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Posts posted by Linken

  1. This is going to be a pretty short report.


    Previously announced on our Discord server, our update has finally been completed and sent to the team for final testing. Assuming that no horrible bugs are discovered, our next update will release on Friday, September 2nd at 12pm EST! We will of course keep you posted if this changes.



    We have a lot of exciting things coming to the mod for the future. After discussing with my fellow leads, we have agreed to allow for the long-awaited Operation: Knightfall remake to be its own update once it is completed. The authors Darth Voiid and Lwkill have been hard at work adding on more and more layers of polish to allow for the best experience possible.

    With the release of this update, the Father vs. Son remake will at last be in production (after announcing it non-stop), and I hope to have some development screenshots for you all in the next progress report.

    Furthermore, we will also be working on a brand new system called the Dynamic Weapon System, worked on by our amazing coder The New Order. With this system, we will be able to bring new weapons into the mod without requiring any additional weapon slots to be taken in the code. This was done in order to address weapons that feature very similar functionalities to each other. We are really looking forward to showing this to you and hope to have more information soon.

    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Lancelot, Circa and Smoo like this
  2. 21 hours ago, Dvldog91 said:

    So I just got SWGL and I'm trying to play with my friend but when i select internet and start the match everything is black and white squares. And it isn't the maps because i played solo on the maps before testing this. It is definitely related to hosting with internet. Does anyone know the solution (If there is one). 

    I wrote this tutorial many years ago regarding this subject. Maybe it can help you. 


  3. July has been an interesting month (to say the least). So let's get started!


    Back when Galactic Legacy was initially released, we removed the option to play the Father vs. Son mission, expecting ourselves to deliver a full remake of the mission at some point in the future. It has been almost 2 years at this point with no sign of the remake whatsoever (despite us announcing it multiple times).

    Father vs. Son will be returning to Galactic Legacy in the next update, released exactly as it was back in Knights of the Force; on the same map, with the same questionable game design choices as before. As of typing this, Luke's and Palpatine's POVs have been fixed up, with Vader currently pending, but should be fixed very soon.

    This was done in order to hopefully provide some missing content intended for GL that we have so far failed to deliver on, and hopefully will hold you over once we release the actual remake at a later time.

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    We've continued our slew of adding new characters, with a number of fixes to the Imperial Military to complement them. Below is the list of new characters:


    - Meetra Surik (Updated model)


    - Cara Dune


    - Imperial Officers (New models + variations)
    - TIE Pilot (New models + variations)


    - Ren
    - Supreme Leader Snoke (Black Robe)


    - Inquisitor Asmodeus
    - Hedera
    - Pash Fairchild


    During the month of July, the amazing and talented Plasma has added and updated the lightsabers in his pack. The following sabers have been added to the mod (and applied to their respective characters as necessary):

    - Dan G'Vash
    - Sharad Hett
    - Darth Bane
    - Tajin Crosser
    - Jedi Temple Guard (Rebels)
    - Ady Sun'Zee
    - Halcyon Training Saber
    - Nari
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Exile)
    - Second Sister
    - Ninth Sister
    - Third Sister
    - Fourth Sister
    - Grand Inquisitor

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    In addition to these new things and fixes, we've also taken some more time to fix up and add some other minor things. Including, but not limited to:

    - Fixed some bad team assignments for some characters when spawning them from the console without changing anything else
    - Created a new soundset for Luke Skywalker (Sequel Trilogy), using voice lines from Mark Hamill's performances from The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.

    - Lowered the volume of Darth Vader's breathing so it's no longer extremely loud.

    - Increased the force power cost of Force Blast from 30 to 40, given the power's OP nature.

    - Force Destruction will now require a minimum of 70 force points to cast (still using the same rules as before)

    - French Translations

    - Adding new logic for the player to adopt the health and force of their character selected (disabled in missions) as a toggleable option.

    - Using a bacta tank or force heal while playing as Kyle (or someone using a Kyle soundset) will play his healing sound instead of the default Jaden sound.


    We're feeling good that we're close to the end of development for this update that I've begun the Final Countdown posts on our Discord server. I'll post the list here, but all updates made to the post will be made on our Discord server.

    - Return Father vs. Son as a playable mission
    - Remove maps from the MP listing that no longer exist
    - Add a toggle option to allow players to adopt the health and Force of any character they choose in sandbox mission.
    - Add more characters
    - Add more maps
    - Fix a bug where your character would have no textures upon loading a save

    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

  4. June was a month of quality control, and many fixes.



    Since we had a good chunk of time this month while waiting for the Operation: Knightfall remake's bugs to be ironed out, I decided to go through past character suggestions and found a few that sparked some interest. You can look forward to seeing these characters in the next update.


    - Darth Talon (Galaxy of Heroes) (Additional Variant)


    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Appearances from the TV show)


    - Finn (Resistance Hero)


    - Burg

    - Q-90

    - Xi'an

    I constantly look through model suggestions so please feel free to suggest more characters. You never know, we might just add your suggestion!



    This month saw to the completion of our menu overhauls, with the Lightsaber menu being the last one. Overall the issues I had with the menus, which consisted of a lack of freedom to browse without changing your stuff immediately, poor scrolling, and other bugs have been addressed. Here is a summary of the overhaul changes:

    - You will no longer have to slightly move your mouse when using the scroll arrows, thus allowing you to scroll through as fast as you'd like.

    - The last page you visited on any SWGL menu will be saved and will be pulled up on subsequent browsing.

    - Selecting a character or lightsaber will no longer change either of your current selections unless you click on the Apply button.

    - Selecting an NPC in the NPC menu will no longer assign it to your Quick Spawn key unless you spawn them from the menu first.

    - Music tracks have been updated to remove duplicate tracks, or fix incorrect or missing tracks.

    - Using the Angles menu will no longer leave NPCs frozen when editing the menu UNLESS you had NPC Freeze turned on before using the menu.



    In keeping with the theme of overhauls this month, most maps featured in the mod have been given some quality of life enhancements that have unfortunately plagued the mod since the Knights of the Force days back in 2018.

    Two of the four biggest issues with the maps have been addressed, which consist of vehicles and deathdrops. The third and fourth currently unfixed issues are waypoints and blaster npcs not firing on Movie Battles II maps, which will be an update in and of itself.

    To begin, all maps featuring self-spawning vehicles will no longer crash the game if the vehicle is crashed into another surface, and will instead respawn as intended. Because of this, race maps such as Boonta Eve and Coruscant Speedway can be enjoyed and crashed on to your heart's content. Additionally, maps with infinitely spawning vehicles such as Battle over Coruscant, Theed Palace, and others, will no longer spawn infinitely and crash the game after a few minutes.

    Secondly, all deathdrops on maps will no longer infinitely heal the player and npcs and will instead kill you or them as intended. We elected to make this change code-based; meaning that any maps with similar deathdrops that are not supported by Galactic Legacy will receive this fix as well.



