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Posts posted by Linken

  1. Oh. Have you been extruding inwards? I believe if you select multiple faces which have edges in between those faces, and extrude inwards, then it'll leave those edges in between the faces you just extruded. If you extrude outwards, then it should be fine.


    Please let us know if that's it. :)





    It is, it's just a new way of having to model the hilts now, but...meh...so be it. Glad this is finally resolved. Thank you everyone for your ideas!

    ooeJack likes this
  2. Oh, Mod Tool can do WAY more






    2 examples for you of my recent stuff.


    But, one problem exists, you have to use something like Noesis to convert from something that Mod Tool exports to MD3 then use MD3View to convert to GLM to create a saber since Softimage mainly deals with the format that the games animated models use. I have a feeling Raven artists used MS3D for a lot of the MD3 and static objects since it's a quake engine and MS3D was aimed at that engine. For IK bone animation they needed XSI.


    You could try Blender but the interface is a total dumpster fire and I don't think it has a good of a node based programming solution that can compete with ICE in Softimage.


    I'm still trying to find out who I have to jerk off around here to get a MD3 plugin made...


    Nice mods!


    Will the tool be able to keep an accurate vertex count?


    Though honestly, I may just try the old "uninstall, reinstall" method. Maybe I just hit a button without realizing it or something like that, set the thing back to default settings, you know?

  3. You might have multiple edge loops in the exact same location. So that when you extrude, you're only extruding 1 set of edges, while the rest of them stay? I'm not quite sure what the issue is. Also, I believe you should be modelling as an "Editable Poly" not Mesh. Not sure if it makes much of a difference, but give that a go also.


    If nothing works, you could try doing this first part that you're having trouble with in another 3D program, such as Blender. Make the extrusions you need, then export and import it back into 3ds Max what whatever that program you're using there. :)


    Good luck!





    I tried it as Poly, but unfortunately with the exact same results.  :

    If I have multiple edge loops, how would I check if that's the case? Though I'm not sure if it's possible, I only draw 1 cylinder.

    Also I hate blender, only ever use it for Frankensteining (even then it gives me issues).


    That is indeed wierd, can gmax export to any format other than it's own? I'd like to investigate on that mesh.


    Either md3 or p3d, though I think .md3 is from the script some very nice person made.


    Try XSI mod tool - more friendly than gmax and is free.


    Really considering it, if it can everything GMAX can (but better or the same), I'll get it in a heartbeat.

  4. I don't know how or why this happened, but I started modelling a lightsaber for a friend of mine. I created the cylinder I needed, lined up the vertices as needed, all that good stuff. The problem started when I began to start the necessary extrusions for the hilt. I don't know what happened, but for some strange reason, whenever I extrude the needed polygons, the edge where the end of a cylinder would normally be does not extrude, making some weird-looking paper-thin tsuba on the hilt, which looks hideous.


    Any idea how to fix this? Here's a screenshot. (Not of my friend's lightsaber, just a quick sketch I did in GMAX).




    Modifying the files via notepad or hex editor either crash the game or get so many errors, the mode doesn't loads and get the default stormtrooper model just like JV Order. So I figured out how to do it using Blender (posted my process in the link above) and made a Starkiller pack using Katanamaru's backhand animations.


    I wouldn't have posted the tutorial if it didn't work, I've done it so many times.

  6. thanks, but i've just done it and now the skin doesn't work (now is a stormtrooper with the default animations)

    what can i do?


    Do you have a skype? PM it to me and I'll see if I can help you.


    I don't know why but this method always crash the game for me. I was able to replace the animations by importing them model in Blender, then exporting t back (without any changes) and set the animations file in the gla section. 


    Details can be found here https://jkhub.org/topic/7971-backhand-version-of-ashuras-high-quality-starkiller-hilt/page-4



  7. Best thing I can think of to do is scale the NPC file of the model to your needs, then in console do playermodel <npc name goes here>, in Multiplayer, as stated before, you'll have to contact the server owner. Depending on what mod the server is using, you should be able to scale to your needs, though again, only through the server owner/someone with authority.

  8. When you export to MD3 it creates extra vertices. In 3dsMax/GMax mesh & vertex data is stored differently than the MD3 or Ghoul2 GLM formats.


    You must consider a vertex as having/representing a position, one UV texture coordinate, and one normal vector. 3dsMax/GMax do not store vertex information this way. Smoothing Groups allow you to have multiple normals at a vertex along the smooth group boundary edges. Also in 3dsMax/GMax there is no gaurantee that there is only one UV texture coordinate at a vertex-- again there could be multiple. So the MD3 exporter has to create extra vertices to hold this extra information. Does that make sense?


    It does, so how many vertices should the original model be at maximum before getting into "oh hell no" territory? Or is there no guarantee?


    You cannot have 930 separate objects, 32 is the max, you need to start merging objects and the TOTAL vertex count of each object should not be more than 1k vertex's.


    Either way you shouldn't have an insane amount of detail in a model that is so small on screen.


    Sorry, I should've said polygons, though you probably already knew what I meant. Also I've seen very detailed, even crazy lightsaber designs on here, like on the old Escape Yavin IV mod, thought it would be possible to make one of my own.

  9. Well, GMAX just screwed me over....I was under vertices, exported to md3, blah blah blah, tried it out in game, didn't work, checked the md3 file, it doubled the vertices, deleted what I needed to take down the vertice amount, same result.....  :  :  :  :


    UPDATE: I examined the edited .md3, it's at 930 objects.

  10. You can only have up to 1000 verts on a single mesh in your model. You can split up your model into multiple meshes, but the fact you have 5500 verts on a saber is kind of suspicious. You should reduce the amount of detail :) to put it into perspective, the player models in JKA only have about 3000 verts each (for the entire model).


    How would that work if I were to do that?

  11. I managed to make my very first lightsaber model, something kind of complex, but I liked how it turned out. Textures were showing up correctly, however it wouldn't show up ingame due to a lovely little error which read.


    has more than 1000 verts
    on a surface (5557)

    Is there a way to fix this or am I gonna have to start all over from scratch? *grumble grumble*

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