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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. You've got that right! But even on my older modding XP, a very complicated cutscene that takes over 2 minutes could very well take the game about 10 seconds to skip, I think.
  2. Not necessarily. I've sat through several LONG cutscenes that would take longer than ten seconds to skip, and would resume normally afterwords. I guess if you made it a mini error dialogue in the corner that can be accepted or denied it might work. But there are several limitations that @@eezstreet pointed out to a system like this, however.
  3. @@eezstreet: Out of curiosity, could the game use ICARUS to approximately calculate the total wait time (add all the wait times in the wait blocks) and set the "wait limit" to that time * the percent increase of timescale in relation to 1? For example: 24 second script * .1(timescale 10 times faster)
  4. Could be kinda neat. We'd need to find a good wait time for it though, as some lengthy cinematics can certainly take longer to skip.
  5. Oh are you useing a func_door/plat? This would really work with a func_static. First, make you elevator a func_static with an origin brush. Then, give it a script_targetname. Run a script on startup that affects your elevator (lets say you gave it the script_targetname of elevator_01). Then, on elevator_01, set parm1 to 0. In this example. we'll use parm1 as variable that states whether or not the elevator is at the extended position (hence the initial value of 0, or false). Then, make 2 ref tags, one where you make your origin brush (this will be used when your elevator returns to it's location, call it elevator_01_start) the other where it will end up. Then make a script that would run when the player presses the activating button or switch that checks the value of parm1 on elevator_01. If parm1 = 0, the elevator needs to move up, so include the move commands and set parm1 to 1. If parm1 = 1, the opposite should occur. I'm just afraid since you are using a func_plat that you won't quite be able to exactly know the location of the entity, thus the if vector command wouldn't really work. Does this make sense? I've experienced several problems with using func_plats/doors, and I have found this to work pretty well.
  6. Sorry - you have to manually enter the vector yourself. I just put that there as a placeholder. Sorry for being vague!
  7. Would ( $get(VECTOR, "SET_ORIGIN")$, $=$, $0 0 0$ ) work? What I did was open the if editor, selected "VECTOR", and found "SET_ORIGIN" by the "get" button, and pressed it. Set the operator to = and then you'd just replace the 0 0 0 with the vector. Would that help?
  8. I know that seeking cover and such would probably require waypoints, but is there any way to have the AIs "regroup" or "dodge" or any sort of evasion that doesn't evolve standing out in the open?
  9. Yes, that's rather fun. It's because the script is going to continually wait for the action to be preformed. So when you kill the NPC, an infinite wait time effectively crashes the game. Unless there is a special skip-script specified, I believe skipping a cinematic just makes it go faster (not drawn ofc), but how do you make infinity go faster? The game cries and crashes. I'm guessing though in this case the conversion from JK2 to JK3 broke a cinematic and made the same thing happen.
  10. I have a similar problem. While my darkly lit maps look the way I want, the misc_model_statics are practically full-bright. It's very odd and takes you out of the atmosphere.
  11. That makes sense. I believe I do have a leak, so I'll just make a big box around the map to prevent that as a test. I do need to fix those silly leaks soon Thanks, @@MoonDog!
  12. Hm...Should I compile it with -vis? When ever I attempt it it says it cannot find "mapname.prt". I just confused about what I'm doing wrong. It gives me the HOM effect with anything that isn't an ent. I tried a simple mirror and it worked great. It's the cameras that have messed it up...
  13. Ok, so I'm having a bit of trouble. I can get the camera to work, but it only will draw entities. For example, it will only draw my doors, func_walls, effects, etc. And it still acts like a mirror if you turn your view point enough. Does it need a special compile or something? And the floor will sometimes draw, but when you get closer, these brushes just disappear...
  14. Alternatively, it seems like you could just target the misc_portal_surface to multiple misc_portal_cameras, add a wait key to the misc_portal_surface, and the game will automatically cycle though the cameras...
  15. Thanks, @@MoonDog. That's what I was thinking of doing!
  16. Sorry about the confusion. I just needed to move it somewhere where the "Mark Solved" feature worked. But yeah. Glad the problem got addressed and was fixed!
  17. I'm pretty sure it's by touch. I bet if you made the trigger small enough so if you landed on the spike you would hit the trigger, but if you jumped over it, you'd clear it. However, someone could jump on top of the spike, and they'll hit it too, which makes sense.
  18. This may sound dumb, but have you considered putting the trigger_hurt brush just around the top of the spike? So the only way that someone *could* touch it would be if they fell?
  19. Ack. You're right. I had that nagging feeling when I moved it. How's Jedi Knight Tech Support?
  20. I know it sounds like we are being harsh, but don't see it that way. We want you to be able to do this so you don't have to ask here for every other little skin modification you need. Like @@Zappa_0 touched on, you'll eventually need to do a bit of modding to get the look/feel you want for your video. And so while we are here to help guide you through the process, most people love to see you taking that first step yourself.
  21. Thanks, @@Szico VII! Do you mind if I adapt that shader for my own use? I really appreciate the help. I think I'll try it with a script if I can't get all 6 to draw simultaneously
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