    Some additional improvements we've made to the mod are relatively minor. But I'll list them anyway:

    - All KOTOR characters have been applied the KOTOR stances, with Darth Malak receiving his own as well.

    - Director Krennic has been missing for a long time, and he will be re-added to the Empire characters

    - Adjusted the team logic for the player NPC, making it reflect the player's current team (also fixes a weird bug where Jaden would ignite his saber during the first cutscene of t1_fatal.

    - Renamed multiple imperial officer characters to include their military titles, making it easier to find them in the NPC menu.

    - By popular demand, the base game Rodian will be returning.

    - New music tracks in the main menu

    - Using the playermodel command will adjust your health, shields, and force points to reflect your character's default starts.

    - The datapad model no longer has a faulty texture in several cutscenes

    - Missions featuring special mechanics (currently False Emperor and Operation: Knightfall) will display a pop-up explaining any game mechanics unique to those missions when selecting the mission for the first time.



    The Inquisitors, first introduced in Star Wars: Rebels, began the new tradition of introducing unique and very unorthodox Lightsabers to Star Wars. Ever since Rebels saw its last Inquisitor, other Star Wars media such as Jedi: Fallen Order and the more recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series have continued to show off the Inquisitor saber's unique ability to spin. After much collaboration with one of our modelers, we have succeeded in making this a reality in Galactic Legacy.

    The video you'll view is of a test model, and unfortunately we have not been able to progress with this since this video was uploaded. I will attempt to pursue other avenues, but fortunately we have broken new ground and made the Inquisitor lightsaber able to spin. I can't promise at this time if this feature will be in the next update, but this has proven that such a thing is possible.



    And with that all said, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Lwkill, OCD2, Aldro Koon and 3 others like this
  5. This issue is inconsistent unfortunately because of some graphics settings. I think you'll want dynamic glow turned off and the like. If you're spawning a hundred npcs, this will cause lag, especially if the npcs are Jedi/Sith npcs, which have the most complicated AI in the game.

  6. A month of fixes, a month of reflection.


    The past few months have seen to the overall improvement of the functionality of some of our frequently used menus in the mod. As of writing this, I am pleased to report that the Character Selection and NPC Menus are in a state that I have always envisioned them being.

    Several common criticisms between both menus have been addressed. The last page that you visit will be saved, negating the need for constant scrolling. Additionally, both menus have seen to a major overhaul to their functionality, encouraging giving you the freedom to browse without making changes to your game until you decide to.

    The act of clicking on a character in Character Selection will no longer immediately change your character unless you apply your change. Additionally, in the NPC menu, the NPC saved to your quick spawn button will not change unless you spawn the npc initially from the menu first.

    Currently, work is being done on the Lightsaber menu in an effort to encourage browsing. Early results have been promising, with several more fixes currently in the works.


    Something we haven't done in a long time is add some new Lightsabers/Melee Weapons to the mod. Though they are few, I'm still happy to add them.

    • Chop'aa Notimo's staff
    • Lumiya's Lightwhip
    • Mother Talzin's Spirit Blade
    • Mighella's Sword
    • Tera Sinube's Lightsaber


    Something really cool that was coded in very recently saw to an improvement for General Grievous's Four Arm lightsabers.

    First off, the lightsabers themselves have seen to a total redesign, utilizing models of Lightsaber hilts friendly to the prequel era instead of the generic Arbiter hilt.

    Another cool thing is Grievous's overall functionality for the colors of his lightsabers. As you all know, more iconic imagery has Grievous holding his lightsabers in a very distinctive blue/green pattern. With the release of the updated NPC Free Choice system back in the mod's launch, we unfortunately introduced a bug where Grievous's lightsabers on one side would be the same color, and vice versa.

    Steps have been taken to correct this, and I am pleased to announce that Grievous when spawned (or chosen by the player) will by default hold his lightsabers in his iconic pattern.

    BUT WAIT! There's more!

    In addition to allowing for the pattern to be utilized for Grievous, we even took it a step further to allow for you to choose what two colors that Grievous will be wielding, and have him holding those sabers in the same iconic pattern as we've all come to expect.




    Of course new updates should also include some new and updated characters!

    We have two characters from the new Kenobi Series, but their


    - Darth Plagueis (New Model)
    - Darth Tenebrous
    - Exar Kun (New Model)
    - Freedon Nadd


    - Anakin Skywalker (Redeemed, Original)
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Shadow Collective Armor)
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Exile)
    - Plo Koon (Jedi Power Battles)
    - Tera Sinube


    - Iden Versio (Rebel)
    - Juno Eclipse (Updated model + moved)
    - Leia Organa (Lothal)
    - Luke Skywalker (Crystal Star)
    - Rebel Assault Commando
    - Rebel Infiltrator
    - Rianna Saren
    - Rebel Spec Force
    - Rebel Spec Force Marine


    - Iden Versio
    - Reva/Third Sister


    - Ben Solo (Pre-fall)


    - Black Krrsantan
    - Gerevick


    - Bando Gora Slave
    - Guri
    - Pyke Syndicate Members
    - Trandoshan (KOTOR)
    - Zarien Kheev


    - Doogo
    - Kimmi Chyler
    - Pax Bonkik
    - Laigrek
    - Terentatek


    - Din Djarin (Pre-Beskar)


    - Nightsister


    In other news, the remake for Operation: Knightfall is nearing completion, with a large number of quality of life and major bug fixes being implemented over the past few months. I have been informed by one of the authors that everything should be finalized by the end of next week, pending a full playthrough from our end, verifying stability and everything else.




    Provided that all goes well with these fixes and the menu improvements continue to go smoothly, we should possibly see to a release of sometime in June. Please do not take this as an official announcement. Once we have a confirmed release date we will announce on our Discord server, and we will upload the file here in advance of our next release.


    I put the Father vs. Son remake on hold in order to help the author of Operation: Knightfall complete his mission, as well as implementing quality of life fixes to the menus and maps which host vehicles. Once this update releases, I will be (for real this time) devoting my time to remaking Father vs. Son, which I have promised for over a year at this point and still never finish (again I cannot apologize enough for this).

    Other missions we have promised in the past will be seeing active development after this update releases and the authors take a well-deserved break.

    Additionally, one of our Coder's has returned to us and has completed the initial framework for what we are calling the Dynamic Weapon System. Though the codework has basically been done, we have decided to hold off on releasing this to the public for now as this will require a lot of refactoring for many current assets in the mod (namely NPC weapons and the like), but this system will allow us to add even more weapons to the mod, and allow us the freedom to easily add in other weapons which share an identical functionality to weapons already featured in the mod. We'll provide more details once we're ready to release.

    Oh and the Super Battle Droid will be getting some needed cosmetic upgrades :D.

