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Posts posted by therfiles

  1. Very interesting. I don't think I've heard of anything quite like this before. It may be some other mod or configuration file causing the issue.

    One work-around (not really a solution) would be to manually edit camsp.menu to set it to 80 directly, rather than use the reset command. I've gone ahead and put this file together for you, and you can download it here. You'll need to use Pakscape or another .pk3 viewer to replace the camsp.menu in the ui folder of the mod. Best of luck!

  2. Hello friend! I'm sorry this is happening to you. The reset button simply uses the command "reset." This will restore the cvar (something that stores a number, in this case, the third person range) to its original setting. The console command it uses is "reset cg_thirdpersonrange." You can find all this by opening the .pk3 and going to ui/camsp.menu. I would be curious to see if you were to edit your cg_thirdpersonrange setting in the console (to something random), then manually type "reset cg_thirdpersonrange" to see if it works as expected. If so, it would be some strange bug with the mod. Otherwise, something else is causing the issue. Good luck!

  3. This is where the fun begins, I've been waiting for a mod like this!


    Please just don't go overboard with rocket launcher troops!


    (Though can you please make a version without Rosh? And maybe no enemy's defeated counter, or it could be only on milestones)


    Awesome! Glad you like what you see. There will only be 3 Rockettrooper spawns, and they will only come like every minute/minute and a half. I debated having them at all, but I love how they distract you from the main action and how they make you consider other fronts of battle.


    Don't love Rosh? I'll consider making one without him. Two quick points - first, Rosh in this version is a PRO. He switches between weapons and attacks with all force powers. He's strong and he actually pulls his weight. He doesn't follow you like a dog like in JKA lol. Also, with over 15+ enemies spawning, I frankly don't know if survival is even POSSIBLE if they are ALL focused on the player all the time! They'll attack him instead of you at times, which helps you avoid some fire.


    And the Enemy Defeated counter (should have clarified this) is ONLY visible on the datapad. I've pressed "M" (my datapad binding) and it pauses the game and shows the score. The score is NOT present overtop of the game haha.


    Would you be interested in testing this mod at some point @@Pickles256? And thanks for speaking up @@Droidy365!

    Pickles256 likes this
  4. Hello all! Gameplay and cinematics are coming along nicely.


    ALSO: Would any brave souls be willing to BETA test this when the times comes? Just scream at me in this thread and I'll PM you when the time is right! Really need to make sure this thing is bug-free and performs relatively well...my old XP computer isn't happy with it and all the NPCs, but my Mac seems to handle everything fine.


    Here are some more screenshots: (UI is WIP, the little "100" indicates the score cap. This can be changed in the main menu)









  5. @@Ramikad, @@Asgarath83 - the system/nodrop solution was brilliant! Thanks for suggesting it! While it required a bit of finessing required (there was a few medpack/shield spawns that had to be moved out of reach of the nodrop zones), the technique worked great and seems to optimize the level! Thank you for your knowledge and time. It's amazing what surprises this game still has after all this time lol


    And yeah, they have to have weapons. It's all about what they do when they die. And for some reason, the deathscript doesn't kick in before they have already dropped their gun.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  6. You could decompile and look at how they did this on the Ciledra map for MP. It's not as elegant as SP obviously since you can't do most of the fancy scripting. But you can make a rough survival mode. I've used this method on a couple of my clan's trial maps.


    After I finished this, I'll totally do that! And I was shocked the discover that the map opened in MP and the horde spawned and actually was WAY harder than SP. So maybe there is hope! The respawn and attack mechanics were working!

    Aldro Koon likes this
  7. Hello all! I've whipped up a fun little mod that I'll hope you all will enjoy very soon!




    Jedi Knights JADEN KORR and ROSH PENIN lead a strike team to the Imperial stronghold, Taspir III. After the collapse of the Disciples of Ragnos, the IMPERIAL REMNANT retreated back to maintain their iron grip on their outer-rim planets. Taspir III, where Penin renounced the DARK SIDE, is home to an invaluable power facility that fuels the imperial war machine.


    Deployed by MASTER SKYWALKER, the Jedi’s mission was to cripple the base and defeat any Remnant forces they encounter. While the plan was successful in destroying the plant, the rest of the team was unable to defend the landing pad, leaving Jaden and Rosh’s escape plan compromised.


