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Everything posted by Pande

  1. It means post above, so you
  2. You can't open with Notepad, you need a hex editor like XVI32 Find any of the aforementioend entities, and replace the _red with spaces (DO NOT press delete). Save and test out. Make sure you backed up the BSP as even the slightest break in formatting (Such as deleting any of the character spaces (which shifts all the next ones 1 to the left) will corrupt the bsp.
  3. Caelum I gotta say, loved that CloudFlare always online. Never seen that before and it really works great.
  4. Just noticed this project, just wanted to say feel free to bundle the ffa3 map in it if you want https://jkhub.org/files/file/1723-tatooine-spaceport-ffa-remake/
  5. Well, the one guy is almost inaudible
  6. You could send it to me to?
  7. That's because MB2 maps are siege, and the mapper didn't include any FFA map spawns on it. You could hex edit the BSP and change the name of an info_player_start_red to info_player_start[][][][] Or you could ditch KotF and play the map for real against real people in MB2 and support the legal mod community.
  8. So we're downloading ALL of filefront, AGAIN? I took part in that when it was supposedly going to poof, and downloaded 1/10th of the site along with a few others. But I don't have those files anymore. :/ Also just FYI, it's the entire network. I just tried CoDfiles
  9. On a side note, 'Title says it all' is a phrase that really bugs me. Because it is NEVER used as the only phrase in the post. It's always accompanied by other info, yknow.. the info that the title supposedly said. Besides if the title really said it *all*, the title would be 42. Anyway, more info on what the project is, how the characters are, maybe some sample text so we can record it and send it to you?
  10. ^ as in now, they are broken again in current OJK? Or this fix you mention is the current method?
  11. I encountered this problem a lot and when I finally solved it I was quite overjoyed. Szico may be right in this instance, however it's still good to know the fix, right? textures/dotf/vines1{qer_editorimage textures/dotf/vines1surfaceparm nomarkssurfaceparm transq3map_alphashadow { map textures/dotf/vines1 alphaFunc GE128 depthWrite // writes the alpha map for other stages to use } { map $lightmapblendfunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZEROdepthFunc equal// sets the alpha to the same as the stages that wrote it }} Note this only works with alphaFunc. Blendfunc blend is a no-go, it will look ugly no matter what (only in some cases though, depending on the lighting. It's wierd).
  12. I always wondered why they carried their guns when they had that little talk.
  13. Something about this guy I want to see as a game model. (Dengar)
  14. Version 1.0


    Description: It's a big ass sword. I got bored and wanted a shiny big blade with some lettering on it. So I made one!
  15. You sure you are not trying to access the disk's files?
  16. Polarity, I'd investigate your screen gamma and check that your monitor is calibrated properly. The map is not that dark
  17. Those are patches.
  18. if you ctrl + k (link) an md3 model to any entity, it will follow their paths. Func_door, func_rotate, etc. On func_breakables it will disappear with it. Cover the model with physics_clip, and make that clip brush(es) into the breakable and set appropriate chunk type.
  19. Use a patch to bend the flat texture, I think is what he's getting at. To make the patch more circular as opposed to Bezier, bring in the corner control vertices a bit from their corner. Like so: http://i.imgur.com/F1MxwKA.png It will look a bit pointy at the corner in radiant, but appears fine ingame.
  20. seriously tho what read-only files?
  21. Pro-er tip: /bind f12 screenshot silent
  22. Unfortunately no it doesn't overwrite the original online, that would be hella hard to do (but possible, mind you, on sv_pure 0 servers) however if you help to make the map really popular, perhaps you could run it on a server? And thanks for all the kind words everyone! For anyone interested in seeing the expanded version of the map, check out this gallery: https://imgur.com/a/Rfju6
  23. Alright cool. Next time I upload a file, if this happens again (I WILL BE REALLY MAD no, jks) I will try it on a different computer before finally submitting it.
  24. I'm trying to submit my map, and not able to. After uploading the .zip containing my .pk3 and readme, (it does upload btw.. I can see upload bandwidth in network monitor and there is a blue bar chugging along on the upload widget) I get this: Pande_JKG_Spaceport.zipNo file was selected for upload And after submitting anywhay, this: There was an error processing the file. Make sure that after selecting your file that you click the 'Attach File' button before submitting. But there is no button anywhere that says Attach File. What is that referring to? @@Circa and @@Fighter, I provided a temporary link off-site instead, but when the file is approved can it be changed to a jkhub one? I don't want to subject downloaders to a slow download.
  25. Version 1.0


    The original FFA3 map, Tatooine Streets, didn't really feel like a Star Wars location to me. It's layout was popular, and certainly as the only bright FFA map it was a nice change of tone from the dismal Vjun Sentinal, Taspir, Korriban, and Rift maps, but I felt it really needed a visual makeover. I kept most of the layout intact with the exception of the room which overlooked the landing zone, which contained the disruptor rifle. I left that room out and instead opened the huge door in the hangar. I also removed the annoying X-wing which just got in everyone's way. ;D The map originally featured in JKG: Versus as the second official new map. It has since been expanded into an entire city map, forming just a small part of a large and expansive layout which you can experience fully in JKG. Credits: Krattle - Elements of Chalmun's Cantina used with permission Kaldor - Assistance with competitive play optomizations JKG Team - Beta testing and companionship
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