    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Circa, Lancelot, Bubbles and 1 other like this
  7. 16 hours ago, ernesthemingue said:

    As a Star Wars fan, it's very actual for me! I'm already following some of the instagram groups, but they`re few and it's hard to find any that are regularly updated.

    Honestly since I posted that, we haven't posted on our Instagram in forever and we usually only post on Facebook just for letting people know of updates and progress reports.

  8. Looking forth to the mod's future (no nobody is leaving 🙂 )


    Progress has been made on working on improving a few maps featured in the mod.

    To begin, so far several maps which feature self-respawning vehicles will no longer crash the game if you decided to drink and drive. Other maps with issues regarding swoops infinitely respawning have been and will be addressed.

    Maps that so far have been fixed include (but aren't limited to).

    • Battle of Hoth
    • Battle over Coruscant
    • Coruscant Speedway
    • Boonta Eve Classic
    • Battle of Geonosis

    Other maps with similar issues will be tracked down and fixed in the near future.

    Referring back to the announcement made several years ago regarding adding waypoints to the Star Forge map to make AI battles much easier, a lot of changes have been made the Star Forge map to improve the experience on it as compared to what was available at launch.

    The waypoints on the map have been completely overhauled in order to make NPC pathfinding much smoother. We have also added NPC barriers around areas where NPCs could get stuck in the geometry and find it impossible to get back on track.

    The chasm area between the inner area and outer ring has been deepened and turned into a death drop.

    The dead Jedi have been removed and (for Revan vs. Malak) have been replaced with KOTOR-accurate Jedi NPCs.

    The lighting has seen to improvement.

    But enough of that, let's see some screenshots!


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    AFTER (More dynamic lighting from the floor and better contrast for floor textures). NPC barriers erected to prevent AI from getting trapped in areas of the map.

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    AFTER (Less blocky fog texture, looking more natural, deepened pit, turning into a death drop)

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    AFTER (Replaced static Jaden Korr model with live NPCs for the Revan vs. Malak mission, otherwise removed entirely)

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    All of these changes and fixes have also been applied to the Revan vs. Malak map. Speaking of which....


    The Revan vs. Malak mission has seen to a number of serious improvements, and after many hours of debugging and testing, the logic for the Jedi Draining stage has been completely re-written so Malak no longer soft-locks if you destroy specific tanks in some random order. Additionally, the Jedi Draining stage has been made significantly easier, making it much easier to destroy the Jedi tanks instead of needing to hit the tanks with lightning at very specific angles, you can even destroy the tanks with your Lightsaber now (GASP!)!

    Other improvements to the mission include re-adding Malak's "Savior, Conqueror, Hero, Villain" line during the ambush portion as a taunt, stopping the cutscene npcs from making noises, and fixing some lines of Malak's dialogue which were clipping for some unknown reason.


    The UI has also been a problem point for the mod, discouraging free-reign for browsing characters, NPCs, lightsabers, and the like. The biggest issue out of all of them is being forced to move your mouse "ever so slightly" in order to click on the same arrow.

    As of typing this, the NPC menu has been given this fix, so you can rapidly scroll through the many pages of NPCs we're offering to you at your leisure.

    Other issues will be tracked down and fixed as we find them and are able to address them. I don't want to list all of them as I don't want to cause any accidental disappointment if I'm unable to fix them.


    Over the past month, I have done a lot of self-reflection in regards to this mod, and even thinking back on Knights of the Force 2.1, prior to the split and its death (despite a certain Phoenix claiming it's still alive, lol).

    Feeling nostalgic, I looked over the past progress reports, and seeing how far the mod has come. Though I am proud of the work that myself and the team have completed over this past year and a half, I have come to the realization that despite all of these accomplishments, this mod has also been tainted with broken promises. Looking over past Progress Reports, I have counted multiple mentions of a remake for Father vs. Son, saying that "it's the next thing I will work on". Along with that, more promises of new weapons, waypoints, and multiple other missions have been made, none of which have been delivered on.

    The False Emperor mission we released with the last update was my attempt to attempt to fulfill a previously unfulfilled promise, as it's been a mission I have promised as far back as the Knights of the Force days. The realization that False Emperor has been the only mission we've produced since the mod's release back in December 2020 (I'm not counting the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis) is completely unacceptable. Looking back on previous patch notes, the only features we've released up until the last update were New Game Plus, New Force Powers, a few new maps, new characters, an April Fools joke, and that's basically it (minus bug fixes here and there).

    I grow easily distracted when working on one thing, or I may come up with an idea which just overrides anything else I'm working on, and promised features become easily lost and forgotten memories. To those who were looking forward to promises I have failed to keep, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies.

    But what will be done?

    Though I will not speak for our other Mission makers Darth Voiid and Lwkill regarding their many missions, I will make new promises that I fully intend to keep. I have promised NPC Waypoints, a Father vs. Son remake, Deathstar Rescue, manual blocking, and other things, and those things I will be 100% focusing on after some major improvements to the ingame are addressed (else they will be bugging and distracting me severely), I'll be taking a hiatus from coding any major things (except blocking) until these promises are fulfilled.

    Though I may periodically add new characters, my own updates to the mod will be as follows (in this order).

    I will remake Father vs. Son first, because it's the thing I have promised the most, so I will treat it as a higher priority.

    Next, I will move on to completing Deathstar Rescue (Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker POVs)

    Next, I will painstakingly add NPC waypoints to every single map.

    Next, new weapons.

    Finally, I will code in a brand new Manual blocking system.

    This is my promise, and one I intend to keep. I am sorry for breaking so many promises, but as always I am thankful for your support.

    As always, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Lancelot and Circa like this
  9. Patch Notes - 04/15/2022


    - NEW MISSION: THE FALSE EMPEROR; Re-visit the iconic battle against Darth Malgus from Star Wars: The Old Republic and attempt to dethrone him as one of four possible characters; The Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, or Republic Trooper.



    - Kao Cen Darach
    - Leeha Narezz
    - Satele Shan (Updated Model)
    - Satele Shan (Exile)
    - T7-O1


    - Dark Honor Guard
    - Darth Jadus
    - Darth Maladi
    - Darth Thanaton
    - Sith Training Droid (Umbaran Sith Academy)
    - Vestara Khai


    - Ara Barotta
    - Lumas Etima
    - Marva Zane
    - Stass Allie


    - Leia Organa Solo (Jedi Knight)
    - Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)
    - Luke Skywalker (Jedi Trainer)
    - Luke Skywalker (Sith Apprentice)
    - Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony, New Model)
    - Mon Mothma (Early Rebellion)


    - Boc Aseca (New Model)
    - Coruscant Guard
    - Emperor Palpatine (Clone)


    - BB-8


    - Cardinal
    - Commander Pyre


    - Boba Fett (Daimyo of Tatooine)


    - Chop'aa Notimo
    - Nym
    - Vilmarh Grahrk


    - Cereans (Male & Female)
    - Chazrach Warrior
    - Gorax
    - HK-77 Assassin Droid
    - IR-9X Replicator Droid
    - Rakghoul
    - Tsavong Lah


    - Cassus Fett


    - Hylo Visz (Eternal Alliance)
    - Skytrooper (Eternal Empire)
    - Theron Shan (Eternal Alliance)
    - Tythonian War Droid
    - Z0-0M (Eternal Alliance)


    - Lord Ukerin


    - Updated the "give force" console command to allow for a maximum force meter of 10,000,000. (Done to prevent accidental values which would break the functionality of Force Destruction).


