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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. So with over heal, basically consumables or skills such as force heal, can heal past 100% of your HP - if I have 100hp, I can be overhealed to 115hp etc. I also still think kamikaze could be useful with considerable buffing, but I agree as originally described is pretty garbage. Maybe something like grenades do 25% less damage to yourself and 50% less damage to allies, and 20% extra damage when you overcook grenades? I think more than one team boosting skill is probably fine as long as the abilities are considerably different and don't really stack with other group boosting skills. I agree Group Morale is underpowered as described above. Also maybe some sort of player interaction based skills are for the better, say like maybe a skill that helps train newbies or requires two different players with synergizing skills that aren't effective alone but are potent when both are using their skills together. Basically skills that encourage player interaction should be encouraged. Grenadier (3 Ranks) - Your grenades have a 10/15/25% chance of causing a stun effect to enemies caught in a grenades blast radius, the stun effect occurs in addition to the grenades own specific effects (eg: plasma grenades burn and have a chance of stunning). In addition, your grenades will not stun allies and do 5/10/15% less damage to allies. Under-Fire Sense (2 Ranks) - When you are with nearby allies (20 meter radius), you share attack information. eg: If Bob is fired at to the left and his red damage indicator, shows the shot came from his left side, the rest of his allies who have the Fire Sense skill also receive some sort of indicator of the direction the shot originated from. In this example, Bob does not need to have Under-Fire Sense, but any allies who want to glean info from the shots he is taking must have it. At second rank, the range increases and the information about the shot increases (more accurate instead of a broad general direction). Shots that kill allies, do not give you any info (eg: Bob is sniped with a headshot and dies, no one can tell where it came from).
  2. I really like what you got so far for the leader tree, @@eezstreet. As some suggestions for skills, which have yet to be assigned to a tree or organized: Combat Training (3 Ranks): You experience 10/20/30% less screen shake and are 10/20/30% more accurate after taking damage. The buff lasts for 30 seconds, unless you again take damage, in which case it refreshes. In addition at max rank (3), you also gain a 3% movement speed increase during combat. Marathon Training (2 Ranks): As long as you do not take damage you have an increased movement speed and sprint speed of 8/15%. If you take damage, your movement speed returns to normal for 5 seconds. Taking additional damage will restart the 5 second timer. Over Heal (2 Ranks): At rank one you may increase your current hp, by 5% of your max hp value. At rank two you may increase it up to 15%. The extra hp, remains with you for 30 seconds before gradually reducing back to your normal max hp. Bayonet Training (4 Ranks): At first rank, you gain an additional skill which will let you strike out with any non-pistol weapon and do melee damage. The melee attack is close range and only does a small amount of damage. At rank two, you do additional damage and have a slightly longer range. At rank three you do increased damage, and a hit opponent will be knocked back. At max rank the damage and range increase and you have a 15% chance of stunning the opponent after a knockback. The cool down for successive melee attacks is also decreased. Endurance Hardening (3 Ranks): You take 3/4/5% overall less damage as if you were wearing armor. Group Morale (2 Ranks): Whenever you are in combat with at least 2 nearby allies, you and your allies do 1/2% more damage and have increased movement/sprint speed of 2/4%. Force Points also drain at a 10% reduced rate. You must be within a 20 meter radius of allies to receive the buff. Kamikaze(2 Ranks): You do 20% more damage to enemies with grenades that are overcooked and explode in your hand and 10% less damage to nearby allies affected by the blast. At rank 2, this effect is also applied to concussive weapons (such as rockets) and trip mines which damage you and an enemy. Grenades also no longer have to be held in your hand as long as you are damaged. Engineer's Knack (5 Ranks): When you repair structures you use 10/20/30/40/50% less resources to do so. At max rank you also perform repairs 10% faster.
  3. First of all I recommend using SourceTree if your on windows or mac, to make using git easier, especially when it comes to merging (you're still going to want a comparison tool like kdiff3 though). However, if you just want to use the git bash shell here's some basic guidelines: Do this with git: git clone https://github.com/JKGDevs/JediKnightGalaxies.gitAlternatively, you can do what I do and make your own github fork, just click the fork button or this link. Then use the url of your fork instead of the JKGDevs master copy. You then have to remember to do pull requests when you're ready to submit changes. I mostly do this so I can commit changes as often as I like and easily switch machines without having to mess the JKGDevs git all up, so for example if I'm in the middle of working on a function, but I don't have time to finish it I can submit it then go to work and pull it, and work on it on my freetime at work. If you're just going to be working on one machine then it's probably overkill doing this. When ready to submit code do: git add * git commit -m "Message about what you're submitting"When ready to send to remote server: git push origin masterORnameofbranchTo get latest updates and update your local copy: git pull originTo get latest updates and update your local copy without keeping any of your changes (overwrite all your stuff, no merging): git fetch origin git reset --hard originTo switch branches git checkout nameofbranch
