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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. <Link for demo removed> This project will be put on hold until a few level designers are willing to help out.
  2. Adding a DF2 Beta Demo to my dropbox. Will post the share link when done.

  3. Another idea besides vertex animation - Facial animation scripting. Setting up facial expression animations (with a complex facial bone setup) similar to what is already available in JKA currently but a lot more of them and more detail. Then have a 3rd party lip-syncing program that will allow the user to map facial expressions (for a voice audio clip) to a script file. This script file is then loaded by the game (possibly using ICARUS). A nice lip-syncing program feature would be an "auto create" which will attempt to auto map facial expressions for a voice audio clip. Then the user can just manually edit the parts that don't quite match up.
  4. This is an example of a static head model attached onto an animated body:
  5. That would look very odd as it would have to be an MD3 head bolted onto a GLM neck/body. You would clearly see where the head is bolted on.
  6. If you have 3ds max 2010/2011 32bit, I suggest you use the md3 exporter I fixed up that's available on this site.
  7. The fixed misc_model_ghoul (GLM) entity will have the same texture method as MD3, it won't work with animation or .skin files. I would just do what Psyk0Sith said as a fix, or use the MD3 exporter for 3ds Max 2010/2011 32bit.
  8. Softimage XSI Modtool, 3ds Max, Blender (I think) and of course if you're really desperate there's Dragon.
  9. I don't know about entities, but loading a savegame will re-run scripts. Very handy to edit scripts on-the-fly.
  10. Yeah I think just add in the scale stuff I posted above and call this entity fixed. Can always make a new NPC and use NPC_spawner to load it up if people want to use multiple skins and use animation.
  11. Added modelscale & modelscale_vec. Tested and working: void SP_misc_model_ghoul( gentity_t *ent ) { #if 1 ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( ent->model ); gi.G2API_InitGhoul2Model(ent->ghoul2, ent->model, ent->s.modelindex, NULL_HANDLE, NULL_HANDLE, 0, 0); ent->s.radius = 50; //DT EDIT: enable origin & angles to be set via radiant G_SetOrigin( ent, ent->s.origin ); G_SetAngles( ent, ent->s.angles ); //DT EDIT: enable modelscale & modelscale_vec to be set via radiant qboolean bHasScale = G_SpawnVector("modelscale_vec", "0 0 0", ent->s.modelScale); if (!bHasScale) { float temp; G_SpawnFloat( "modelscale", "0", &temp); if (temp != 0.0f) { ent->s.modelScale[ 0 ] = ent->s.modelScale[ 1 ] = ent->s.modelScale[ 2 ] = temp; bHasScale = qtrue; } } if (bHasScale) { //scale the x axis of the bbox up. ent->maxs[0] *= ent->s.modelScale[0];//*scaleFactor; ent->mins[0] *= ent->s.modelScale[0];//*scaleFactor; //scale the y axis of the bbox up. ent->maxs[1] *= ent->s.modelScale[1];//*scaleFactor; ent->mins[1] *= ent->s.modelScale[1];//*scaleFactor; //scale the z axis of the bbox up and adjust origin accordingly ent->maxs[2] *= ent->s.modelScale[2]; float oldMins2 = ent->mins[2]; ent->mins[2] *= ent->s.modelScale[2]; ent->s.origin[2] += (oldMins2-ent->mins[2]); } //DT EDIT: fixed to enable GLM model loading gi.linkentity (ent); #else blah blah............. So misc_model_ghoul can be used for static ghoul2 models. If you want animated ghoul2 models, use NPC_spawner and a spawnscript to play an animation.
  12. bounding box: I don't think it will be a problem at all. Afaik, the bounding box is the entire player model, not just individual parts. However, I'll let a coder give a definitive answer about this. simcloth 3: Tried simcloth 3, made things a lot more difficult tbh and didn't exactly work. The cloth modifier is working very well, so I see no need to swap it out with something else.
  13. The stock standard cloth seems to give the best results. I've tried reactor & APEX, but they aren't working to my liking.
  14. There are of course a few animations that would require some manual keying in certain places. I have the simulation blended with skin weights to keep it from free flowing out of control.
  15. Please upload your .map file so we can take a look, we are kind of shooting in the dark atm with ideas on how to help.
  16. What I'm going to do is import ALL the source animations into 3ds Max 8 and save out scene files to kick this off. 90 down, 1,030+ to go.
  17. I've decided to release a 1 level "beta demo" to attract more help. It has taken me AGES to finish the first level, and the overall mod will be in peril if I don't have help from mappers. I'll put a few more touches on the first level then it should be good to go.
  18. I bet you wouldn't rofl! Well here's an update on my side of things: - carcass accepts VERY large xsi files, so yay! - the cape sim isn't behaving well using the 'method 1' I mentioned earlier (due to the amount of sudden acrobatics), so may have to go the 'method 2' route. What I think would produce the best results is 'method 2' (one animation at a time) which I would need your help @@Psyk0Sith and between the two of us, we could pull it off. Just send me your max file when your simulation stuff is complete.
  19. You might be able to add light source to a glass shader for your windows, and still keep transparency.
  20. A workaround for now (until a proper fix can be made) would be a close button on the progress dialog so we can at least manually close it. I've ended up with 12+ unclosed dialogs in one max session lol.
  21. Lol. I managed to grab a ps4 from jb hi fi in time for xmas.
  22. Sorry I meant 2010, I use it in 2011. The file is created fine, just the progress dialog doesn't disappear when cancelled or it finishes exporting normally.
  23. The 2011 32bit exporter progress hangs after I exported a VERY large xsi file.
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