    - Force Fear is no longer permanent and will expire on an enemy after 5, 10, or 20 seconds per level respectively.
    - Removed the 50-50 dice roll for Force Fear working at level 1.



    - NEW MECHANIC: LORD OF BETRAYAL; While Darth Traya is active, if any of her allies are damaged, Traya will heal for 5 health per damage calculation. If Darth Nihilus or Darth Sion are allies and are damaged, Traya will instead heal equal to the amount of damage received. This effect does not place if Traya is on the Solo team.
    - NEW MECHANIC: COMPASSION IS WEAKNESS; If Darth Traya has an active enemy and she is struck by an ally of her enemy, her attacker has a 33% chance of being damaged for 1-3 hp per damage calculation. This effect does not take place if Traya's enemy is on the Solo team.



    - Removed an unneeded Palpatine NPC.

    The following maps have been modified to no longer crash due to large target_print entities.

    - Eurocorp Citadel
    - Shola Sith Temple
    - Sith Council (v2)
    - Sith Council (v3)


    - Fixed a glitch with Ahsoka Tano's character selection where the skin icons for the teen and younger appearances were pointing to their opposite model.
    - Added the Chistori Jedi Knight to the Galactic Republic NPC spawner menu as intended.
    - Added a 5 and 15 seconds option to the Corpse Removal time.


    - Updated Boba Fett's biography to include events from The Book of Boba Fett.
    - Updated Boba Fett (Resurfaced)'s variant biography to include events from The Book of Boba Fett.
    - Updated Cad Bane's biography to include events from The Book of Boba Fett.


    - Pending a new toggle command, it is no longer possible to friendly fire any allied NPC.
    - Improved Mandalorian AI behavior, disabling their ability to break out of Force Grip while in cinematics.
    - Optimized the random Youngling NPC spawner, preventing rare issues where Younglings would spawn with a corrupted skin.
    - Added pre-registration for all weapons, preventing lag when switching to a new weapon.
    - Improved the randomization for the main menu music, guaranteeing a new music track.
    - Corrected an issue in maps where breakable entities would attempt to trigger a target_print and crash the game.


    The following characters have been given new or updated soundsets.

    - Taron Malicos
    - Emperor Vitiate


    - Fixed a shader issue with Qui-Gon Jinn's infinities appearance that was causing artifacting around his hair and beard.
    - Fixed a missing shader issue with Moff Gideon.

  10. On 4/11/2022 at 5:19 PM, Circa said:

    The TPM game is one of my favorite SW games of all time. Are there plans to recreate more than just what is shown here?

    Our mapper has been hard at work working on his own set of Phantom Menace missions which I didn't detail here. There have been some really cool developments since I wrote this.

    On 4/11/2022 at 4:19 PM, Botdra said:

    Good to see some love for some of these less-popular Star Wars games. Episode 1 was a lot of fun. These recreations are excellently done.

    Thank you for your support! 

    Circa likes this
  11. A progress report released early?!


    This April Fools, we are releasing the first of our annual April Fools events! The first will see to a small modification of the Darth Maul vs. Count Dooku fight, where Maul will fight against an evil dentist who was "supposedly" hired to clean Maul's teeth! This update was sneakily added into our prior updates and has laid dormant for many months. Coming every April 1st, you can play this alternate scenario in Darth Maul's extended ending, we hope you enjoy it!

    But what if you can't play the mod April 1st? Don't worry, there's a solution. If you want to play the mod at any time in April Fools mode, simply set your computer's internal clock to April 1st of any year, and enjoy the silliness.


    It has come to my attention that since releasing the mod back in Devember 2020, that aside from a cutscene remake of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, we have announced many missions, none of which have released.

    This is unacceptable.

    In an effort to make it up to you all, our next mission will be The False Emperor, from the first endgame flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Playing as either the Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, or Republic Trooper, it will be up to you and your companions to defeat Darth Malgus and stop his reign before it has a chance to begin.

    This bonus mission will be the first multi-POV bonus mission released, breaking our initial tradition. Additionally, this mission is looking to be the most code-based mission, as several new mechanics will be introduced to this mission that will not be available in any others to make the experience equally as enjoyable regardless of which character you play as, such as Damage reduction to yourself, and damage increases with your respective character's favorite weapons.

    In efforts to provide as high a quality as possible, we are providing you all with an Open Beta for the Jedi Knight POV of False Emperor. If you wish to play this for yourself, please download the following file, and help us even further by providing feedback in our attached Google Form.

    While playing as the Jedi Knight, you will receive the following benefits:
    - All incoming damage from Darth Malgus will be reduced by 50%
    - All lightsaber damage from you will be increased by 50%
    - Your force regen will be increased to 1 force point per 2 milliseconds
    - Darth Malgus will not push away any incoming missiles from the bounty hunter character.

    DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11zJYbENUiqD_0shs95FtdxFzquF2wJwx/view?usp=sharing
    FEEDBACK FORM LINK: https://forms.gle/rMwMY3jHgQFg7X5T9

    The False Emperor will be released on Friday, April 15th.

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    Not releasing with the False Emperor, but a later update, we have attained a collection of brand new characters! Please keep in mind that this list is not final and may be changed at any time. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment with a link to your desired character and the author so we may ask permission.


    - Kao Cen Darach
    - Leeha Narezz
    - Satele Shan (Updated model)
    - Satele Shan (Exile)
    - T7-O1

    - Dark Honor Guard
    - Darth Jadus
    - Darth Maladi
    - Darth Thanaton
    - Sith Training Droid (Umbaran Sith Academy)
    - Vestara Khai

    - Ara Barotta
    - Lumas Etima
    - Marva Zane
    - Stass Allie

    - Leia Organa Solo (Jedi Knight)
    - Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)
    - Luke Skywalker (Jedi Trainer)
    - Luke Skywalker (Sith Apprentice)
    - Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony, New Model)
    - Mon Mothma (TFU)

    - Boc Aseca (New model)
    - Coruscant Guard
    - Emperor Palpatine (Clone), Somehow this one returned too

    - BB-8

    - Cardinal
    - Commander Pyre

    - Boba Fett (Resurfaced), Daimyo of Tatooine variant

    - Chop'aa Notimo
    - Nym

    - Cereans (Male & Female)
    - Chazrach Warrior
    - Gorax
    - HK-77 Assassin Droid
    - IR-9X Replicator Droid
    - Rakghoul
    - Tsavong Lah

    - Cassus Fett

    (Though none are force users, they do still fit in their respective sub-factions)
    - Hylo Visz (Eternal Alliance)
    - Skytrooper (Eternal Empire)
    - Theron Shan (Eternal Alliance)
    - Tythonian War Droid
    - Z0-0M (Eternal Alliance)

    - Lord Ukerin


    One of our prior updates saw to the introduction of our first set of Special mechanics, allowing the Inquisitorious characters to adjust their lightsabers as necessary, Cal Kestis to be unpredictable in his saber configuation, and Darth Sion to be true to his title as the Lord of Pain and regenerate himself upon defeat. Our False Emperor update to see to new special mechanics for the Lord of Betrayal, Darth Traya.