  4. It'd be cool if you put up a tutorial for how you did everything, I think people would find it interesting.
  5. Well I guess you can throw canon out the window if you want for shiz and giggles.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for it to happen. I am predicting what may very well happen in a few years. The Jedi Knight series are often considered some of the more successful and fun to play Star Wars games created, and EA has the exclusive Star Wars licence. EA has three studios under their belts they've claimed will be put to the task of making Star Wars games, if we don't see some sort of Jedi Knight successor you can count yourselves lucky. They already did it to Battlefront and The Old Republic (the MMO and new Battlefront are both often considered disappointing failures by the general gaming community), you can guess what will come next sooner or later for better or (most likely) worse. My point in all of this, as it relates to the topic is that EA is the failure point here much more so than Disney, as far as the games go. You ought to protest them, not Disney.
  7. I really don't get why you guys are upset. Having a consistent continuity is far better then having a million things contradict each other. I mean...several other franchises do similar things. Look at the Marvel universe, you have so many contradicting stories they invented an entire multi-verse to allow for radical contradictions because they all happen in a different universe. DC does the same thing. Aside from all this, I think it's neat when they take parts from from the Legends section and reference it in the actual cannon (eg: Kylo being Ben for example). It shows that they're still aware of the Legends content and will refer to it when it's useful. I still think they could have made KOTOR canon though since it's set 4000 years in the past it really won't affect anything they're currently doing. At least the very first one. Also just because they've declined to use the Jedi Knight series as canon, doesn't mean they can't decide to have EA make a new Jedi Knight game. It would have an entirely different story, yes, but the mechanics would likely follow a similar suit (other then of course EA screwing it all up and having day one DLC, broken mechanics and discouraging modding - but that's an EA problem not so much a Disney one). Also it doesn't mean Kyle Katarn can't be referenced in the future. He's like the Chuck Norris of Star Wars so it'd be a waste if they didn't at least reference him somewhere soon.
  8. Thanks for the response MattFiler, glad we can get a better idea of what's going on. Damn shame Serenity doesn't want to just be open about things and work with everyone to complete the mod and get credits appropriated though. Oh well.
  9. @@eezstreet weren't you saying something about doing this for JKG at one point?
  10. /off topic @@Hels http://jkhub.org/files/file/2652-jedi-knight-galaxies-map-bundle-1/ http://jkhub.org/files/file/2543-jedi-knight-galaxies-assets/ http://jkhub.org/files/file/2544-jedi-knight-galaxies-binaries/ But...you might want to wait till the next release, this is really old. But yeah this is all getting off topic...and as far as I'm concerned there's not much to say about EoC until Serenity actually responds.
  11. Most likely some tree's will have some overlap, we'll likely have a Saboteur-like tree as well with more of a focus on that. If you want to build a character purely focused on that sort of thing you might consider investing in both trees, but focusing on the Saboteur one. Also this is WIP and not set in stone, things are probably going to move around a lot/get renamed.
  12. I seem to remember cryengine used tesselation (I might be remembering completely wrong though) to do tiny little vibrations (animations) with each sub triangle on certain surfaces to make it move more realistically as well. eg: grass sways a bit. Would something like that work in conjunction with this?
  13. Which build did you try @ were you on the master branch or a different one? Which compiler?
  14. I want those maps But SzicoVII has been eaten by real life.
  15. WTF? So we offer to help you sort out the problems with crediting and helping make things better and this is the kind of non-logical raging nonsense response we get? Really? How childish. And no, that is not how copyright laws work. "This is the net, files are free". So you think if something on the web it is free for the taking? No wonder, y'all are having crediting issues. Just so we're clear, we want you to credit people so you stay in the clear and the mod is able to succeed, not because we hate you and want you to fail. I don't know how, or where you got that idea from. Also I still want to hear from Serenity about this whole thing. This is basically all we want you to do. Like seriously that's all we were trying to get you to do. If you have time to post updates, you have time to do this.
  16. Mr. Wonko's JK3File backup/mirror: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/ https://www.massassi.net/
  17. Will you be merging this into the master branch, along with your other previous changes on github soon?
  18. As far as the Zabrack female mode, as far as I know, we never got that file from the developer who started it and thus it is lost to us Correct me if I'm wrong @otherdevs
  19. Sorry I don't know a ton of stuff about the Raspberry Pi, but just as a haphazardly guess, possibly opengl is installed, but not enabled?
  20. Remember this when it comes to game developers: Any developer who gives you promises is most probably a liar and not to be trusted until after they prove repeatedly they deliver what they promise. The most trust worthy developers are those who promise nothing. I totally understand why Xycaleth said nothing about working on rend2 having felt that way myself about more than a few projects I've worked on. Cool to see stuff is happening though and I look forward to whatever new goodies are revealed.
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