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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Yes, but I added back blasters. I did this so players can be attacked on the first level by enemies with bowcasters but not being able to use them. This in my opinion makes everything less "blaster rifle, blaster rifle, blaster rifle".
  2. See that's the thing. That guy who was making a incredibly cool DF2 maps for JKA totally messed with the design of the entire level, but yet he was praised with a zillion OMG WOW's. I personally found that the majority of the original level design has a considerable amount of blank/wasted space. So I'm confused now about what the people want to see/play. Should maps for this mod be: - perfect 1:1 copy of the original, no added details - 1:1 copy then add more details - a new design while keeping with a feel of the locations You guys should hopefully love the new starting area (what you see in the video). Btw, I didn't even know news of the beta demo made it past JKHub.org so yay for that.
  3. Tbh, I don't think the code supports larger RoQ resolutions still. I'm getting the same garbled video and paused audio.
  4. While this looks good, it doesn't match the TFU model that well: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=83227cc33b6ccab33f217b945a063dd2&prevstart=0 The "hands" aren't right, and the you're missing those things at the aback of the leg.
  5. He should keep his mask on, that face is uglier than Vader's.
  6. Had this problem with Narshadda. Did you use misc_model, or misc_model_static? For some reason, using misc_model doesn't work well with shaders that have specular so I use misc_model_static.
  7. Yeah I noticed that too, will fix later on.
  8. Once the starting area revamp is complete.
  9. Lol yeah I fixed that ages ago. I'm in the process of revamping the starting area so it matches what you see in the video.
  10. Here is the source code link: https://github.com/DT85/OpenDF2 Everything I've done can be found via the DT EDIT comments.
  11. Why can't I lock/unlock my own topics?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      Nevermind. I added it back. We'll try it out for awhile until people start locking their threads on the first sign of a disagreement again.

    3. Tempust85


      Hmm, you could make a 'pro member' rank that has topic lock & delete. this way, you can control who has these abilities. :P

    4. Circa


      I might just make it available to Mod Project Forum leaders.

  12. Would be great if OpenJK supported 1920x1080 & 1280x720 using new r_mode's rather than having to use r_mode -1 + r_customwidth + r_customheight.
  13. My previous DF2 Kyle model has no modelled moustache.
  14. Everything is made in 4:3. I had a look and it stretches everything. I may make a widescreen patch, but not until everything else is finished.
  15. Not yet, this guy isn't a priority until some maps are made and we have a decent demo.
  16. Why does radiant love to make brushes degenerate & entities break.... :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tempust85


      Their not even oddly shaped. It 'seems' to be behaving in GTKradiant 1.6.4

    3. MoonDog


      You already tried brush cleanup right? Snap to grid would probably wreck it, but there's that too.

    4. Tempust85


      Yeah tried the cleanup. What happens is, the map compiles fine UNLESS I add/change something which then I get either errors about null models for entities (ingame) or degenerate brushes (radiant). But I've yet to have this problem after switching to 1.6.4

  17. rend2 for SP would be more useful at this time than MP due to all the SP mods currently active.
  18. The backgrounds I stole from DF2, except for the main menu which I made.
  19. Do you guys agree with the color scheme?
  20. Get rid of xsisceneroot and b:model_root. Not sure if that's causing your error though.
  21. Saber glow on the cursor flickers.
  22. Tempust85


    Should do. This works a treat to make new fonts for JKA from .ttf
  23. Yeah works a treat, but not for what I want to do. So I made images be used as buttons:
  24. Yeah I know what you mean, I'm desperately wanting rend2 for DF2 Mod before a lot of models & textures are made for the sake of not redoing it all later.
  25. I can make new ones in photoshop, but I don't know how to make a .fontdat file which I assume has the location for each character.
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