    Inspired by her kit in the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Darth Traya's new mechanics will allow her to react accordingly as the Lord of Betrayal, punishing her enemies attacking as a team, and taking pleasure from her allies suffering.

    COMPASSION IS WEAKNESS: If Darth Traya has an active enemy and she is struck by an ally of her current enemy, the ally will receive 1-3hp of damage per damage calculation (this damage cannot kill the attacker)

    LORD OF BETRAYAL: When an ally of Darth Traya takes damage, Traya will heal for 5 hp per damage calculation. This healing is increased to all damage received if the attacked ally is Darth Sion or Darth Nihilus.

    Darth Traya will receive these benefits with the release of The False Emperor mission on April 15th.


    In this final topic, new features to be released with The False Emperor!

    - A heavily requested setForceRegen console command, which will allow you to increase or decrease your force regeneration rate at any time!
    - Fixes regarding some maps crashing if a func_breakable is targetting a target_print entity
    - No more lag when switching weapons after using the give all command
    - Better main menu music randomization

    We're really looking forward to bringing all of this to you, and until that happens, we hope that you enjoy a small alternate take on Maul's extended ending, and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga when it releases!

    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you!

    Circa likes this
  12. 1 hour ago, Asgarath83 said:

    so is a problem of missing delay...

    i wondering if that could be fixed with entity modding adding a lot of delay to the target_counter or whatever entity is used for respawn infinite vehicles. 



    I guess i need to decompile the Map and to check directly how entities works. i need specific informations.

    There is no target_counter entity, the entity is:

    "npc_target" "swoop1"
    "targetname" "swoop1"
    "count" "-1"
    "delay" "5"
    "alliedTeam" "2"
    "classname" "NPC_Vehicle"
    "origin" "432 -1039 -206"
    "NPC_type" "snow-speeder-tfp"
    "angle" "45"
    "teamowner" "2"

    The NPC_target is targetting its own spawner so whenever the vehicle is destroyed it respawns. There is a "delay" key in the entity, but as far as I can tell, this means nothing, at least in Single Player.

  13. 19 hours ago, Asgarath83 said:

    So, is not the flag that create the damage, but the fact that there is some worst that happened with target counter set to -1.

    so basically it ask to engine "spawn again the vehicle" but the vehicle is removed from memory, so engine try to spawn but not find ...  nothing!

    i need to check when i can do how work the target_counter code related to vehicle spawning at this point. it's clear that if is not related to the flag BUMPED, the problem is into the code of target_counter, target_scriptrunner, Usescript, whatever is used by engine for spawn the vehicle!

    So need to be checked the icarus code, i guess and the gtk radiant code.

    icarus is set into Q3_Interface.cpp and Q3_interface.h.

    Is there is a script that is runned by the spawner of snowspeeders?

    HOW they are spawned and respawned into these maps? how this works into the map structure? you need to analyze that and do a reverse engeneering job for find the issue.

    consider however that VH_FIGHTER code are VERY messy and incomplete (the reason cause i tried to create a new code working with AI npc and player vector movement, instead of use Vehicle code) probably the problem is about the VH_FIGHTER, try first off to edit the snowspeeder entity into a VH_SWOOP into VEH files of map and see if this cause again the crash.

    VH_FIGHTER code is buggy, incomplete and very messy. so i not surprise it crash for every stupid run access violation of memory bias etc.






    Basically the map entity is given an NPC_target and targetname value which are set to the exact same value. When the NPC (or in this case Vehicle) is killed, the NPC_target is fired and looks for the entity with the same targetname (in this case itself). Since the NPC_target and targetname are the same, the vehicle will respawn itself after being destroyed. Since vehicles tend to delay a little bit before being destroyed and freed from memory, there is no issue when a vehicle or NPC is killed by a weapon rather than the environment.

  14. @Asgarath83 So I attempted your fix and unfortunately it did not work. The error is from the game attempting to access the destroyed vehicle which has already been destroyed and freed from memory. In the if statement:

    if (pm->gent->client &&
                pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE &&
                pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BUMPED; // <- FLAG ENABLED.

    The exception is thrown when attempting to read "pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE" since the vehicle has already been removed from memory. A Read Access Violation.

  15. 5 hours ago, Asgarath83 said:

    Okay, i examinated the code and i found something very interesting about how this things works into engine:

    basically there is a flag, like EF_BOUNCE, EF_BOUNCE_SHRAPNEL, EF_BOUNCE_HALF etc, that when is enabled create some special movements features with game vectors.

    the bounce and bounce shrapnel are related to the bouncing physic used by bouncing projectiles, flechette shrapnel main fire and flechette alt fire / thermal detonator.

    when on my code i tried to edit stuff with these things i EVER add crashes and exceptions. and they going me mad and crazy for YEARS until i understand . i never really fixed it, i just bypassed the problemes editing the code. i rewrote avoiding the flag on / off feature (basically act like a boolean : on \ off true \ false, so instead of do a silly round of functions with some weird cycle it execute directly the instruction for edit the vectors without use Flags.

    flags code of the engine is very sensitive and unstable for my experience.


    about this case:


    #define PMF_BUMPED            (1<<17)//131072    // Bumped into something

    this is the flag. his marked to the 17th bit field (each flag can contain 32 bit values)

