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Status Updates posted by Futuza

  1. JKG is holding scrimmage matches this weekend to celebrate JKA turning 20 and JKG turning 10.  Would love to see some of you there.  See here for more info: https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/12952-announcement-jkg-10th-anniversary-scrimmage-matches/


  2. Happy 20th anniversary everyone!  JKG's 2nd scrimmage begins in 1 hour.  See:



  3. I don't think Youtube videos are embedding automatically, just leaving links.

  4. Lol you gave me a heart attack with that like.  Then I was like "oh righht jkhub staff".

  5. New version of JKG almost ready! :storm7:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      We'd have to grow a clone army of JKG devs for that. How long until properly functioning Spaarti Cylinders in real life?

    3. Futuza


      Get on that Ramikad, I need a Grand Dev Team of the Republic to counter the increasing time consumption threats!

    4. LukeJM28
  6. Next play test of JKG is happening in 5 minutes! Come join us!

  7. Next version of JKG is out.  ? 


    1. LukeJM28


      Can't wait to test it out.

    1. Citrom


      v1.3.21 changlog says theres a new mappack (which includes jawa fortress)

      however, this is not included in the download?

      where to get the new map pack?

    2. Futuza


      (see reply in the topic)

  8. delete [] data; //I don't get it, y u crash here?

    1. Xycaleth


      Lots of reasons :P Corrupt memory, pointer not allocated using new[], mismatching C++ runtimes (library compiled with a different version of Visual Studio from what you're using to compile your program)... etc etc

    2. Futuza


      Ahaha, apparently I had duplicate pointers. They didn't like being choked off.

  9. Developers developers developers developers

  10. Hah you stupid header file, you have hidden from me long enough.

  11. Is Faiorden even trying anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Futuza


      Hard to see the bot side is. We must investigate further before drawing a conclusion to the identity of this poster.

    3. Bek


      I'm stuck between saying he's a bot or a dude that doesn't understand English.

    4. Noodle
  12. It also means I am more encouraged to improve it.


    1. MoonDog
    2. Futuza


      It might as well be. C++ can be magical.

  14. JKG Test Matches today! Get the update here: https://jkhub.org/topic/10781-upcoming-jkgalaxies-1318-preview-version/ The server is up and running, feel free to try in the meantime and play a match on your own terms. We'll be holding 3 matches tomorrow at UTC 6:30pm - 7pm, UTC 9:30pm-10pm, and Sunday UTC 2:30am-3:00am.

    1. Futuza


      1st match starts in 45mins!


  15. JKG v1.3.20 almost ready for release, stay tuned for an announcement!

  16. JKGLauncher 1.36c almost fixed...

    1. Futuza


      Ready for testing.

  17. JKGLauncher 1.36c released!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Corto


      That one. I installed it while my mind was being fucked by the JK2 code trying to get the ironsights/scope right. I have to install my new rig today anyway. I'm gonna try again then.

    3. Futuza


      Sound good, let me know if you have issues or hop on our irc channel irc://irc.arloria.net/#jkgalaxies

    4. Corto


      Great, I will.

  18. Lol that's what that Oobah was on about.

  19. Merry Christmas ye magnificent scoundrels!

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