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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Would be easy to put this into jka... just convert it to RoQ XD
  2. @@AshuraDX @@DT85 @@minilogoguy18 @@Psyk0Sith check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuiB1Rv75O8 blew me away
  3. Seems like the Hub has had a lot more visitors and activity lately than usual. I may be wrong. I pay too much attention to these things lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tempust85


      We are being hopeful? At least in this status?

    3. Link



    4. Merek


      Yeah at least in this status. Way to keep up the activity @ChalkIYne!!! :D

  4. I could have this caliber of work in about 2-3 years if I dropped everything I was doing and focused solely on anatomy and proportions. I will have one main difference when I reach this caliber, as opposed to @@minilogoguy18, @@Psyk0Sith, @@AshuraDX, @@DT85... they have insanely awesome work, and are very cool down to earth people. I reach this level and I'ma be like "read it and friggin weep you dirty muggles!" XD
  5. ahhh i see he says "i prefer it to this" i thought he said "i prefer this'. friggin accents XD still, point being some of the people on this site deserve a lot more recognition.
  6. The best part is, if you notice, he checks out the ported model you are referring to, then cuts over to Shiftee's model and says he prefers that one. Just goes to show you know? Absolutely awesome work
  7. If you have creating npc support down and understood, might I suggest moving onto .sab files? One step at a time that's how I got going. Also, welcome to the Hub!
  8. All of it will be released together. I was rebuilding this particular map last night in fact. I say rebuilding because I built all of the map as models, then imported them into GTK. Once I was satisfied with the results, I started over making sure everything was right where I wanted it, and started laying the d_models for all of the "bendable" walls and such. Also, once I get it all properly laid out again, It is all non_solid so I have to go thru and create clip brushes and the portals for better fps. I haven't seen a drop in fps with it so far with everything being solid and without the area portals, but, I also haven't added in the npc's and stuff so I am taking whatever steps I can to ensure fps is high as possible. It is a daunting task for someone with moderate mapping skills. I shoulda recruited a mapper to go thru and do all of this for me because I had to stop production of a lot just to go back and relearn mapping XD. So far, the updates I haven't yet posted are I am about 90% done with the interrogation chamber map, about 75% done with the tie facility, and have started a training room. I also have started the female bodies I will need, have a rough draft of the felucian bodies, started a new set of rancors, as well as started working on the rodians. I would say the major thing holding me back is the mapping aspect. And the fact that organic things like heads and proportions in my work always needs adjusting. Also, consider that even when I am done with getting the map all laid out, I have to recruit a scripter. If I have to relearn that as well we can expect another few months to be added onto the wait time for everything. So to answer your question, there is no set date. I may release a demo of the mod with just a portion of the facility one day who knows.
  9. I would love to know the problem because my evotrooper and proxy have the same issues or they'd be done
  10. Just wait til I get a new mouse. Im gunna come at this mod like a spider monkey

  11. Obviously you haven't seen what happened to the brown elephant.XD Help him HammerBan Kenobi... you're his only hope. Yeah I borrowed my neighbors nice ass mouse just for a minute until I got mine working and it was just awesome. I might go buy one today
  12. ha!. well.. my wheel doesnt scroll nor click, i cant keep the left button held down, and it randomly jumps about 3 inches across the screen XD time for an upgrade
  13. I just had my puppy chew up my keyboard and mouse cords while I was out for Christmas, fixed the keyboard, but the mouse wont hold down correctly, I just need to rig the thing and I'll release whatever it looks like now asap. Let me either get a new mouse or convince someone to rig it for me until I get one
  14. Hmmm... let's say I make a tfu mod. with just base sounds. Then provide an external link to a different hosting site of a pk3 with starkiller and proxy sounds? XD At least the Hub's ass is covered then correct?
  15. So why do they put star wars soundboards on starwars.com if you can get in trouble for using them for your free projects? So I am to understand if you take these sounds, and make a windows sound scheme, and upload it for free downloads, you are potentially getting in trouble? What about things like this? http://www.howtogeek.com/102868/star-wars-the-old-republic-theme-for-windows-7/ Bring the excitement of the battle between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire to your desktop with the ‘Star Wars – The Old Republic’ Theme for Windows 7. The theme comes with 38 Hi-Res wallpapers, custom Star Wars icons, and sound clips for your system
  16. Contests.. hosting symbols of the leading clans.. i personally do not know a thing about playing the game and would like to learn about clans, which ones are active, their purposes, and hear from the players who have been playing base so long and find out thier tactics and when upcoming matches are. maybe highlights of matches in video format? things like that would be cool
  17. That would be an accurate description for me XD I am officially a "Modder" rofl. Catch me in a saber duel there is going to be some chalky body parts scattered
  18. Yeah I like your idea better XD ROFL @ "Isn't that what the requests forum is for?" ohhh yeah lmao It's still a fantastic idea, damnitt circa.. XD
  19. Perhaps like a wishlist section, where non-modders can post thier ideas as to what they would like to see. Something for the modders to go pick through and fulfill on down times? Sort of a modder/player liason thread.
  20. Covered in friggin bruises =( Seems the cold weather has drastically slowed my healing factor.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ChalklYne


      yeah i got weak ass knees man it sucks bad

    3. katanamaru
    4. ChalklYne


      yeah looks like ima have to XD

  21. Just so I can find the right path, who would be doing the sueing? LucasArts? Disney? Raven? Who owns the rights to the sounds now?
  22. I know, but I'd like to be able to get actual confirmation in writing that the sounds are ok for jkhub I just need to know who specifically needs to be contacted.
  23. So do we currently have anyone trying to communicate with the proper people to get the permission to use the sounds? If not, who exactly needs to be asked? I plan on my mod being rather large and would like to know I won't be sued lol
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