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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. I agree it was closer, but only because I worked on it longer. The topo was screwy and when you broke it back down to the lowest subdivision it lost too much of the shape because the original mesh and topo were shit. So I just need to work at this new head until it looks like the old one, then when I break it back down to a low subdivision it maintains most of its shape, and the topo flows good for deforms
  2. ehrmagerd!!1 XD No worries man I got ref pics thank you though. Good looking out.
  3. I hope it does exist. I need that badly. XD Let's start back from here. Crits?
  4. So I am running into a speedbump here... I have the windows looking like this blue line, and here is how the space vacuume will work, but, I can't really make a breakable glass brush shaped like this, so I will have to use a seperate model as the glass set as breakable with no explosion. The triggers will trigger the jump pad and such, but, I am having a problem figuring it all out maybe you guys have an easier idea?
  5. This is my favorite post of the year so far. We should be able to submit top posts or post of the day type of thing @@Circa @@therfiles @@AshuraDX you fellas tell me if we could implement that
  6. I am not sure which one you'r ereferring to. If you mean continue the head you posted then no XD Try to understand that it only looks better because of the mesh at a higher resolution. When broken back down to a low poly mesh it deforms back into shit. Also, there were triangles on the corners of his mouth that were causing weird problems with him talking. Also, understand that when I made the rendermaps of the shadows and Ambient Occlusion of the high mesh, then applied them to the low, it deformed the texture a bit because of the insane difference between the two. The head I am currently working on shall do. No.. seriously... Like I said just trust me and give it time.
  7. I'd say that was the closest because I was about done with it. I am still shaping this guy. It wasn't the best because the topo caused his lip folds to deform really weirdly when talking and with @@DT85 working on md3 faces or whatever it was I really wanted this guy to be able to accept better facial anims with no worries. So I started him over. Once I work on this mesh as much as I did that one It should not only look better but function better AND with less verts. So a necessary speedbump. I will keep hacking away at this and hopefully the next few days will show some kind of improvement. What I will do from here on out, is work on 1 crit at a time. Let me post a new pic here soon within the hour and judging by immediate relevance I will take crits one at a time until each one is satisfied. So yeah let me take my little girl to school and I will post a pic soon.
  8. none of the textures are final though. theyre all a bit blurry if you get close up. it will be repainted regardless but I know what you're saying.
  9. yeah I was wondering if I should bring it down or add in another line of hair there?
  10. A couple views in Softimage checking if I am having good exports this time.
  11. Technically I started this back on FF March 12, 2011 With this You summoned him XD He looks angry Know who this reminds me of? Coach Buzzcut from Beavis and Butthead XD Bob_Bergen likes this.
  12. The old head's topology was shit and was difficult to work with. This one is still in it's beginning stages. So no, the old head was indeed not better and it will start showing soon. I will release this seperate as soon as it's done. As for all of the rest of the things you have asked me about, they will all be released with the mod once IT is finished. If you must have a date, I'd say at this rate, the mod should be released right around 2047 No. What I will do is once I get the overall shape down, I will subdivide it a few times and sculpt and paint in the pores and folds and things like that, then export the high res mesh and do rendermaps of the shadows and ambient occlusion, then overlay the three textures in photoshop until i get a good result, then bake em together, and apply it as a texture to the low res mesh. I may render out a normal map from zbrush and leave it in the pk3 for future use once we get that implemented.
  13. A bit more work from different lighting angles to make sure im getting the folds right and stuff before I start painting it
  14. @@Circa, if you notice, the day i got my own forum here I started cleaning it up =P I figured I wanted my forum to at least be a bit cleaned up. i still act an occasional ass in the Nonsense forums though
  15. Yeah I like the new head a lot better it is a lot easier to sculpt and play with. He is still fairly jacked up... and obviously the skin texture and eyebrows are just for reference, but I am sure this head will be easier to mess with and give me the results I want and will be the final product. Also, after I start really digging into the body snd sculpting over it all nicely I think This guy should be ready. I'm going to have to hurry up with the facility so I can get it to someone for some scripting and see what we got. I'm hoping to resculpt the last head into a few Kota's Militia faces
  16. I just got ff8 on my pc and applied the widescreen and "HD" patches. It is about to get real. The streets will flow with the blood of the nonbelievers

    1. MoonDog


      I just wish FFA9 could make it to the PC. But I doubt that will ever happen. :(

    2. minilogoguy18


      FF8 is the best one ever made, I rock it on both my PC and my phone using the ePSXe emulator.

  17. http://youtu.be/gSWmEFVvghg?t=1m9s
  18. Looks awesome, but might I point out that I am pretty sure this is one of the strippers from Tresure Island in Vegas? XD
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