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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. ahhhh ok... wow...Seems a little below the belt but 1 point for eez. XD
  2. @@eezstreet Not a single aspect of a single model of mine is ported or ripped or anything. i have shown each individual piece one step at a time as it was built. I am not sure what would even draw you to think that since the damn thing took me a year so far XD
  3. Rumor has it there is a party tonight and a few people who have been talking about wanting to kick my ass are supposed to be there. So I invited myself XD Wish me luck fellas.i want to start 2014 with a clean slate. Even if that means spending the last day of 2013 cleaning some clocks XD

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ChalklYne


      I survived lol

    3. Onysfx


      Ah, master ChalklYne...you survived...


      ChalklYne: Suprised?


      Onysfx: No. xD.

    4. Flynn


      Good job, master Chalk. I salute you.


  4. This thread has peaked my interest. I have been asking for years how hard it would be to grip more than one person at a time depending on if they were in a certain proximity of each other.
  5. The model is shit. But I can appreciate all of the effort you are putting into it and it will definitely set you on the right track for making custom characters in the future. I say keep up the good work. Just don't try to upload it here XD Or Ashura will obliterate it and decapitate you lol He's sitting there right now thinking
  6. I love you JKHub. On a creepy level.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      And beyond. Come check out my van JKHub... I got a new bike in there for ya. Do you like candy?

    3. AshuraDX


      ...and I allmost spilled my coke over my keyboard XD

    4. JKHub


      I like candy...

  7. Thank you gentlemen. I dunno mini I have been wondering the same thing
  8. @@minilogoguy18 or @@DT85 which skele should I use? I am using xsi 2011 and when I download most of the skeles, they don't import into 2011. they are like, .scn I think and I need .exp or something. Or vice versa XD BTW, my puppy chewed up my keyboard cord while I was out at a Christmas party I was soooo pissed lol. Then I snagged a cheap one from a Goodwill, and learned that my ASUS motherboard has no ps/2 inputs XD So I am now back in the game
  9. so @@DT85... those belts.. did you use radial symmetry? or crop them?or were they already modeled like that in the low poly version?
  10. That is me testing out how to do an abarrant clone. I was testing liquidy drips veins and a sort of translucent shader for them. they will be kinda new models though as some have screwed up arms and such
  11. Got all his caps textured and completed, heirarchy is done, and setting him up to the skele right now Here is something awesome
  12. A bit more work The angle makes that last pic look like a poo exhaust XD
  13. So I have that EVO Trooper done, but it's kinda meh to me so I rebuilt him and will be releasing the rebuilt one with the mod, and the one you see in the video above in the next little while once I get his fingers set right I screwed them up. But I'll let this guy go and maybe even the old version of proxy before he was rebuilt I still have his gla as well. I'll let you guys have those to retexture and screw with while I finish the rest of this. here is the rebuilt one. The old one works fine and looks fine... There is really no reason besides the fact that I have a bit more talent now, and when I rebuilt it I did so with twice the detail and 1200 less verts. Also, the EVO Trooper was always my fav so i plan on spending some time texturing it.
  14. A day of just prettying it up. He looks like HEnry Rollins from here XD
  15. Here is a nice pic of some of the cleanup, texture fixes, and everything coming together
  16. Hey guys... I'm really trying to recruit a skilled texture artist with some time on their hands... Not for anything for this mod particularly, but a side project accompanied with this mod that will not take very much time, and be extremely awesome. Something kinda under wraps for the people who complete the mod, an unlockable if you will... Just a regular texture artist, nothing too fancy is really required you will just need to go back over everything I've textured and add some things in, we will discuss in more in PM's if you are interested. And thank you... @ what about you? You busy? messing with some alpha planes
  17. As for the colors of the straps I disagree, but will make sure they are very close to the ref pics. I am just using ref pics in zbrush as my color palette so the colors will be pretty good, I just have to dodge the lightng and stuff (i.e. the belts look blueish usually, but common sense says that is just leather. I will be doing some really nice things with the shaders that i think will have really nice results, I will most likely get into those the next day or two. Today will be spent mostly on the textures and seems, and making sure everything is lined up accurately enough. I am 100% sure that this will be a beta version, and the actual finished work will be released with the mod. after I finish Starkiller, I am going to export all of my finished models for the other projects, submit those wherever applicable, and then finish rebuilding my TIE Facility. I had to rebuild because I found out some really cool things with dead models, have a totally new system for hints, and found much of the first version to be inaccurate size-wise. Since the entire map is just models, it takes no time to just rearrange them. the time consuming part is all of the windows and things and getting them functioning like tfu, since I have to do each one seperately, and the corner of the hallway has like 2 windows rather close together at different angles which is causing me to kind of take my time. I am hoping to have some sort of a trailer soon. Not much, just some of the progress and how things will function for the first map
  18. Yes the stain of catsup has been removed and will be painted on later. I am messing with some stuff for work right now, but later I will be making sure everything is lined up and where I want it, then I will be passing it all back through zbrush one more time to make sure there is no seams and fix some of the wonky looking straps. Then Ill make some caps, unwrap and texture those, fit it all nicely to the skele, and spend the next week making sure I have a decent beta version of the head to release on Christmas
  19. I know, I wasnt looking for any crits and just happened to have the black on and already took the first screenshot and didnt wanna change it for just a preview of something very subject to change
  20. Thank you for the positive feedback... Here is just an update still of course messing with everything and need to texture in a few more belts and straps and buckles
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