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Everything posted by Pande

  1. Once you have the IO problems sorted, the next step is to make a better normal map. It's clear that an texture->normal map generator was used and that results in obvious ugliness. Here is what you can expect it to look like: http://i.imgur.com/xl9knzp.png You'll need to render a normal map from a 3d program or convert a heightmap into a normal map the same way the door texture was done, or using a program like Xnormal.
  2. Get 2.69 now, but yeah ^ above method is how I converted your models from your PM. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRtn9KO0omY Here is mrwonko's tutorial video. A few things to note: md3 models are tied to their folder, so for example the barrel model which points to barrel_dif.jpg in barrel/ , neither files can change location. You cannot rename barrel/ to caustic_barrel/ or something, because it will break the texture location that is referenced inside the md3 format. This is for example why the pot plant doesn't work despite it have a tris.md3 and a texture file, it was compiled for another format (Unity) and uses a skin file that JKA and radiant do not support.
  3. Omg, this code revealed to me how one shoves the player along the ground without having velocity stop them. //Shove us backwards for half a second VectorMA( ent->client->ps.velocity, -200, forwardVec, ent->client->ps.velocity ); ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; if ( (ent->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) ) {//hunkered down ent->client->ps.pm_time = 100; } else { ent->client->ps.pm_time = 250; } ent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK|PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION; I have been looking for how to do this for an entire week. Best of luck with your conversion btw! I am just so happy to have found this.
  4. Afaik, Set_undying only works on NPCs and players
  5. As far as I understand the rend2 shaders are supplemental only, the vanilla renderer will still use the vanilla shaders.
  6. Your major is forcing you to buy Pro Tools?? That is the biggest waste of money I can think of in this business, it is such propietary garbage.. and do not buy 11 ! I would stick with those studio time hours, as annoying as it may be, then go right back to Logic. I agree it sucks that Pro Tools is so 'expected' by everyone, when it's such a money-sucker and is so slow to implement features that other daws have had before it way longer.
  7. I pm'd you, for anyone else interested the chairs are here: http://www.wikiupload.com/H3U4EZYX8M4D5S0 the wall version is without legs, straighter back, and optomized detail wise for it's location. It also snaps together nicely with duplicates so you can make a bench row with it.
  8. http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e285/irocJeff/shot0014_zps58de8243.jpg Would you like to replace these chairs with a blue version of this? http://i.imgur.com/C6QnSzM.png The chair is a cc0 high poly that I downloaded and made into a lowpoly mesh for jka, if you'd like it I'll convert it for ya.
  9. That rock looks AWESOME, love the way those red lights wash over it then suddenly break off into harsh shadows.
  10. DAW is rarely a limitation in collaboration - I use entirely free plugins and samples, too. Reaper is a free-til-you-buy it program, that is constantly being revised by the developers and has a great customer -> developer interaction. It's real easy to use, I came to it from Logic and it was fairly seamless. It's routing is fantastic. If you are interested in collaborating on anything, I can definitely walk you through setting it up! By the way, I'm not saying I am going to be using Reaper free forever, by mentioning it it free-til-you-buy it. I haven't bought it yet but when I'm a bit more financially stable I will definitely be doing it. It's so fantastic. What DAW are you using?
  11. Reaper Yup And yeah, send me all the references you want, every little bit helps. Looking forward to this!
  12. I have been itching to put my new set up to good use. I'd like to compose something in the SW style but need a theme to go off of. I would like to try composing background music for one of your maps? Preferably not Dantooine as it already has it's own themes and that would clutter my mind. I'm thinking of Ord Mantell or Anarmar (love the ambiance of that map). I might start in this next week, and if you like it you are welcome to it.
  13. This is so much better than the base model, awesome. Hope it gets a great skin and shaders to boot.. would love a clean + dirty version, maybe even a camo? I think the detail in that centre cylinder connecting the head to the legs is a bit unnecessary, as well as the dome thingy under the.. 'shoulders'? This also needs to be made efficient, it's double the tris: As in like this:
  14. Func_rotating can take key/value origin/# # # just like every other, I just use ref tags to get the origin value and copy paste it. I cannot stand origin brushes, they piss me off. o.o Makes sense though, I wouldn't have to fix the origin value if I move it. I still do it anyway. bad habits?
  15. I am a mapper and I find no difficulty finding topics relating to my field.
  16. I wouldn't bother with any non-specific tutorials to JKA such as UV mapping, other than to point out to anyone coming from modeling software internally or some other games that support multiple UV maps on a single surface.
  17. How does it turn? I seem to remember in the game it gives a *slight* nudge each way with it's arm, as in it actually rotates slightly in it's socket. Maybe I'm filling in too many blanks since I played though.
  18. Holy crap, seeing that map brings mega nostalgia. Not sure about his clothing colour but I suppose it's ok for him to have multiple sets of similar war drobe. My choir teacher is like that.
  19. Using an image editor like Paint.net or GIMP or, if you just need to crop it, MSPaint
  20. Gah.. google+ service so inherintly useful.. but so.. google+.. Damnit. I might actually have to start getting people to use it now Gir that model is quite schweet.
  21. Karpman made one in XSI that I have the source for, if you want to pick up where he left off. not too difficult a model to just start new on anyway though
  22. That's why he said to look at the thermal code, it is specifically damaging only armor at some point in the code. You can then ignore the part after where it checks for 0 armor and then proceeds to do damage to hp. By the way, ion weapons are canonically supposed to do at least a little bit of damage to organic nervous systems.
  23. *Ahem* See @@Xycaleth? I'm not crazy! I'm really onto something here, I need a python coder to make my dreams real though.
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