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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. It's coded to use one of the standing anims for the legs but one could edit this easily. But still would require a code mod.
  2. Probably wouldn't be too hard to whip up a "eyes.skin" to go along with the head, torso, legs. Then make a "SET_SKIN_EYES" something in the code for icarus. Something like that.
  3. You can't just edit the dark side scripts (that are run after choosing dark side path) to add in a skin change?
  4. Sorry for the necro. So I'm currently experimenting with models in my SP map using misc_model_static and unfortunately, LODs do not work except for geometry quality settings. How hard would it be to add LODs working based on player distance @@Xycaleth?
  5. You should see if xycaleth would like this for rend2.
  6. Check out the JK2 script source and find the kejim level start script if you want to remove all powers or just make an affect player script that sets which force powers you want to have.
  7. This could be really cool, and even cooler if mixed with a finished rend2 for visual candy.
  8. Can the ent limit be removed just like that? If that's the case, why is it in JKA in the first place?
  9. Well actually the pinky, ring and middle fingers are meant to be driven by the "d4" bones. Anyways. I can always recompile the JKA animation source to include all 5 fingers with 3 segments and toe bones (like JK2) if you want it. I can even thrown in the full facial bones as well. Would break compatibility on existing models though. P.S sorry for the necro posting.
  10. Try having those ported models as static so they are loaded by the renderer.
  11. Not at the moment, bogged down with MBII stuff.
  12. As Mr Wonko said in another Blender-related post, they keep changing things with each new version. This could just be that the plugin is not compatible with 2.78.
  13. Probably uploaded here and put into MBII if the team is happy with it. This poor bastard along with Qui-gon need to be finished.
  14. Lights aren't entities, unless you tell q3map2 to keep them (forget how exactly).
  15. Nah just your typical base JKA kind of textures and shaders. I dunno, maybe fixing the light grid thing will fix this too..
  16. @@UniqueOne Tried this on one of my DF2 maps and I get a warning in-game saying "light grid array mismatch" and I have a few missing textures that appear to have been replaced with caulk.
  17. When I decompile a .BSP file, the texture scaling, rotation & positioning aren't kept and are reset to default values.
  18. Looking great as always. Are you able to cast shadows from any other light sources besides the sun?
  19. Pretty sure the game only looks for certain tags & bones to pass a player model as loadable, not actual mesh names. So the issue here could be that there aren't any foot or hand tags.
  20. Update: First screenshot matches the video more closely.
  21. Looks great. Personally, I'd add lights to the fire EFX rather than use a map light and increase the lightmap scale for the floors in photos 5 & 6.
  22. Same with mine, but I need a good lip sync plugin for max. I don't really want to have to hand-animate it completely....
  23. I would much prefer this be closer to the cinematic, but it's upto you as you're the artist. Of course this would be a non-issue if we ditched the video cinematic or part of it. Watch the mouth move on the lil one, it's horrible lol. Thoughts on this: We can have a fresh, full set of facial bones which we lip sync ripped audio and animate in max. That animation gets exported to a level-specific GLA and played along with the ripped voice via scripting. The end result would be much better than base JKAs talking and requires no extra coding. I however, do not have a lip sync plugin.
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