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Posts posted by Linken

  1. I see! Thanks for the context.


    It probably did (now I see Rick Astley's loving face). Just seemed clever if no one could see the video of the proposed bug, although it would be even cleverer if you had coded something that looked like a major bug and recorded that :P

    Maybe next year, or maybe not..... ;)

  2. After many months of hard work, unfortunately, the team and I have decided it would be best to cancel the mod. We are all gravely upset by this news, and nothing

    prepared us for this major hit. But after reading this, I hope you all can understand our position on the issue. When @@Fire Phoenix decided to

    reboot the mod, we really were excited to give this mod, given a horrible reputation by Tim many years ago, a fresh start. I joined this team as a prior fan of Tim's version,

    it has inspired me to pursue my dream of game development. The team has been amazing to work with, but unfortunately, life has gotten in the way and has cost us all

    loads of time.


    Forgetting the initial drama, the effort it took to reincarnate the most controversial mod in Jedi Academy, there is one other reason as to why this mod is cancelled,

    openJK. Not because OpenJK is a bad thing, not in the slightest, in fact the fact that we're using OpenJK as our engine has allowed us to do things with KOTF no

    other mod has done just yet (as far as I know). The problem is with me messing around with OpenJK. After I discovered the ability to give npcs a dual blaster

    loadout, I decided to attempt some other special things for the npcs, and unfortunately this caused me to unleash a fatal error in OpenJK's code that has all but

    shot any chance of finishing this mod, because it has literally made the game unplayable.


    I've recorded a video showing off this fatal bug, I've tried undoing my code changes, but the error has remained, as you can see, the main menu stuff works fine, but once I try to load a map.....you'll see.



    Alternate Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9B5F8Bp40dTS2dYbmxrb3RzUk0

    Thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force 2.1, the Force will be with you, always.

  3. Quick answer: Yes.


    Knights of the Force has been rebooted and is now Knights of the Force 2.1. It uses the main assets of the original mod, but with heavy modifications.

    TimFx isn't involved in this project, as he abandoned it some years ago.


    If you haven't already, download the mod and see for yourself https://jkhub.org/files/file/3121-knights-of-the-force/. The mod is currently in the alpha stage, and only Multiplayer is working,

    but you can see that it is different from the original mod. And check out linken233's topic https://jkhub.org/topic/9105-developer-thread-linken233/.


    The only assets we use from 2.0 are the main menu picture, but even that has been modified to suit our new menu. Aside from that, we do not use 2.0's assets, even though some of them are inside the files.


    @OobidoobBenubi I have moved this topic to Support as this is a question, the suggestion forum is only meant for members of the community to...well....suggest something.

    Smoo and Lancelot like this
  4. We won't admit that KOTF is a bug-free mod, as it stands right now, there are likely some bugs that will need addressing that none of us have noticed yet.


    If you have a bug report to send us, please make another thread with the following information


    1. Describe the bug: (Use very specific language, if you can give us the steps to recreate it, it will help us tremendously)
    2. (OPTIONAL) A screenshot/video of the bug occurring


    If you have any questions about the mod, please make a separate thread with your question, and a member of the team/very knowledgeable member of the community will assist you as best we can.


    Bugs we are aware of

    • Dismemberment doesn't work properly.
    • Rey's pistol has no particle effects.
    • Bastila Shan's Jedi Knight model crashes the game.
    • Changing model variants with a character will crash the game.
  5. If you have any interest in helping make this mod a reality, we'll be happy to have you join our team.


    In a separate topic, please copy and paste this template, and fill out the necessary information.



    1. Applying for: (Modelling, mapping, skinning, etc)
    2. Why are you interested in helping us?
    3. Prior Modding Experience: (Please post any download links to your mods, as well as screenshots to any of your past works you'd like to show off.)


    After your application has been processed, and approved by both Fire Phoenix and I, we will privately message you with a link to our discord server, and we will schedule an interview with you. We understand the JKA community lives all around the world, and we will do our best to accommodate you.


    Thank you for your interest in helping develop Knights of the Force 2.1! May the Force be with you.