    // pmove->pm_flags
    #define    PMF_DUCKED            (1<<0)//1
    #define    PMF_JUMP_HELD        (1<<1)//2
    #define    PMF_JUMPING            (1<<2)//4        // yes, I really am in a jump -- Mike, you may want to come up with something better here since this is really a temp fix.
    #define    PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP    (1<<3)//8        // go into backwards land
    #define    PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN    (1<<4)//16        // coast down to backwards run
    #define    PMF_TIME_LAND        (1<<5)//32        // pm_time is time before rejump
    #define    PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK    (1<<6)//64        // pm_time is an air-accelerate only time
    #define    PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION    (1<<7)//128        // pm_time is a no-friction time
    #define    PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP    (1<<8)//256        // pm_time is waterjump
    #define    PMF_RESPAWNED        (1<<9)//512        // clear after attack and jump buttons come up
    #define    PMF_USEFORCE_HELD    (1<<10)//1024    // for debouncing the button
    #define PMF_JUMP_DUCKED        (1<<11)//2048    // viewheight changes in mid-air
    #define PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED    (1<<12)//4096    // pushed by a trigger_push or other such thing - cannot force jump and will not take impact damage
    #define PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL    (1<<13)//8192    // grabbing a wall
    #define PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL    (1<<14)//16384    // Fall slower until hit ground
    #define    PMF_ATTACK_HELD        (1<<15)//32768    // Holding down the attack button
    #define    PMF_ALT_ATTACK_HELD    (1<<16)//65536    // Holding down the alt-attack button
    #define PMF_BUMPED            (1<<17)//131072    // Bumped into something
    #define PMF_FORCE_FOCUS_HELD    (1<<18)//262144    // Holding down the saberthrow/kick button
    #define PMF_FIX_MINS        (1<<19)//524288    // Mins raised for dual forward jump, fix them



    THEN here is how it works:




    qboolean    PM_SlideMove( float gravMod ) {
        int            bumpcount, numbumps;
        vec3_t        dir;
        float        d;
        int            numplanes;
        vec3_t        normal, planes[MAX_CLIP_PLANES];
        vec3_t        primal_velocity;
        vec3_t        clipVelocity;
        int            i, j, k;
        trace_t    trace;
        vec3_t        end;
        float        time_left;
        float        into;
        vec3_t        endVelocity;
        vec3_t        endClipVelocity;
        qboolean    damageSelf = qtrue;
        int            slideMoveContents = pm->tracemask;


    This function bumps the vehicles when slide against a wall. obvious.

    when this happens, it enabled the flag here:

    if (pm->gent->client &&
                pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE &&
                pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BUMPED; // <- FLAG ENABLED.


    now, into the code, there are 2 other points of interest

    1: - when flags is turned off (so is edit is deactivated)

    2 - when flags is executed, so what happens when PMF_BUMPED is active.

    case 1: flag is deactivated when into Pmove main function (player movevement, the LARGE and BIG function that code ALL player movements! swim, fly, run, etc! )

    every time pmove run, flag is turned out.


    // Clear the blocked flag
        //pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BLOCKED;
        pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BUMPED;



    NOW the chunk of code about when PMF_BUMPED is used:

    is used into


    static void PM_airmove (void)

    so, the function that control the movement of entities into air. (so flight, hovering i guess?)


    and this is what happen when is executed:


    if (pVeh && pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_BUMPED)

            // Turn Vehicle In Direction Of Collision
            vec3_t    nAngles;
             vectoangles(pm->ps->velocity, nAngles);
            nAngles[0] = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.viewangles[0];
            nAngles[2] = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.viewangles[2];

            // toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
            player->client->ps.eFlags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

            // set angles
            SetClientViewAngle( pVeh->m_pParentEntity, nAngles );
            if (pVeh->m_pPilot)
                SetClientViewAngle( pVeh->m_pPilot, nAngles );

            VectorCopy(nAngles, pVeh->m_vPrevOrientation);
            VectorCopy(nAngles, pVeh->m_vOrientation);
            pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity = 0.0f;

            // Reduce "Bounce Up Wall" Velocity
             if (pm->ps->velocity[2]>0)
                pm->ps->velocity[2] *= 0.1f;





    as you can Most part of this chunk is Deactivated by /*  */

    one of the thousand of code parts when developers wrote "foxil code" that deactivated and in game is not running, ever is still present.

    so is executed ONLY this line:

     // Reduce "Bounce Up Wall" Velocity
             if (pm->ps->velocity[2]>0)
                pm->ps->velocity[2] *= 0.1f;


    So, basically, what it create the crash, should be the reduction of velocity of entity when bounce a wall into some circustances.

    so the solution i suggest should be to

    1 - deactivate this:


     // Reduce "Bounce Up Wall" Velocity
             if (pm->ps->velocity[2]>0)
                pm->ps->velocity[2] *= 0.1f;


    and see what happens and if crash again.

    if this is the reason of crash, it should be possible to fix running

    this feature when is played on  qboolean    PM_SlideMove

    so something like:


    if (pm->gent->client &&
                pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE &&
                // pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BUMPED;

                     if (pm->ps->velocity[2]>0)
                      pm->ps->velocity[2] *= 0.1f;




    So it avoid and bypass to call dangerous flags like PMF_BUMPED and to silly workaround with ping-pong between functions.

    I hope this work, but i not know. can you try or i need to do by myself? 🙂


    (i fixed EF_BOUNCE BOUNCE_HALF crashes using this method into weapon code recently, working for doing a lib like .SAB file for free customize the guns. i added a tons of variables for customize the ballistic of projectiles. it was very hard but they works without crashes )










    I'll be able to try this on Monday since I'm busy all weekend. I'll let you know how it goes

    Asgarath83 likes this
  16. 8 minutes ago, Asgarath83 said:

    Damn, that's is pretty nasty. it means that you have found a rare glitch and bug of original game engine!

    so, infinite swoop spawns are instables when they hit a wall and slide on wall.. that's is very interesting and incredible glitch.

    Congratulations for your sharp eye sight.

    you should talk about this to openjk developeers team stuff and segnalate the incredibile issue and pull a request on git about some way to fix the bug.

    I will try this stuff when i have a lot of time. i need to repay your for bypass 32 bit limit field of weapons, remember?

    but i not know if i am so skilled to fix this stupid crash. it will require a lot of time for manage it.

    thanks however for pointed me the lines that are responsable of this silly behavour of engine.


    try to check ALL the code parts whre is called the flag PMF_BUMPED. maybe there is some strange connections with spawners entities. 

    the issues should be mostly that, or the "if statement itself" i can't be sure without testing it. it will require times. :3

    i'll let you know if i 'll do some progress.

    pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BUMPED;


    Into the way, signal this to openjk stuff. is a really interesting bug that need to be investigated.


    Sorry I should've been more specific, the specific point where it crashes is at "pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE"

  17. On 3/24/2022 at 6:58 AM, Asgarath83 said:

    Apparently seems okay.

    but the issue is caused by pmove.

    two questions:

    1 - name of the functions when it happens?

    2 - is default ja code, or a mod code?

    Never had this problem on my openjk, my personal code edits, or  vanilla original code or other mod codes (also if on my machine run only eezstreet gunslinger) .

    if is a edited code, i should suppose is caused by unpredictable effects.

    i means, there is some kind of entropy into a game code.

    each time that you edit something, it will can have unpredictables effect or create bugs.



    I can understand what you mean, though looking back on prior commits, I'm not seeing any edits to the code that would've screwed with Pmove.

