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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. The stormie has undergone a slight edit: - Vertex count is lower, now I don't need to detach smooth groups to element (thanks Archangel ) - Helmet proportions have been edited to match my normal map version (now dead) - All textures have been edited to reduce the white - Fixed torso armor that was incorrect compared to the reference - Optimised a few spots here and there on LOD0 I'm waiting for the exporter to be fixed, then I'll release it & Luke 2.0.
  2. Atm, I'm fixing up the stormtrooper while I wait for the exporter fix Archangel is working on.
  3. But seriously, what a crappy waterfall.....
  4. From the cod piece, you can tell phasma's not a boy.
  5. Yeah, the entire thing is just EFX, my bad.
  6. I thought the waterfall was just a 3d mesh with a scrolling shader on it? EDIT: I think this is the shader. I'm guessing it's something to do with blendfunc or alphagen perhaps in the code that got changed somehow. textures/yavin/waterfall { qer_editorimage textures/yavin/water1 surfaceparm slick q3map_material Water q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting cull twosided { map textures/yavin/water1 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen exactVertex alphaGen const 0.9 tcMod scroll 0 -1 tcMod scale 3 3 } { map textures/yavin/water1 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen const 0.33 tcMod scroll 0 -0.25 } { map textures/yavin/water_test blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE tcMod scroll 0 -0.15 tcMod scale 3 3 } { map textures/common/stars blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen wave sin 0 1 0 0.5 } }
  7. An updated skeleton with a fresh set of facial bones would do wonders.
  8. Well after the latest Star Wars Rebels, I think I'm liking Ahsoka

    1. Cerez


      You mean after the double inquisitor fight? Why, because she can kick ass Jedi-style? :lol:

    2. McGroose


      I was mainly disappointed with the brother inquisitor in that fight. He barely did anything.

    3. BelugaArts


      That's because he sucks. Big time.



  9. Sounds great, though you can only do so much with the current facial bones.
  10. Well I had that leaked shot & the toy for reference, we shall see how close it is in the movie.
  11. Simply put. If they don't get the last bit of money, no XF mods.
  12. Tbh, I didn't notice there was a waterfall lol. If I were to guess, I'd say something to do with shader crap in the code. Also, your HUD looks to be missing stuff as well.
  13. Yeah but it doesn't match the reference. Check out the toy for what I mean.
  14. As soon as I know what saber he uses in the movie and if the robotic hand is there, I'll update this pack again to 3.0.
  15. I know you crossed it out but with the updated exporter, you only need to set the smooth groups and export. No need to detach them at all.
  16. From what I can tell, Noesis cannot import the model so it's out. Blender I can only find exporters. As Psyk0sith said, would be best to ask CoD modders because the first step is to import the model.
  17. May as well be on-par with the XSI mod tool exporter, but after explicit normals though.
  18. Looks good. I kinda hate how I had to have the cloak on mine, but can only do so much with JKA and clipping.
  19. As usual, I forgot a few things with 1.0. Updates coming in 2.0: - Darker shadowing on textures as they came out a bit too light in-game - Specular maps on everything - Better model lighting - JKA Luke replacement - Team skins
  20. I forgot to add that it's the -smooth option on the left. And no, that's the fixed version just with crappy shadowing.
  21. Tested out using smooth groups and here's the results: On the left is the old method of all normals averaged. On the right is the smooth group version. This will get even better looking once explicit normals is supported.
  22. An updated version will come once Archangel is done fixing the exporter. I'll then be able to control model lighting better.
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