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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Really amazing mate :) you could also kitbash Luke Hoth, that i requested in other topic. But would be more difficult :)


    Thanks! But is really nothing, I just put some parts together. The only reason why it looks amazing is because the original models are amazing, I can't take credit for that.

  2. @@The Punisher this is special for you as promissed. The idea for a similar desing was inspired from a fan made 3D model by Obi_Omen for Darth Plagueis.

    Model is created thanks to Kualan, PsykoSith, Lt Claim, Raven Software/Bioware (usign Kualan's Rebels Grand Inquisitor), Base JKA Boba Fett, Jeff for the hips of his Tenebrous model, Hirman/Kualan's Plagueis model, BackFlip & EA Battlefront for Vader's cape. This model is not released yet, because I need to request permissions.

    ORIGINAL 3D model by Obi_Omen:



    My version based on his visual design of Darth Plagueis inspired for JKA:




    Really AWESOME man! Thx!!!! Looking fwd for it!

    Smoo likes this
  3. Thanks my friend! I would really like to keep learning and be able to do more, I really (I have ideas rolling up on my head but I will need to learn more about manipulating the 3d objects in Blender, any simple tutorials for dummies will be GREATLY appreciated). I just got frustrated by those comments as they came from people I really admire and respect.


    Anyway, thanks to all of you for your support and motivation.


    About the head, it needs some work around the neck area, that is one of the "many things" I want to learn to fix.


    I will also try the ESB pilot version as soon as I have a chance.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  4. I think @@Seven Luke fits ROTJ more because his older look and that one from @@dark_apprentice fits ANH and ESB more because of younger look and longer hair. Toshi version needed to improve after years :)







    Testing with @Seven's "Tatooine Luke".




    Then again, I like to have multiple options so people can have the options to choose what they like better. 



    BTW, Thanks to @dark_apprentice for pointing out some issues with the ROTJ version with the head from his pack. I forgot to update the path for some of the skins and they were pointing to his original mod, and since I have both mods installed, it wasn't showing for me. I removed his pack and then I noticed the problems, especially the left hand which is now managed by the head skin file (different hand texture for "sith version" head) and the hair for the "sith" version".


    If you already downloaded it, please delete it and download the new version, link has been updated.

  5. I still need to find the author of the Mandalorian armor I am using, I tried a few and lost track of which one I ended up using. 


    I went through all my files and I think I find the original mods I used and added credits to their creators. Hope I got them right, please, if you think I missed anyone or gave the wrong credit, let me know ASAP so I can correct as required.

  6. Hey, just to let you know I have the Luke with the Battlefront head submitted for approval. You can still upload yours but I just wanted to put it out there.

    Thanks! No worries my friend. I will wait until yours is approved and if people are still interested, I will post "your modified version".... Is yours after all, all I did was add a the tunic and robes.


    dark_apprentice likes this
  7. I think @@Seven Luke fits ROTJ more because his older look and that one from @@dark_apprentice fits ANH and ESB more because of younger look and longer hair. Toshi version needed to improve after years :)


    Agree. Everything can and needs improvement over the years. However, for me Toshi's Luke is Luke. I use it to replace ingame Luke, the other Luke models as amazing as they are, they are for me to play with without been Luke (if that makes any sense).

    dark_apprentice likes this
  8. Thanks to all of you who for your support and advises. I added download links for those I felt were good to release (under each screenshot), the others still need some work. I've also added some missing credits to the original authors. I still need to find the author of the Mandalorian armor I am using, I tried a few and lost track of which one I ended up using. 


    Also, always thankful of the amazing artists that provide us with their time, effort and amazing work for us to enjoy (and their inspiration). There are too many to mention but there is no need because we all know them from these treads.

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  9. I'd encourage you to release this honestly.

    If they don't like kitbashes and ports they can just not download and get over it.

    Thanks man! Which one do you think should be released (except Seven's Luke, I believe he is working in something ATM).


    Also, the Jaden version need some help with the nck area (so far is beyond my newbie knowledge).

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  10. Yeah, dude? I still do kitbashing despite that, and I'm pleased by the results I brought to fruition. So don't let those people complaining stop you from making something you want, even if it's a frankenstein.



    Thanks man. I still make "stuff" for personal use, but I keep it for myself so those who complain don't get offended.  Like this model based on a (fan made?) version of Jaden.




    EgLKvoU.jpg+Yavin, Bespin & "stealth" version.



    @Omega1: Head (and gun)

    @Scerendo: main body from Poe Dameron's mod

    @Seven: Lower body (hips boots) from Han Solo mod




    And this Starkiller Bounty Hunter disguise version I am trying to put together.





    @Mandalorian - Jango Fett v.02 Mod (main body)

    @Psyk0Sith - Scarf (EG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid mod)

    @neomarz1 - Jango / Boba VM (shoulder pads)

    @dark_apprentice - Starkiller Pack (head amd lower robes)

    @AshuraDX - Starkiller backhand hilt





    Also added Tunic and Robe versions to @Seven's Luke




    Seven  - Luke's mod
    Toshi - Tunic and Robe




    Added a version with Luke's head from @dark_apprentice's Luke pack





    @Seven  - Luke's body

    @dark_apprentice - Head

    Toshi - Tunic and Robe



    Couldn't figure out which version to use to  replace ingame Luke but I ended up using the version with Toshi's head so I can use the others and don't feel like a clone.




    Of course, a version with Toshi's Luke head and another with @Omega1's CJP head(s).






    @Seven  - Luke's body

    @Omega1 - Head(s)

    Toshi - Tunic and Robe



    Version with head from Toshi's Luke worked with @Tompa9 can be found on Tompa's WIP









    2016.11.19: Just consolidating from other posts.


    @Seven's Luke Hoth Pilot outfit with @dark_apprentice's Luke head.








    @Seven's Luke Tatooine outfit with @dark_apprentice's Luke head.




    But this has the same neck issues as the "Coruscant Jaden" and I want to learn how to fix it.





    Grand Master Luke




    Luke from Invasion: Siege of Rychel Concept (Legends)



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