    The favorite place for the code to crash is actually this if statement here (sorry I can't post a screenshot):

            if (pm->gent->client &&
                pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE &&
                pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BUMPED;


    This is located on Line 202 in code\game\bg_slidemove.cpp.

    It's interesting that you mentioned regular OpenJK, because out of curiosity I attempted to replicate the bug there, drove a respawning swoop into a wall and crashed, and the game did crash. I just now attempted normal JKA and it crashed as well.

    If you want to try it, I made a few edits to the Coruscant Speedway map for Galactic Legacy to stop an infinite swoop respawning bug, the link is here (will only work on OpenJK unless you can compile entity files): https://drive.google.com/file/d/11n547dbW2fgfHacW7kZQZvNubx5KBf13/view?usp=sharing

    I also got pretty consistent crashing on the Battle for Hoth map when crashing a snowspeeder into a wall. Here are the links, again taken from the SWGL files and editted down to work in base JKA.






    Asgarath83 likes this
  18. We have a good bit going on, but most of it I can't even discuss at the moment.


    In the middle of February, we released a fix addressing many (and I mean MANY) characters suffering from the invisible lightsaber bug. With the release of the hotfix, all known and easily fixed characters have been addressed, with Bossk currently the only character we are aware of with the invisible lightsaber bug.

    Furthermore, we have begun steps to fix or add soundsets for many other characters currently missing them. Presently, Taron Malicos and the Sith Emperor Vitiate have been addressed and will have all-new soundsets when we release. Other characters we're currently looking into are Arcann/Thexan, Valkorion, and Vaylin.


    The last several progress reports, we've reported on new missions being developed. What is the news behind them? I unfortunately cannot provide updates. Operation: Knightfall, Deathstar Rescue are currently blocked due to several factors. 2 other duel missions currently in development are nearing completion, but again are facing blockers. We're looking into resolving these this month, but I cannot provide any other comments regarding the missions at this time.

    One thing I can say however is that with our last update, we have snuck in our next April Fools prank, in fact after some engine modifications, I am excited to say that every April Fools will have a recurring event. We'll reveal more details in the next progress report.


    Our mapper Lwkill has made several new maps which should be available in the next update.

    Episode I Naboo Swamp


    Jedi Trial Arena (Obi-Wan game)


    Jedi Training (Obi-Wan game)


    Gardens of Theed (Episode I Game)


    Episode I Naboo Palace (Outside)


    Theed Streets (Episode I Game)



    It's not a lot, but such is the way of things after releasing an update (or two this month alone). There are other things we're working on right now, but given the early stages of everything, I'm not comfortable to discuss anything else we're currently working on.

    We also have a small community feedback going on, please consider filling this out so you can help steer this mod in the right direction.


    Thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Lwkill, NumberWan, OCD2 and 6 others like this
  19. Patch Notes - 02/07/2022



    - Added Corran Horn and Kyp Durron among the Jedi Masters.


    - Kyle will no longer give lectures about saber styles or telling Jaden that he did well if interacting with a locked door.


    - Mon Mothma and Kyle will now hold the Artusian crystal as intended.


    - If attempting to use the Force or perform an inconspicious act before speaking to the Bartender, Kyle will now comment about the importance of keeping a low profile.
    - Implemented missing subtitles.
    - Kyle will now hand over his bryar pistol instead of a blaster pistol to the cantina bouncers.
    - Replaced a blaster pistol item pickup with the bryar pistol as intended.
    - The Bartender and Kyle will now hold their respective items instead of invisible objects.


    - Implemented missing subtitles.


    - Implemented missing subtitles.


    - Corrected an issue where the player would spawn with Darth Revan's appearance instead of Jedi Knight Revan's appearance as intended.
    - Changed Revan's lightsaber to the correct hilt for the player.



    - Gate Master Jurokk
    - Bene
    - Whie Malreaux

    NPC Changes


    - Removed Jedi Knights of the Chiss species from the random spawner because IT'S. NOT. CANON!


    - Updated sounds for General Grievous, removing taunts that made no sense and performances from the 2003 TCW Micro-series.


    - Increased Kyp Durron's saber defense level from 2 to 3.


    - Added new sounds to the Royal Guard



    - NPCs not assigned Force Push can no longer push themselves out of a Force Grip, Grasp, or Drain hold.
    - Corrected a bug from the original game where NPCs would lose their Force Push ability after pushing themselves out of a Force Grip, Grasp, or Drain.


    - Improved the victim's electricity effect to be more accurate depending on the attacker's Force Lightning color.


    - Level 3 Saber Throw will no longer lock on to non-combative droids on the Neutral team


    The following maps have been removed from the mod either due to lack of quality or the respective author's request

    - Cloud City
    - Horizons of Taris
    - RC: Republic Cruiser
    - Episode I Mos Espa (replaced with Mos Espa Outskirts)
    - Episode I Naboo Hangar
    - Episode II Jedi Archives
    - Episode II Jedi Temple Inside Duel
    - Episode III Palpatine's Office (Replaced with Fate of the Republic mission map)
    - Episode III Palpatine's Rooftop
    - Episode IV Mos Eisley Cantina (Interior of the larger Mos Eisley map)
    - Sith Vessel
    - Atlantica (Not the unlocked map, only the map with locked doors)
    - Jungle Temple
    - Nowhere
    - Serenity (Not the RPG version)
    - Space Race
    - Imperial Star Destroyer Duel


    - Episode III Galaxies Opera House
    - Episode II LiMerge Power Building


    - Lord Vader has been given new stance animations. He will also walk casually when using the Fast, Desann or Tavion styles.
    - The Jedi Brute has been given new stance animations.
    - The Jedi Temple Guard has been given new stance animations.
    - Cin Drallig has been given new stance animations.
    - Serra Keto has been given new stance animations.
    - Kyle Katarn's Jedi Outcast/Academy appearance will walk casually, mirroring his walking from Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.
    - Characters with custom animations will play all intended cutscene animations during the Jedi Academy campaign.
    - Added the Jedi Outcast animations to be recognized by the code, fixing multiple issues in Jedi Outcast's cutscenes where characters weren't holding objects or were doing erratic movements.


    - General Grievous's lightsabers have had their damage reduced by 50% in multiplayer.
    - Added the Book of Boba Fett main theme as a possible main menu track.
    - Corrected Darth Maul (Sith Master) being assigned the incorrect lightsaber in character selection.
    - After many years of struggle, Kit Fisto has overcome his helium addiction and will no longer have a high-pitched and erratic voice.

  20. A month of loss, but also a month of gain.


    After some discussion with the leadership of Galactic Adventures, we have come to a mutual agreement and we have officially merged both mods together. This will mean that Galactic Adventures will no longer be developed as its own standalone mod and all content intended for their mod will be made available in Galactic Legacy.

