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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Well there's going to be a lightsaber fight during that bit, so the user needs to be able to use weapons, I just don't want any HUD stuff showing up. It's during a sort of flashback.


    EDIT: Now that I think about it, I've done something before where I ran a cfg file from a menu. And I've also found a way to open a custom menu using icarus scripting. Maybe I could make a menu that's invisible, and does nothing but activate the cfg then close itself? Maybe I'll try that.

    But if you open a menu it will take exclusive input control and you won't be able to move the character or look around.

    therfiles likes this
  2. 2010 is no longer supported at all by OpenJK I'm afraid. It uses too old of C++ specifications that are now required to build. I highly doubt it has anything to do with the trinary '?' operator. That's supported since ever..


    MAX PATCH PLANES was fixed so I'm not sure how you're still getting it unless you're running a year or two old build. I tested it on maps people claimed it was still happening and it's not. Unless this happens in jamp/jasp too on that map I can't really verify it being still broken.

    Smoo likes this
  3. Constexpr isn't supported properly with 2013, I remember because I had to do a school project that needed it and it caused me grief working around it.

    The update in question is a manually addable compiler version I think, but not shipped with.


    Unfortunately the fixed save code now depends on constexpr so you will need 2015 community to compile now it seems!  Sorry for the inconvenience as we didn't know when merging this.  Would have been caught if the buildbot slave for Windows was active since that was using 2013 still I believe.

  4. It requires 2013 community edition or later, not express AFAIK.


    And technically "any" are allowed, those are just provided batch files for convenience.  You could very well run the CMake GUI and attempt to make VS6 project files if you wanted, but that doesn't mean it would work.



    The actual compilation guide:

    OpenJK makes use of some standard C/C++ headers which aren't available by default in older versions of Visual Studio. Please make sure you're running the latest version of Visual Studio!


  5. @@Circa, I will be sure to do that when the time comes! I really need to 'rediscover' the blue playstyle, to be honest. I have forgotten almost everything, including sabergun, mentioned below. We cultivated the practise of the blue saber during 2005—6, and real creativity was required to make it work against anything other than red. Then there is the theory and practise on parrying done by Axis & co., which I can imagine to be entirely forgotten. The guys even figured out how to parry any attack playing with blue, which, to me, at least, was amazing. I was practising earlier today against some staffing padawan, and I really need to relearn how to be properly offensive as blue instead of just playing passively, waiting for an opening or sniping mid-air, etc.


    I hope that the community in 1.01 is a bit lager than the 1.00 one, with many duelists and skilled players to practise against!


    That is good to hear, @@ensiform! Do you play 1.01 as well? If so, then maybe we can fight!


    @@Wolfeye, I never really tried out ships except on the Naboo map with some friends—it was not my kind of game! Regarding the sabergun, well, it was a fun quirk but had little to no use in duels anyway and its primary purpose, to me, was its comic value when laming a friend. 8-) I think that Smoo mentioned to me today in his server, that he has a command to re-enable it in 1.01, should the need to do so ever arise.


    I don't really play much anymore.  But I did only play 1.01 yes.  But I'm a full force, full guns CTF kind of person and I don't like sabering its only best used for climbing lol.

  6. Hey Wolfeye and thank you for your reply.


    It is sad to hear about the backwards roll, as one of the 'cool' moves for blue stance involved it—but I can get over that! For, indeed, who would be foolish enough to limit themselves to some two-three moves?


    I have seen JA+ mentioned on these forums, but never understood what it really is. However, looking at the masterlist for 1.01, most servers seem to be JA+, and if it somehow modifies sabering then I doubt that I will play it at all. I always go with the ESL ruleset.


    To answer your question, I am from the EU. But my ping is superior, so US servers do not really present any obstacles!


    I guess that, like you say, the old stories about 1.01 are a bit over the top, and my reaction when I tried it was, perhaps, somewhat exaggerated. It was still relatively early in the game and the original community did not like the split.


    Regarding the patching, if I download it (not this week), then I think that I will ask a friend to do it for me. It is—really—that far above what I can do with a computer. thund's hideout looks like a good place to hang out at, thank you for the tip!


    Hope to see you in-game!

    Really the differences aren't as vast as some claimed. The code patches were scoured to find what really changed and that's about it. It's not like 1.02 to 1.03/4 jk2.

    Smoo likes this
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