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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Stop acting like a little teenage boy, it is not failed attempt! You are doing great stuff and you should keep up the good work and improve with every next model / kitbash / frankenstein.


    Thanks man...I mean it because of the neck/chest issue. I really need to learn how to deal with this parts and be able to fix it. Still looking for some tutorial for Dummies.



    Anybody know any good and simple tutorials (or want to create some) how to achieve specific tasks, please let me know.


    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  2. While we are waiting for a nice model to be build from scratch for Grand Moff Tarkin, here is something from an older request, where I found the model from Galaxy Of Heroes. However this head is too low poly even for JKA, since it's a mobile game app (around 120-130 verts only). Also his head is a lot like cartoon-ish style which bothers me a lot.





















    Don't worry man, the model looks AWESOME! True, It might looksa little bit cartoonish, but maybe with some texture tweaks it can look more realistic!

  3. Due to family situation I haven't got much time to play (or anything), even less inspiration to work on anything, so I've been trying to distract my mind playing with @@Seven's model(s) and made a Luke version with different heads so I can choose freely without having to load multiple models





    ROTJ Version







    Pilot (ESB) version







    Dark Empire Luke from @@dark_apprentice



    Penekowski, yeyo JK and DarthStiv like this
  4. That's what I did.







    However, I want to make it simple and use the head section for just that, selecting the specific had, and the torso section to choose the outfit. The problem is that not all heads match with every outfit.


    For example:

    The version with Dark_Apprentice's head (second form left to right) hair get;s through the hood.

    The version form Dark_Apprentice's and the version from TFU (3rd form left to right) hair get through the Endor helmet.


    So I will need to create several copies to match each head and I am trying to avoid that.



    Made a version with 3 skin files of each head, plain head, Hooded head and Helmet head. Everything is fine, except the TFU version. Since the hair and head is one piece, can't turn off the hair and it shows through the helmet. Apart from that, everything is fine, only need hooded and helmet icons for TFU version.


    Also worked little by little through the week adding the heads to the Pilot version. Since each head is different, each head has its own helmet too, just need new icons.







    Tompa9, yeyo JK, Darth Sion and 1 other like this
  5. Why not to leave them all there as a separate meshes\ head options for customization?



    That's what I did.







    However, I want to make it simple and use the head section for just that, selecting the specific had, and the torso section to choose the outfit. The problem is that not all heads match with every outfit.


    For example:

    The version with Dark_Apprentice's head (second form left to right) hair get;s through the hood.

    The version form Dark_Apprentice's and the version from TFU (3rd form left to right) hair get through the Endor helmet.


    So I will need to create several copies to match each head and I am trying to avoid that.

  6. After discussion with the staff, I've decided to release the ROTJ Luke on my WIP page. The textures have been updated, but the applied normals are from the original model.


    Luke Skywalker ROTJ











    Hi Seven


    Thanks a lot for the model, it is awesome! Went home late last night for a few hours and couldn't wait to try it out. The mode looks awesome, but I found 2 small problems (I just fired up OpenJK and look at it from the SP menu). No big deal, just a little feedback:

    - I don't know about shaders but something looks a little odd with the face shaders, especially the area between the eyes and the nose.

    - when looking at the robed version from the front, the upper half of the robes looks transparent.


    Again, no big deal, the model is awesome, just FYI.

  7. Believ it or not but i am a huge fan of your

    "TFU Sith Assasin and Jedi Hunter (I am no 3D artist so this are the poor-man's versions)" :winkthumb:


    Can i hope a released for the TFU Sith Assasin?

    It has been approved, you can check it in the main files section. Sorry for not posting the direct link but I can't get all the posting menu options on my phone.

  8. Luke "invasion", TFU Sith Assasin and Jedi Hunter have been approved. Will try to update the links on the first page tonight if I have a chance.


    Thanks for the comments, makes hard times a little less harder.


    Once again, special thanks to Dark_Apprentice and Seven for their help and support with the TFU models.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  9. Boba Fett looks great! Not a fan of Dr strange but without the amulet can pass for a Jedi. I can easily see the head with HP Jedi robes.



    Not a fan of yellow jacket either but without the stingers/extra stuff in the back could be used for a shadow trooper (or even better with Starkillers head).



    Looking at the details I guess they must have a lots of vertices. If so, it might some cause problems, especially when someone hits/shoots you might cause the "ran out of transform space for ghoul2" (or something like that).

    NoOne likes this
  10. Could you post download link for Luke Pilot and Hoth? :)


    "Luke Hoth" is a mess. Parts don't match very well, there is a lot of clipping at the shoulder and hips. I was trying to use the original Hoth torso textures over the current pilot torso but can't get it right, I only have Photofiltre free edition which doesn't has many options.

  11. There really needs to be more staff on this site, its like submissions rarely get accepted as there is no staff online to see anything

    I think there is always room for staff, but keep in mind no matter how many we have, they are just humans with lives, family, needs and responsibilities like the rest of us and no matter how much they want to work on, they need time too.


    I just mentioned the mods I submitted because I won't be around (except from my phone) for a while and if they got approved, don't want to give the impression that I lied or that I am back already. No intentions on bashing or criticizing neither the approval process nor the staff. Huge thanks for all they do to keep one of the greatest communities I am honored to be part of.

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