    With that being said, the iconic final confrontation between Ben Kenobi and Maul from Season 3 of Star Wars: Rebels will be available as the next bonus mission.



    Next update will see to the addition and unfortunate removal of some maps from the mod. Either due to a lack of quality or by the author's request, we have made the decision to remove some maps from the mod. After the release of our next update, these maps will be removed from distribution and will no longer be accessible by us. Though we cannot force you to remove the files from your installation, they will be permanently removed from the map menus and will only be accessible through console commands. Furthermore, all support for these maps will be removed, so if you encounter issues while playing, we will not be able to provide assistance.

    The following maps will be removed from the mod as of next update (using the current map menu names):

    - Episode I Mos Espa (Replaced with Mos Espa Outskirts)
    - Cloud City (Movie Battles map)
    - Republic Cruiser (Movie Battles map)
    - Horizons of Taris
    - Episode I Naboo Hangar
    - Episode II Jedi Archives
    - Episode II Jedi Temple Inside Duel
    - Episode III Palpatine's Office (Replaced with Fate of the Republic mission map)
    - Episode III Palpatine's Rooftop
    - Episode IV Mos Eisley Cantina (Interior of the larger Mos Eisley map)
    - Sith Vessel
    - Atlantica (Not the unlocked map, only the map with locked doors)
    - Jungle Temple
    - Nowhere
    - Serenity (Not the RPG version)
    - Space Race
    - Imperial Star Destroyer Duel

    But though there is loss, there leaves an opportunity for gain! If there is a map you really want to see featured in the mod, please post your suggestion in the comments, and we'll have a look!


    With the removal and gain of some maps in the mod, we have also decided to do a full overhaul of the map menu. Doing away with most of the generic names that came with Knights of the Force 2.1, many maps have been renamed to a more accurate (or canonical name). Several maps that clearly had nothing to do with a Star Wars film but were placed in the film's list anyway have been moved to "Star Wars Locations".

    Keep in mind this is still a work in progress so you'll see a few repeat maps and some overlapping.




    We've been announcing and teasing Operation: Knightfall's remake and Deathstar Rescue for some time now. But it's been clear to us that those are all we've been talking about.


    Though Knightfall and Deathstar Rescue are intended as the major MVPs for our next update, we felt it to be an appropriate time to return to our initial roots and provide missions based on duels from the Skywalker Saga. Three duel missions are also in development, and most are (or are very close) to completion.

    - From Attack of the Clones, Confronting the Count depicts the final duel between Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda against Count Dooku.


    - From The Phantom Menace, Ambush on Tatooine depicts the first encounter between Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul deep within the Tatooine desert.


    - From The Last Jedi, the last stand of Luke Skywalker against his nephew, Kylo Ren on the salt-covered planet of Crait.



    We have uncovered one major bug regarding all characters being granted new custom animations, where they will not play the base Jedi Academy campaign cutscene animations. We are looking into some solutions and will hopefully find a fix very soon.


    Regardless if we release an update this month or not, this month should prove interesting for the mod itself, one way or another. We're looking forward to bringing all new content to you all, and as always, we appreciate your support.

    And as always, thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Lancelot, Circa and Lwkill like this
  21. Happy New Year! We have a few things to get through, so let's get started!


    The Lord Vader POV for Operation: Knightfall remake is undergoing final testing. Darth Voiid and our mapper Lwkill have been very hard at work ironing out the last few details needed. Speaking from personal experience, the remake feels and plays amazingly. I even caught myself playing the mission casually, forgetting that it was still under development. I can't really post any screenshots as we'll be entering spoiler territory, but this will be well worth the wait!


    In other news, Ben Kenobi's POV for Deathstar Rescue is nearing completion, with the ending being all that's left in terms of main development. There are also a few miscellaneous things to tweak. After some discussion, we have also come up with a secret ending for you to discover and unlock. I don't want to drop any hints as to what this secret ending will entail, and I hope some of you will be adventurous enough to attempt to discover it. But enough about that, how about some screenshots!

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    We have heard your desire for animations, and we have listened. Darth Voiid has done an incredible job making brand new stances for many of our characters, most of which you'll notice in Operation: Knightfall. Our selection of Jedi Knights, Jedi Brutes, Ben Kenobi, Lord Vader, and many other characters will be receiving a unique set of stance animations.

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    Several bugs introduced with the previous update have also been addressed, allowing for a better gameplay experience. Mandalorian NPCs should no longer crash the game, using Force Stasis on a scripted door should no longer cause issues.

    The most annoying bug was the poor quality of the Lightning effect when an unfortunate victim becomes a victim of a different colored Force Lightning. After some code refactoring, all victims will now spark with the exact same color of lightning they were struck with.


    A very exciting month for this mod, and January looks like it'll be even better! We look forward to bringing you these new missions and experiences.

    As always, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Lancelot likes this

    Earlier in the week, we have released a brand new update, and based on the number of bug reports, I am pleased to announce that the new update has been a great success. Unfortunately, there have been a few bugs that I missed during development which the community has reported, so these past few days I have been hard at work correcting some missed bugs. Below is a current list of fixes:

    - Corrected an issue where Jorak Uln would appear as Jorak_Uln in the NPC menu
    - Fixed a glitch where Cade Skywalker's Jacket icon was not appearing as intended.
    - Removed Mira from the Bounty Hunter NPC menu
    - Removed a duplicate Jedi Trainer NPC in the NPC menu
    - Corrected an issue where the Younglings were not spawning in Operation: Knightfall as expected.
    - Corrected an issue where Darth Vader was not spawning with his lightsaber when spawned in the NPC menu.
    - Removed a number of invalid Blue and Red appearances from multiple models.
    - Corrected a glitch causing selected characters to be given most or all saber styles when they weren't supposed to.
    - Fixed a major bug where some characters with a flamethrower would crash the game if their model did not have the tag.

    Expect this hotfix to release in the very near future once we finalize that there are no other major bugs in the update and we are good to move on.



    Our mission designer Darth Voiid has been very hard at work completing the remake of Lord Vader's POV for Operation: Knightfall. The mission looks beautiful, and should be entering Beta Testing in the near future. The Clone Trooper and Cin Drallig POVs will be made at a later date.

    Knightfall Teaser2Knightfall Teaser1

    Also with the completion of this update's bug fixes, the Deathstar Rescue mission will be resuming production. I am very excited to finally be able to work on this mission for you all. I unfortunately have no screenshots to provide at this time, but I will occassionally post on our Discord server as something interesting happens.

    We also have a few other missions on the backburner, and we will announce as we have more information.


    Unfortunately this was a very short report as everything interesting that was worked on has been released, and it would be a tad repetitive to report on something you can already play.

    Expect a hotfix for November's update in the near future, and hopefully the start of the new year will give off more news!

    As always, thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

    Lancelot likes this
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