo_ren inside packscape


    go to ext_data\npcs

    extract kylo_ren,npc to your hard drive and open it

    copy the entire "Kylo_Ren" NPC section and past it below

    rename the new NPC to Kylo_Ren_TLJ

    add the line

     customskin     default_tlj2

    Save it and move it back to its place inside packscape

    Save the file in packscape




    playermodel kylo_ren_tlj

    That did it, thank you! Though there's a missing piece of his torso but I don't think that can be fixed with the .skin file

  5. 1 create another SKIN files copying model_default with a another name, like model_nohood. 

    2 replace with *off the path of textures of cape and hood and enable the path of the texture for the mask mesh :) (see texture folders for put correct names)

    3 make a NPC file with a model that use as customskin the new skin file you did.




    playermodel kylo_ren

    customskin  nohood

    etc etc

    I tried doing that before but I've had no luck, I'm able to do it fine for other skins but having trouble with this one for some reason

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