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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. lol... ony... "meesa bustin with happies to see you ony!"
  2. my propaganda is starting to worry the staff

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ChalklYne


      onysfx we must move quickly... the staff are relentless. the attack from the staff has left bob horribly scarred

    3. AshuraDX


      guys , whatever you are taking ... it must be good

    4. ChalklYne


      Ovah.. and it IS gewd..gewwwwd

  3. Grant us staff powah... then.. relinquish your positions as staff, because after the Galactic Empire is formed, your services will no longer be required.
  4. currently writing the greg_bergen virus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      eternal? could you really ban bob? isnt that against mr bergen's rights as a member? he did nothing to you!.. he liked 1 post!

    3. ChalklYne


      oh wait you talking about banning me?! ha! poo on u therfiles! hows bout that XD maybe this will change your mind... poo on you x2. strike me down and i will become more powahfull than you could ever imagine! ill outlive you anyways therfiles its just genetics. on top of all that... onysfx is about to take office as supreme chancellor. he'll just resurrect me. and if all else fails... i still have my secret weapon... codename:Robin.

    4. ChalklYne


      I win therfiles. I always will. oh yeah... and poo on u x3...Join us therfiles... learn the ways of the dock side... before it goes too far and reaches level poo on u x4

  5. Deviance?! Money?! We all know who deserves the real powah surge here... @@Onysfx and @myself @@therfiles I cant pay you monetarily... but uhhhh... I, like you, can also, u know... do things ?
  6. Be sure to update this thread with the solution once you've achieved it. good stuff i as well need this desperately for the felucian plants once i reach that point
  7. Your English was very well executed. How do you want it to cycle between models? By location triggers or just one after another in sequence?
  8. Muh mod is allll the way at the bottom of the page. Had to be somebody. What is this place powered by scrolling?

  9. Mini's back! *look busy* Good to see you man! Damnitt! @@Asgarath83 That was so well executed that I would be willing to lend my services once you got the ball rolling. Good show.
  10. @@DT85 so far yeah except the floor and like.. a basic wall or 2 i think
  11. i have 3 very complex models like this that are kicking my ass atm.. but i should have something real nice to show here soon sorry for the wait guys
  12. Does JKHub have an RSS feed?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempust85


      Whats it do anyways?

    3. Jango40


      idd I always saw it and I have no idea what it does

    4. eezstreet


      You can enter the URL of an RSS feed into a Feed Reader program and it lists all your news in one place. Not a lot of people use them, but RSS feeds can be useful for some things (including displaying news content ingame :P )

  13. you could totally ask @@AshuraDX to throw some horns on his model, that he could remove via skin... and that would be perfect
  14. rig to howler skele very simple. now all u need is a model you could even import the howler model from jka into a 3d program and very easily tweak it a bit to work for you fatten and shorten the neck and head maybe puff out the torso and arms and legs a bit n shrink those spikes. i see that being ridiculously simple
  15. ChalklYne

    We need money

    explain this a bit just for my own personal knowledge. what if we did donate regularly? what kind of differences would we see if say this site generated 1500 or so every 6 months instead? or more or whatever hell i dunno im just wondering.
  16. ChalklYne

    We need money

    It's cuz they killed bob...its a sign!
  17. ChalklYne

    We need money

    ive got no debit card right now =( ill see what i can do though I was actually ironically considering donating yesterday whilst skimming the topic. crazy
  18. The cake is a lie.

    1. Onysfx


      Keep calm and carry on the test.

      There will be cake...or rather...you will be cake...

    2. ChalklYne


      I'm about to finger pinch choke everyone on this site as reparations for u and i getting no powah

    3. ChalklYne


      Then... they will all know the true powah of the dock side!

  19. @ http://jkhub.org/forum/49-openjk/ got u a nice overview and things right there tltr?
  20. know what would be awesome with this guy? if you exported his head, and inported into zbrush or mudbox or something and really spruced it up in high res.. then exported it back out and back into your 3d program and create shadow rendermaps from the high res mesh, then overlay those shadows in photoshop or something and adjust the layers until you get a real nice result. would fix all of that continuous color looking stuff
  21. Lost a good couple of models by not continuously saving. also lost a couple of good heads and stuff by accidently saving over a good one lmao
  22. 5:45-6:02 ROFL! 23:25-23:40 - everytime I work on my Starkiller model
  23. well... what about openjk? is that going to have a mp support with custom skeles? because i was already thinking about asking to use openjk in the mod?
  24. @@DT85 but what about MP support?
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