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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Yeah I know, I meant do you have any plans to do that?
  2. What you need to do is bake the normals into the diffuse. Yeah, no normal maps suck but this is the best we can do atm sadly.
  3. Can a moderator please go through all of the DF2 threads and un-archive them?

    1. Circa


      Done, but it may take up to 24 hours for it to run.

    2. Circa


      Looks like it went quickly.

    3. Tempust85


      Nice, thanks Circa!

  4. If this pans out, I wouldn't mind having a "DF2 GLA" that all our models (currently using base JKA humanoid GLA) are rigged to with better human proportions than what base JKA has. I'm sure if all 3 of us work together, it would be a very minimal task. @@Archangel35757 Did you want to add some simulated "jiggle bones" for things like the shoulder armor & ears? Also, perhaps cloth sim for the front bit of cloth?
  5. Sounds like a good idea. I suggest having a first release that's a 2 level demo.
  6. So long as it resembles the video somewhat. I would have liked both of these characters to match the video exactly, but I understand wanting your own take.
  7. i tried to add support for ogv and while the video played, the audio didn't lol. Also, the game code sure loves only one video format. Took me a while to figure out how to allow roq and ogv to play.
  8. @@Xycaleth Wasn't at my PC when I posted last, but have now confirmed that you can make bink videos using RAD Video Tools from a variety of formats. Just created one from an AVI. Now I'm guessing a typo here? can't yeah? @@Ramikad DF2 videos are .SMK, also known as "Smack" or "Smacker" which is a different codec to .BIK "Bink". RAD Video Tools can read them and can create them though.
  9. Should be able to use rad video tools to convert from a variety of formats.
  10. I came across this, thought it was interesting. This Doom 3 project has support for bink video by using FFMPEG: https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG Would this be a legal method for OpenJK projects?
  11. Not true. Rend2 still reads .SHADER files, and there's only one reason to NOT use a .SHADER file in rend2 - same asset but different shaders and textures between renderers. If there's two shaders named the same eg test.mtr and test.shader (usually for creating vanilla and rend2 compatible shaders), rend2 will load the .MTR one and skip the .SHADER one.
  12. BOTHANS! WHERE WERE THE BOTHANS! Oh wait....Death Star II

    1. Ramikad


      You should probably file a complaint to Fey'lya. 4th planet to the right, Bothawui system, Mid Rim.

  13. Works on everything else as usual. Alphagen wave even works on func ents but alphagen specular doesn't so I dunno. I've had to resort to loading an md3 model from the func_static.
  14. I think you guys mean @@redsaurus.
  15. Tried it with no luck. Something in the code has to be blocking specular on func ents. :/
  16. Will be following your re-targeting progress closely, very interested to how it turns out.
  17. The specular just doesn't show up at all on the func_static. Shows fine if it's brushwork or an MD3 model though.
  18. @@Xycaleth Here's my shader: textures/df2_lifts/lift1 { { map textures/df2_lifts/lift1 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen vertex } { map textures/df2_lifts/lift1_s blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { map textures/df2_lifts/lift1_glow blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow } } Glow works, just not specular.
  19. @@Xycaleth did you get a chance to have a look?
  20. Possible, yes but you'd need an experienced modeler to decimate the model so it's at a suitable level of detail for this game.
  21. Just because there's support for more LODs, doesn't mean you'd have to use them all. I mean, the game won't wig out if there's like 6 LODs present for a GLM but only 2 for an MD3. So while there should be separate defines for clean sake, keeping it shared won't harm anything.
  22. Ioquake3 afaik also doesn't have support for actual effects, just sequenced shaders which look crappy and not at all smooth. Pretty sure xreal uses lua scripting.
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