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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I don't really use Blender and cannot offer much assistance with it. Now I'm not sure if this is an issue or not, but internally your models name is "models/players/Thexan/model" instead of "model.glm". Could be the Blender JKA plugin doing this and it may not even matter. A few things to fix: - head tags need to be parented to the head mesh - hips tags need to be parented to the hips mesh - you didn't include any foot tags, ie r_leg_foot & l_leg_foot Hopefully after fixing all of that, you'll have a working model.
  2. Yeah just fool-proof it. I sometimes type the wrong slash and wonder why later.
  3. Which Han would be most needed atm? I can probably put some time into one.
  4. How would it be done? Also, the menu backgrounds would need a redo.
  5. Should make sure it's in the XSI exporter as well. It took me ages to figure out that slash issue for myself.
  6. Just felt like doing a few small things.
  7. Well I had a hand in this as well, but not with the normals or LOD stuff. Sure beats having to use Noesis.
  8. I've updated the pk3 on dropbox to include an updated version of arialnb which is much clearer than base JKA's. All the DF2 menus should now be using it. Speaking of the menu, I've also done minor tweaks to the background images.
  9. Well everything I do I put with "DT EDIT" comments so easier to keep track of things. I suggest you fork from my repo on github.
  10. All to do with "constexpr" which I'm told by VS 2013 doesn't exist.
  11. Wondering what happened to the source code for DF2 Mod? Wonder no more, it's been restored AND it's on a new copy of OpenJK! Check the first post for the link.
  12. Any reason why OpenJK has been made not to compile on VS 2013 Express anymore? I googled one of the errors and came back with "VS 2015". If that's the case, why allow us to create project files for other compilers if they won't even compile the code?
  13. Should try and stay close to the videos, ie this look:
  14. Then any characters and environments in-game should match 1:1 as seen in the videos. While really cool looking, the latest pic doesn't resemble the videos.
  15. So as you know, this game isn't part of the new canon. This is what I propose - change parts of the game to fit within the new universe. So here we go! TITLE : Jedi Knight PLOT: The game is set some time after the events of Episode 9. The player controls Kyle Katarn. On Nar Shaddaa, Katarn meets with an information broker droid named 8t88 who tells Katarn that his father, Morgan Katarn, was killed by a Dark Jedi named Jerec. After a lengthy firefight, Kyle retrieves a disk from 8t88 that can only be read by WeeGee, the Katarn's family droid. The disk's message, coupled with WeeGee giving Kyle a lightsaber, compel Kyle to undertake a journey to confront his father's murderers and discover his own latent Force abilities. While on this journey, Kyle learns that seven Dark Jedi are intent on finding the "Valley of the Jedi", a focal point for the Force and sacred ground for the Jedi. Katarn retrieves the Valley's location and travels with close friend Jan Ors to Ruusan, the planet on which the Valley is located. Jerec captures Ors and offers Katarn the choice to execute her or die. The decision Katarn makes here depends on the player's actions within the game up to this point. If Katarn has fallen to the dark side he kills Ors, but if he has remained true to the light path he spares her. With both paths, Katarn has a final confrontation with Jerec in the Valley of the Jedi's core. If the player chose the dark path, the game ends with Katarn becoming the new Emperor; if the player chose the light side, the game concludes with Katarn being reunited with Ors and carving a monument to Rahn and his dead father. OPENING CRAWL: Years have past since the destruction of the First Order. The galaxy knows peace for the first time in decades. In an attempt to disrupt this newly found peace, a new faction has risen - the DARK JEDI. Their leader, JEREC, seeks the legendary VALLEY OF THE JEDI. Within this lost battleground he will find untold power to destroy peace and justice in the galaxy.... - Dropping Kyles Death Star plans history if mentioned at all, and dark forces is dropped from the title. - Any troopers and officers etc will be First Order instead of Empire. - Any mention of the Empire will be switched to First Order. So yeah, stuff like this.
  16. I'd still like to see scripted cutscenes rather than the videos cuz let's face it - the CGI was terrible along with the acting
  17. Ok so I noticed you're missing a few of the basic model tags. Out of all the missing tags, the game requires *head_top or it will throw a "bad model" error to the console and refuse to load the model. If you add this tag, it should work fine. It can be found in any base JKA model.
  18. I believe I had to fix the results window displaying Chinese writing by running it through Eez's Unicode fix, which is the same fix for texture paths etc.
  19. Take a look at my code for what I did for the Unicode - it works fine and includes eezstreets string conversion for texture paths etc. Should be on my Dropbox still in that link I gave you.
  20. Either you're trying to load a model with a custom animation set (GLA) or you've borked the model (GLM) in Blender. I don't use Blender, so can't help you there.
  21. How's rend2 progress these days?
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