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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Thank you. I am more excited to get to Felucia. Definitely isn't my worst attempt yet
  2. So I am kinda busy finishing other projects like Castlevania objects and that droid... so I haven't been playing with this too much except fine tuning the TIE facility andf just playing around with this guy. Been working a lot as well which is kinda slowing me down. Still, once I pump out these other projects I will finish the Facility and move on to Raxus which I have pretty much plotted out. Should hope to be well into Raxus by Christmas.
  3. I would assume it is a problem with either your targetname, spawnflags, or the script used to control it, since the rest is pretty simple... Those 3 things would be easy to overlook or screw up if not taken slowly. Szico will be your best bet here... or possibly have someone take a look at your script? Post pics of your script, and your radiant setup and it will be much easier to get to the bottom of it. I apologize for it taking so long to get an answer, and will focus on picking apart the tutorial right now and see if the problem lies there.
  4. Sorry, but can we get a few spoiler tags in that first post so this thing isn't so ridiculous to scroll through? My mousewheel started smoking.
  5. Why the HELL didn't I get more into coding? The fbx-glm converter thread has me mesmerized =/ Amazing work there fellas

    1. spior


      Coding is hard to get into, but when you do oh man

    2. ChalklYne


      Ha! Fighter ninja'd me XD

    3. Fighter


      Was testing something :P. Anyway, you should start learning!

  6. @@Stoiss sure is. and only took me about an hour in zbrush to get the mesh aligned correctly. Thats why im not so pissed about modelling it in perspective view... cuz it only took me an hour given tools im comfortable with. ill. be able to pull it off again very easily. plus i now got zbrush 4r6 which has the zremesher, so if i do any significant changes to the original mesh, i can remesh and draw in where i want the edge loops to be created. cool stuff. and thank you for the positive feedback
  7. Ill work on them some more tomorrow theres a few i dont really like
  8. i may have most of the modeling done today, just no uv's yet
  9. well.. i kinda derp'd that one... i had perspective mode turned on in Zbrush XD ill send someone the ztool if they wanna check it out
  10. Thank you that is very useful. I am not too focused on SK at the moment, but next time i feel like cracking him open, i will roto different ref pics not of witwer just to make sure im dialing in on proportions. Thanks again man
  11. I guess we could probably do a saber builder. I was just trying to get some original plain ol hilts going, and if i focus on one i will make it too extravagant and fail the whole point of this request. So I was just building seperate simple peices, unwrapping them, and letting the masses pick which peices I should stick where. But yeah, sbaerbuilder much better, we could maybe even incorporate into ashuras saberbuilder. im not doing it. I'll model and unwrap, but I might not even texture these as I am pretty serious about finishing the tie facility soon. uv maps will be ready to rock, with basic colors to differentiate which islands are what... but I may not have time to texture all these and was most likely going to recruit someone with texturing skills to wrap them up. might want to ask @@AshuraDX what he thinks about the saber builder part because as i remember, it would mean i have to export 100 hilts out of these peices, and the saber builder thing actually just chooses between em. i think. which would be HELL
  12. heres some chokes added on. they are all still completely interchangeable
  13. On my off time I have started the emitters. I based the designs off of existing simple single sabers. Better? It's looking like I will have 10 original sabers to contribute. Not including my staff saber. So 11 total.
  14. sorry 4 the double post this ones a bit better wireframe and uv wise. a better export from zbrush. so we can start from here i think?
  15. I'm just making it look that way. he has some topology and proportion problems right now im going to mess around with that first and we'll go from there.
  16. Boring conversation anyway... (Han)
  17. My apologize. I have been fine tuning the TIE Facility which has proven to be a rather daunting task. I will research some regular hilts, and build some emitters, pommels, etc based off of their designs, then after I get them textured, we can pick and choose which peices go where I'm thinking. Will work on it soon.
  18. So when I pull out my custom saber, it says unknown keyword to every damn keyword in the .sab file and says error while parsing saber

    1. eezstreet


      Did you forget the {}?

    2. ChalklYne


      {} is what i have

  19. I can't get radiant to show my misc model breakables =( I see them ingame just not in radiant

    1. Tempust85


      They never show a preview. Use misc_model to position your model, then change the classname to misc_model_breakable.

    2. MoonDog
  20. yeah really sucks you lost those dude i just took some good ref pics and will also definitely use yours there to recreate it a little more accurately. i was using the refs online and there is only 2 online pics of one XD thank man.
  21. heres a better export of that zbrush head
  22. yeah i was having problems exporting that head freom zbrush, because i realized after tonnnns of experimenting... that I had perspective view enabled XD so the actual geometry was a bit different lmao i could fix it, but it will just take time i will play with that one some more. heres what i did this morning i thought it resembled witwer much better than my previous attempts
  23. Taking a break from arranging tiles in the Tie Facility, but still focusing only on that map right now and getting it finished.. heres the rough draft of one of the 3 AT bosses you will face
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