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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Damn Pysk0, that looks awesome. Should look pretty decent in rend2.
  2. Couldn't resist: Oh yeah, and that head is 900 tris. About 2,000 less than the original TFU. Still comes out good though.
  3. Started a Darth Maul head, unsure if I'm going to continue with it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bane_Ross
    3. Lamented


      I knew you had it in you...

      I love you, DT85.

      No homo.

      Can't wait to see progress. :>

    4. katanamaru


      Well I'd like it too, but you have a lot on your plate.

      Now that I really think about it you have the most publicly known projects going on I think.


      I nominate DT85 for Modder of the Year!

  4. I haven't added any lekku bones, and don't really want to. With some good weighting, they *should* work with the cape bones.
  5. I did add tonemapping stuff to the sky shader, but I think I mucked around with it too much for anything to be noticeable. @ Oops, I meant Anti-aliasing. Always get those two names mixed up. Doesn't look like rend2 (ioquake3) has anisotrophic filtering judging by the readme. EDIT: Edited my post above with tone mapping.
  6. Made some renders for whoever wants Darth Maul refs in the future:
  7. This ripped model, does it have the textures? Would be good to take some reference pics for someone to model from scratch.
  8. Someone should really make a new maul model.
  9. So, I've been mucking around in ioquake3's rend2 What's there: - Diffuse maps (duh) - Specular maps with gloss - Normal maps with height - Real shadows - SSAO - HDR - Anti-aliasing x16 - Image upsampling 2x size, maximum size 1024x (crashes at 2048x) Textures are quake 3's but with touch ups & have been run through crazybump to generate normal, height & specular maps. Not auto generated by rend2. (ignore shadow on the gun, that's due to the player model's shadow) Why am I posting this here? Because all this is possible once rend2 is finished on OpenJK.
  10. Heh, I nagged Xycaleth and a few others for normal mapping for a long time. They must be sick of me by now. Normal maps don't work on player models right now, so the new specular may not either. Without the normal mapping, specular won't be that decent anyways.
  11. Yeah I know Circa didn't. Poor choice of words on my part, edited that post to make a little more sense.
  12. The model is really a mess. - Overuse of tri's all over the place, mainly the face & hands - Proportions are for the most part, horrible - No actual caps are used, instead they are attached to the mesh parts - Multiple faces on a lot of parts @@Circa There are too many things I deem wrong with this model, so I don't want to bother fixing it up. Your best bet is to contact the author so they can fix it.
  13. I'll have a look at this, at the very least.
  14. 3ds Max 2010 can export to .xsi which gets converted to .glm using carcass. Not sure why you had to export it to .obj and use Blender to export it to .glm.
  15. It'll take a lot of time to do, but it CAN be done. I'll continue work on it then. B)
  16. Are there any plans for physics to be implemented? I only ask so I know if it's really worth it to add simulated cloth to JKA's existing animations.
  17. Those tail bones can't do anything that the cape & tabard bones can't do better. When in a vehicle, I'll "stuff" the majority of the cape right behind the back so no odd clipping happens (can't have free flowing cape as the actual player animation is pretty much static).
  18. OpenJK + rend2 + new Star Wars movies should keep JKA alive for longer. If only we could have acquired a few more utility source codes. cough.......carcass
  19. Yes. So far I've done both_walk1, both_run1 and all the facial animations (due to new facial bones). All the other animations work, just the cape & the tabard flaps are not moving.
  20. Yeah, you'd only need to specify new sky stuff in the shader. The actual map itself is compiled the same. You can have baseJKA compatibility using a .shader and rend2 compatibility using .mtr (which is made the exact same way .shader files are). While it's a cool option to fool around with, you wouldn't really want to use auto generated normal maps. Best results come from making the diffuse & specular with normal mapping in mind.
  21. Can't wait to see this in rend2 (when it's completed).
  22. I love seeing non-star wars assets in this game, they usually look so neat like this does!
  23. You can make MD3 models become part of the actual map at compile time using misc_model, but I'm not sure how many of these you can have in a map though. Using models would certainly make the map look more decent due to smoothing (unless there's a way to smooth brushes).
  24. Yeah for sure. It's a real pain in the ass having to "guess", then load up the game constantly.
  25. I had to make room for the new facial bones in terms of naming. I suppose I could add them back for compatibility and rename the new ones with _new on the end. EDIT: Revised my above post.
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