    Now, it’s up to the Jedi’s mastery of the force and sheer willpower to survive the full wrath of the Imperial Remnant’s forces and her MERCENARY allies, marshaled by a familiar foe…




    This is a new SP gamemode: survival. You and Rosh must survive an infinite (or limited, if selected) horde of Imperial and Merc forces. It literally is just an arcade game mode where you can see how long you can survive and how many enemies you can take to hell with you. While the core mechanics are finished, I'm building the cinematics and menus now.


    You will face 15 constantly respawning enemies, that use a variety of weapons and attack styles. They will randomly select from all the classic JKA weapons, making each encounter unique. While these enemies are still classically stupid, they will be more aggressive than you're use to. In addition, 9 advanced troops will spawn randomly, spicing up the gameplay.


    On your side will be the infamous Rosh Penin, now a Jedi Knight. He will fight alongside you with a full arsenal of weapons, force powers, and, of course, his yellow light saber.


    Screenshots [WIP]:




    Anyway, enjoy! I hope you guys are interested in this! Let me know if there are any features/gameplay styles you'd like to see implemented.

  8. Hi all,


    Quick scripting/modding question. I'm wondering if there is any way to prevent NPCs from dropping weapons when they die. I'm wondering if there is a way to do this via scripting?


    I've tried adding a no weapon command in the deathscript, but it didn't work sadly!


    Also, I'm totally fine with a solution that removes weapon spawns/items outright! This fix is to help me with a project I'm working on with a high volume of NPCs. When they all drop guns, the game lags as the game continues to render every weapon drop as they pile up!


    Anyway, thanks everyone!

  9. Incredible work, MagSul! Absolutely delightful stuff. The gameplay here is just so solid - all the areas to explore, the well-developed NPCs, and truly head-scratching puzzles. This is just so high quality. The cinematics were also pretty legit, and the angles you chose were simply...cinematic. Great stuff here, and I really can't wait to see what this leads to. I really enjoyed the open world quality of this build.

  10. Hi there!


    When it says that, is the screenshot still taken? It's been a while since I've played around with CamSP, but I remember adding that junk command (literally it's a NULL command) as a buffer against some sort of error I encountered. Should be harmless, but I don't recall it ever displaying that before. Maybe it is OpenJK.

  11. I mean it sounds like you are on to something, but I wouldn't contest Luke's status as an awesome Jedi. I think the prequels take away a LOT from Luke retroactively. Before the prequels, what was a Jedi? A knight that promoted justice, peace, tranquility, and used the force to help others and maintain balance. So, an angsty farmboy had a lot of heart-work to do: to be calm, to not act rashly, to be in control. That's what being a Jedi was all about - controlling yourself and, therefore, controlling the force around you. So his quick training makes a lot of sense once he got those principals down.


    But the prequels jazz it up: all of a sudden, it's this 20-40 year full process with all these ranks, traditions, and silly rules. No love. No emotion. No real "feeling". They substitute abstinence for control. Instead of controlling what's around you, you shut it out. And that's why the old Jedi suck and Luke has a hard time bringing his experience to bear with the traditional tenants of the Jedi Order.


    Luke came really far - he's powerful since he knows himself so much, but he's flawed. His failure undoes his progress. I loved his arc in the new film. I kinda wish I had more time with him, to see his new outlook play out more. But he represents the old way, and maybe it's necessary for him to move on. I don't think he died of exhaustion, I think he let himself go in a moment of peace. His time had come: he has secured a place for the next generation, and needed to transcend himself in order to help more (in a Ben in 5 and 6 way).


    Anyway, hope that makes sense.

    the_raven likes this
  12. Yeah those big maps may confuse the game since you are always in a constant state of conflict, save for a few parts. May be worth playing those maps clean without your mod and listen to how the music is handled. This isn't perfect but when you are in developer mode (developer 1 in console) you can see when the game tells the DMS to change states. That's as far as my experience with this goes...good luck!

  13. As far as I know there's just an ugly hack to do it:

    set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", "yadda; cl_noprint 1; helpusobi 1; r_we rain; helpusobi 0; cl_noprint 0" );

    It is ugly, but it's the only way to dynamically change weather without code modifications.


    Woah woah...@@Ramikad are you saying that the SET_VIDEO_PLAY key lets you just input console commands, change CVARS, etc?

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