    GPChannel likes this
  6. On my mod: 

    WP_NONE on the AI : shoot with wp_blaster and randomly altfire. can use force power grip, push \ pull etc when shoot (default sith and jedi when they shoot are silly stuck on shoot with weapons, only cultist have acrobatic evasion, but a jedi with blaster has a pretty default stupid behavour. my AI allow npc to use force power when they shoots the enemy. common used: grip, lightning, push and pull. )

    WP_MELEE: npc chase player and hit with punches. the punches do more damage of normal. but i maybe is because i edited the MOD_MELEE damage into g_combat.cpp (like MOD_DEMP2 of assassin droid )


    look, i cannot make a compile for you in this time because i have heal problem and an incoming hospital recover for get better diagnosys and cures. but i builded already Dll and EXE sp with the AI working on two npc class (CLASS_SITH and CLASS_SITHTROOPER) and also on all force user class of game (so is used also by CLASS_JEDI, LUKE, KYLE, GALAK, JAN, SHADOWTROOPER, DESANN, TAVION, ALORA etc etc )  for epic challenge mod IV of  @@RJA . why you not ask to him if he want to pass with you exe and dll of mod (it contains also 3 new shoot weapons and more saber colors for what i know) for you project? maybe also source code that i edited for him with AI so you can upgrade with some other coder for UI stuff you desire? 

    (sorry but i cannot help never on that, i never edited or studied the UI code for now )


    I'll leave it up to @@Fire Phoenix to decide, this is his mod after all, I'm just the npc guy, xD.


    Get better soon!

  7. So you basically desire to totally remove that limit. Well, i not sure is possible, because for doing something like that you need to rewrite all code architecture of allocation memory. JKA is a game of 2003. for the age, this limit cap is sufficient enough.

    Recently i written an AI that allow NPC to act like boba fett, switching weapons and using force power in combat. maybe you require something like that, because in that case, you can set just a NPC for model with all weapon you want NPC will equip, and you not need 300 thousand of npc. AI also chase enemies and do randomly alt fire. if enemy is close and have a saber into NPC file inventory, weapon, AI use saber, if enemy is too distance, switch to other rifles and ranged weapons.


    It would be handy. But I was mainly planning on writing a third-party program that does the add/load stuff, player choice involved.


    But yes, we could reduce the npcs we have if we had that sort of AI, especially with the Old Republic and Sith Troopers, Only the normal clone troopers could really use thermals if needed, but there are a few.


    Also on an unrelated note, how does one give an NPC no weapons whatsoever? WP_None just gives the npc a blaster rifle, and WP_Melee just has their hands up all goofy-like.

  8. Is pretty easy to do that:

    You need just cmake, openjk and visual studio 2010 -2012. istall visual studio, build a solution with cmake and edit this field into NPC_stats.cpp

    change that:

    #define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x40000 //




    #define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x80000 // original is 0x40000


    after that, make a Release  build of Openjk exe and jagamex86.dll with batch build process and you got it!.


    However, i had tryied many years ago original KOTF. i liked the idea, but i was disappointed  about "malware" and missing of a SP campaign with a rebuild of the movie adventures. so i am very happy you're doing this project. i cannot help for UI interface but about NPCs that's all you need. there was however an old mod with a nice SP menu with character and saber descrition and creation called escape from yavin 4. maybe if you download and check the ui files you can get the answer about how to configure a nice SP menu. ey4 is a very old mod and it not have any code attempt on SP. but personally i tryied amazing.


    We tried your solution, and the openjk build we're using already has that, but there's still a limit, albeit a pretty high limit.

  9. As far as I can tell, the creators of KotF 2.1 just wants OpenJK's "limits" to be insanely high for the mod, such as NPC limits. 


    We have a solution to bypass the npc limit openjk has. We have a high amount of npcs, characters alone we have over 300. I project individual npcs will probably be somewhere in the 400s.

  10. I don't mean to be rude, but you'll have more luck winning the lottery than finding a competent coder interested in working on a mod with such a deserved shit reputation.


