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Posts posted by Barricade24

  1. Everyone who follows the thread! We are alive and work is still progressing, as free time. I can say with confidence that Vade has completed the main stage of the updated version of the army helmet and is finalizing the general form of the mudtrooper helmet. Small details remain, like antennas and glasses. I have current renders, but I will not post them to avoid spoilers. Soon Vade will publish the results of the work as soon as the helmets are ready! A little more patience!

    Great to hear! Looking forward to see what you come up with!

  2. My fast kitbash.




    An imperial transport pilot, in this case from the 501st Legion, serving on Mustafar. He first appears in the VR attraction Secrets of the Empire. But more precisely not he himself, but the rebel spy Athex, disguised as him.




    So far, the clean version. Perhaps in the future I will add scuffs and a backpack.








    That's actually pretty cool. I've never seen this guy before. Quite an interesting look.

    Imperial Officer likes this
  3. I can't remember exactly how I got into this whole hobby, but regardless I thought I'd show off a few of my game captures. I just started with Outcast so some people might find this interesting.


    All my shots are 1920x1080 with anti-aliasing enabled. I only have Alzoc III uploaded so far, but here a few good ones.





    You can check out my full galleries here:


    and here:


    Lancelot and Jeff like this
  4. Despite my lack of activity here, I am still working on things from time to time. Here are two more skins from the 501st pack: The Clone Wars Jet Trooper and Jesse.


    I know Jesse still needs some adjustment on the silver line on his helmet and I'll say that the Jet Trooper's arms were one of the must infuriating things I'd ever had to skin. Still, now that I have a template to work with, it will be easier for future skins based off this design.

  5. Once you have the base model/texture done I'd be happy to help out with making some of the skin variants.



    I'd also like to point out that there is also the Droid Engineer and Assassin from the classic SWBFII.


    Also not to mention the new Heavy Droid from the newer Battlefront II.

    Jeff likes this
  6. And you are volunteering to write down that list and set all those entries up with a link?


    I may sound weird @@AshuraDX but i think there should be a topic where are lists of all of the models/maps that were made to prevent this double or even triple posting. 


    Or.. i dont know . Sometimes there are a request about the model that was made but for someone who request a new version older version look bad or they just simply dont like it.


    cough* cough*



  7. I have been wanting a new version of this character for years! So glad that he is getting such a long-needed updated.


    As far as other parts go, there are a couple of Clone Wars variations you could consider.


    Those being the Rocket Droid:



    and the Fire Fighter Droid:



    Regardless if you decided to pick these up or not, this will be a model that will eagerly wait for!

    krkarr, Wasa and Jeff like this
  8. Wow. Been almost two years since I last posted in this thread. Well, I have returned and finally begun work on knocking out clones. I've decided to start off with the 501st as that seems to be one of the most popular. I'm a bit limited with what I can make due to the lack of accessories, but pretty much any standard trooper is fair game. So to start it all off, I wanted to show a character I just finished that being the ever loyal Dogma.



    Working with other games has taught me the value of taking one character at a time instead of trying to get multiple at once. 


    I've also developed a signature scratching style that yields much better results. Here is a comparison between the original prototype and the new finished one.



    As you can see the original one looks like a bunch of scratches just stuffed inside the paint and it honestly just looks sloppy. Whereas with this newer version, the blue actually looks it was painted that has edged away.


    I forgot how both fun and infuriating it was to work on clones. I have honestly had more trouble skinning this model than any other due to how tricky it can be to get some of the armor patterns to line up. With that said, unlike the Stormtrooper this skin looks as good as it does in ModView.


    So with Dogma out of the way Hardcase is my next target. His rough prototype is almost done, but he is still in need of some work. I hope to update this a bit more regularly, but I have a lot going on so we'll just have to wait and see.

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