    The "deserved shit reputation" was earned by some Turkish guy that couldn't be bothered to finish what he started.


    We are 2.1, the version that SHOULD have been made. We aren't affiliated with Tim in any way, shape, or form.

    J19 and Lancelot like this
  11. Do you have access to the code? Openjk is the best way to go.

    I use Visual studio 2012 with the SerenityJediEngine, but Openjk is easier to work with and more readily available.

    The SerenityJediEngine is way more complicated than Openjk and has less people using it. So I suggest using Openjk, that's if its just small changes you want to make.


    Probably best to use Visual studio 2015 also but I'm no expert on which version is the best. I'm sure more knowledgeable people can help you with that one.


    You could then just copy/paste the code example I posted and edit it for your own purposes.


    I have Visual, as for access to the code, I got what I got from the SDK (which apparently doesn't include sp code -_-).


    Is there anyway to get access through base itself?

  12. NPC_spawn.c is for multiplayer , you need to find NPC_spawn.ccp. This is for singleplayer.


    make sure the names in the NPC file match the ones in the code. I used  sith1 - sith12 in my example just to keep it simple.


    Just to clarify : The NPC file is for ext/npc,s assets and it must match the NPC_spawn.cpp code to work correctly.


    Alright, didn't want to do this, gotta ask the noob question.


    Where is it? How do I access it?

  13. This also needs to be supported in the code.


    In the code add the following in. NPC _spawn.cpp

    static void NPC_Spawn_f(void)

    after Jedi_random add

    if ( !Q_stricmp( "jedi_random", NPCspawner->NPC_type ) )
    	{//special case, for testing
    		NPCspawner->NPC_type = NULL;
    		NPCspawner->spawnflags |= 4;
    		SP_NPC_Jedi( NPCspawner );
    	else if ( !Q_stricmp( "sith_random", NPCspawner->NPC_type ) )
    	{//special case, for testing
    		NPCspawner->NPC_type = NULL;
    		NPCspawner->spawnflags |= 4;
    		SP_NPC_Sith( NPCspawner );
    		NPC_Spawn( NPCspawner, NPCspawner, NPCspawner );

    then after void SP_NPC_Jedi( gentity_t *self) add a variation of this

    void SP_NPC_Sith( gentity_t *self)
    		if ( self->spawnflags & 4 )
    			int sanityCheck = 20;	//just in case
    			while ( sanityCheck-- )
    				switch( Q_irand( 0, 11 ) )
    				case 0:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith1";
    				case 1:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith2";
    				case 2:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith3";
    				case 3:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith4";
    				case 4:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith5";
    				case 5:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith6";
    				case 6:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith7";
    				case 7:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith8";
    				case 8:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith9";
    				case 9:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith10";
    				case 10:
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith11";
    				case 11:
    				default://just in case
    					self->NPC_type = "Sith12";
    				if ( strstr( self->NPC_type, g_char_model->string ) != NULL )
    				{//bah, we're using this one, try again
    				break;	//get out of the while
    		else if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
    			self->NPC_type = "RebornFencer";
    		else if ( self->spawnflags & 1 )
    			self->NPC_type = "RebornForceUser";
    			if ( !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )
    				self->NPC_type = "RebornRodian";
    			else if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
    				self->NPC_type = "RebornTrandoshan";
    				self->NPC_type = "RebornWeequay";
    	SP_NPC_spawner( self );

    then you need to make a npc file to match the names of the npc,c you have created .like this


    Ok, one question, where's NPC_spawn.cpp at? I'm working outside of OpenJK


    EDIT: Found NPC_Spawn.c, that doesn't have any mention of jedi_random in it.

  14. I'm sure you all know, if we go into the console and type in npc spawn jedi_random, we'll get a Jedi npc that's "different" every single time. I tried following a similar formula. Calling an NPC file [name]_random, and calling the subsequent npcs [name]_[type] , but it didn't work.


    Is it possible to make a random npc file aside from jedi_random?

    Cerez likes this
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